Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682
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Test Log T-98816-OC108/682

Cross-SCP Termination Testing for SCP-682

Due to the highly aggressive, adaptive, and intelligent nature of SCP-682, termination testing has been ordered, with clearance from O5 Command. With major concerns raised about possible developed immunities (due to the failure of SCP-409) and possible adaptations, all tests must first be carried out on tissue samples taken from SCP-682. This step may be bypassed only by O5 Command order.

Instructions for adding new Tests can be found on this page.

Item: SCP-017

Tissue Test Record:
Sample “swallowed” by SCP-017 without incident.

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 exposed to SCP-017. SCP-682 issues several sounds at extremely high volume, damaging several recording devices. Sound extends across several wavelengths, reported as “the most god-awful roar” by staff. SCP-017 appears to stumble, then return to a far corner of the containment area. SCP-682 attempts to break containment of both SCP-682 and SCP-017. SCP-682 suppressed by Agents, and removed. SCP-682 states, “You foul bags of tissue; you don’t [DATA EXPUNGED]”

Notes: It is unclear if SCP-682 somehow damaged SCP-017, or communicated with it. Analysis of the recorded sound is ongoing.

Item: SCP-063

Tissue Test Record:
Sample eradicated. No traces above molecular level remain.

Termination Test Record:
SCP-063 was refitted to the end of a rotatory arm, which was deployed into 682's enclosure. Initial approach proves partially successful, with SCP-682 losing more than 20% body weight before regeneration overtakes the destruction process. Newly regrown tissues are not vulnerable to SCP-063's eradication effect: 682 destroys the deployment arm and 063 digs a hole through the enclosure's ground, where it is later recovered. 682 succeeds in extending a long prehensile limb through the hole and maiming two security personnel before containment is reestablished.

Hypothesis: 682 is not bound to base Earth biological chemistry and can adapt itself to be 'organic' or 'inorganic' as necessary. Some of the boys on the lab are arguing whether we can even classify it as 'living', at least as we understand life. This worries me, because an unliving, undying intelligent monster… well, that's where you start getting sacrifices in your name. — Dr. Zara

Item: SCP-162

Tissue Test Record:
Sample entangled without incident

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 exposed to SCP-162. SCP-682 begins thrashing violently, emitting several roaring sounds and issuing profanity directed at testing staff. SCP-682 becomes entangled with SCP-162, primarily in the lower body, head, and left forelimb. Entangled areas undergo massive trauma due to SCP-682 thrashing. After four minutes of continued exposure, SCP-682 lunges away from SCP-162, severing its lower jaw and left hind limb, and causing serious tissue damage to many areas of its body. SCP-162 remains attached to the left forelimb of SCP-682. SCP-682 breaks containment, using SCP-162 against several Agents, staff, and researchers, resulting in eleven deaths and eighty-six injuries. Forelimb and SCP-162 removed from SCP-682 during re-establishment of containment. Two additional deaths occurred during the recontainment of SCP-162.

Note: General ██████ has requested that Mr. Noaqiyeum and the members of staff involved with the approval of this test report to Site Command for a disciplinary hearing.

Item: SCP-061

Tissue Test Record:
Overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 exposed to SCP-061. SCP-682 enters the “relaxed” state consistent with SCP-061 exposure. SCP-682 is given the command “lie down”. SCP-682 remains unresponsive. Command repeated twice before SCP-682 lowers itself to the ground. Movements noted to be very sluggish and jerky. SCP-682 given the command “roll onto your back”. SCP-682 unresponsive. Command repeated three times. SCP-682 shudders several times, partially rolling over before returning to former position. Command repeated six times. SCP-682 appears to undergo a violent seizure, partially rising before collapsing to the floor. SCP-682 given the command “stand up”. SCP-682 rapidly rises and breaches containment. SCP-682 ignores all commands given to it. Several Agents and staff respond to re-establish containment. SCP-682 emits a high-pitch “screech”. All human beings in a fifteen-meter radius suddenly enter the “relaxed” state consistent with SCP-061 exposure. SCP-682 consumes several members of staff before being recontained by specially-equipped Emergency Response Teams. “Sonic Stun” adaptation lost from SCP-682 after two weeks.

Note: Study into how SCP-682 integrated SCP-061 into its biology is ongoing.

Item: SCP-053

Tissue Test Record:
N/A, overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 introduced to SCP-053 containment area. SCP-682 appears to be very confused, and shows no sign of being affected by SCP-053. SCP-053 appears to be afraid of SCP-682, and hides behind a chair in her containment area. SCP-682 lowers itself to the ground, resting its head on the floor. SCP-053 approaches SCP-682, and after several seconds of hesitation, briefly touches SCP-682 before rapidly returning to her hiding place. SCP-682 does not react in any way. SCP-053 approaches SCP-682 and pats its head, causing it to exhale through its forward nostrils. SCP-053 claps and hops in place several times before embracing the head of SCP-682. For the remainder of the testing period, SCP-682 appears to be in a very docile state, with only two low-level escape attempts being made. SCP-053 is observed to bring toys and other items to SCP-682, and makes several drawings on its forward carapace with crayons.

Staff entering at the end of the test phase are immediately attacked by SCP-682, resulting in two deaths and five injuries. SCP-682 contained and moved to separate containment unit. SCP-053 observed crying for several minutes after SCP-682 is removed.

Notes: The reaction of SCP-682 is notable for several reasons. First, it is one of the few incidents where SCP-682 has come in contact with biological tissue and not entered a “rage” state. Second, it has raised questions as to the physical make-up and composition of SCP-053, in regards to the lack of response of SCP-682. Third, it has provided a possible solution to long-term containment. However, approval for the mutual containment of two highly dangerous SCP items in a single containment unit is not likely.

Item: SCP-123

Tissue Test Record:
Tissue sample absorbed by the core.

Termination Test Record:
Test canceled after review of testing done between SCP-162 and SCP-682. The potential issues arising from SCP-682 gaining control of SCP-123 are too great at this time. Review of this proposal will be made if SCP-682 is totally incapacitated by some means, with no potential of escape or sudden adaptation.

Item: SCP-173

Tissue Test Record:
N/A, overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 introduced into the containment area of SCP-173. SCP-682 makes several screeching noises, and quickly presses against the wall farthest from SCP-173, staring at it the entire time. SCP-682 continues to stare at SCP-173 without pause for six hours. Agents equipped with large-caliber sniper rifles dispatched, and shoot out the eyes of SCP-682, at the same time stopping all observation of SCP-173 and SCP-682.

After resuming observation, SCP-682 is shown to be on the floor, with several injuries around its head, neck and legs. SCP-173 is seen to have tissue from SCP-682 on its “hands”. SCP-682 rapidly regenerates damage, and moves to a different wall, developing several sets of eyes on various parts of its body, many covered by thick, clear “caps” of armored carapace. SCP-682 maintains observation of SCP-173 for an additional twelve hours, despite additional efforts of Agents and Foundation staff. SCP-682 allowed to exit containment area, and recaptured in temporary containment.

Notes: After review, it appears SCP-173 was unable to do lethal damage to SCP-682 due to a major difference in physical size. A possible repeat of this test may be made if SCP-682 is damaged enough to reduce its physical mass to a level equal with SCP-173.

Item: Dr. Clef

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 introduced to testing area. Dr. Clef introduced to testing area. Dr. Clef and SCP-682 stare at each other for approximately three minutes. Dr. Clef slowly backs out of the testing area as SCP-682 continues to stare. Dr. Clef attempts to open door of testing area. Door of testing area determined to be locked. Dr. Clef reportedly uses several loud expletives, and then attaches an unknown device to the door, keeping his eyes on SCP-682 the whole time. SCP-682 continues to stare. Dr. Clef detonates a small plastic explosive charge on the door, causing a containment breach. SCP-682 continues to stare. Dr. Clef engages emergency secondary lockdown doors and declares a partial containment situation. SCP-682 does not react. Dr. Clef proceeds to experiment observation center.

Item: High-altitude impact

Tissue Test Record:
Denied by O5-██

Termination Test Record:
Testing denied by O5-██

Notes: Seriously? I mean… seriously? Drop it out of an aircraft and let it fall… who in the [DATA EXPUNGED]

Item: One ordinary human child

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
Child began to scream and cry when SCP-682 was introduced into the cell. Subject was immediately and messily devoured by SCP-682.

Notes: Okay, so that didn't work so well. Maybe the fact that the kid was crying made 682 perceive it as hostile intent… Guest Researcher Dr. W

Item: One ordinary human child, drugged to cancel extreme emotional reaction

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
Child stood and smiled, giggling at SCP-682 with no sign of fear. SCP-682 devoured the subject messily.

Notes: Hmmm… maybe we can try that again. I'm sure somewhere out there there's a kid who'll make friends with it like SCP-053 did… Guest Researcher Dr. W

Item: Guest Researcher Dr. W

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
Subject screamed in terror and pounded on the door to the test facility, begging to be let out. SCP-682 devoured it messily three minutes after being introduced.

Notes: Fing sadistic asshole. I've got no sympathy for that moron whatsoever. Introducing children to this fing monster? What the hell… Assistant Director Clef

Item: █████W ██████████ cutting laser

Tissue Test Record:
Tissue sample was successfully bisected 13 times before adopting a mirrored finish.

Termination Test Record:
After multiple attempts, the main body of SCP-682 was successfully bisected into parts that were equal in mass at T+7:13 hours. Dead scraps were removed from the room while the two halves (subsequently designated SCP-682-A and SCP-682-B) regenerated. After the recovery period, SCP-682-A and -B appeared to survey the area and evaluate each other, presumably in anticipation of attack. Surface fluctuations indicative of internal modification were noted, but all external changes occurred and disappeared far too quickly to be adequately described. High-energy bioluminescent organs on the face, spine, and forelimbs were observed as well on both specimens, usually forming, pulsing, and disappearing again over the course of a few seconds.

At T+35:42 hours, SCP-682-A and -B simultaneously collapsed on the floor and all vital signs ceased, remaining in this state for the following 48 hours. At T+84 hours, the laser was used again in an attempt to cut SCP-682-A and -B into more manageable pieces, leading to minor structural damage to the room as the laser beam reflected off their skin. As both -A and -B remained immobile despite the increased potential for escape, two D-class personnel were released into the room. Immediately upon their entry, [DATA EXPUNGED].

Technical failure of the observation equipment and test chamber breach was detected from outside, activating Safety Protocol T-98816-OC108/682-N147. Containment was successfully reestablished at the cost of ███ security personnel, ███ D-class personnel, and ██ researchers, including Doctors [DATA EXPUNGED]. The majority of the testing area was considered unsalvageable and demolished for later reconstruction. Experiment supervisor Dr. █████████ was found unconscious and in critical condition outside the observation chamber (see medical logs for ██████.██/██/████); medical staff succeeded in sufficiently reviving him to be debriefed by Agent ██████, whereupon he was harshly reprimanded and [DATA EXPUNGED].

Note: Only one SCP-682 was found in the locked-down area surrounding the wreckage, apparently at near-full mass rather than the expected 50% (scattered tissues within the facility account for the missing mass). Dr. █████████'s testimony indicates that SCP-682-A and -B exhibited a high degree of coordination following the security breach, but that once SCP-682-B became heavily damaged by security personnel, it was immediately devoured and reabsorbed by 682-A. Total loss of one of the SCP-682 specimens is considered highly improbable, and searches have been called to a halt. Agent ██████

Note: Much as our department would love to know whether SCP-682 retained a single consciousness during its dissection, or whether the two counterparts were actually able to cooperate until the stalemate was ended by external forces, for practical purposes we do not under any circumstances advise trying that again. - Dr. Noaqiyeum

Item: 60 MT thermonuclear bomb

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
Testing denied by O5-█

Notes: One would think that putting SCP-682 in the epicenter of an explosion that can cause third-degree burns at a distance of 300 km is a good idea, but as long as there are odds of survival we simply cannot go through with it. Yes, it's a goddamn nuke, but if 682 survives and adapts we'd be boned beyond belief. O5-█

Item: SCP-662

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
Mr. Deeds is summoned, and asked if he can destroy SCP-682 permanently.

Mr. Deeds' response: "I'm terribly sorry, sir, I'm afraid I can't."

Mr. Deeds is asked if he can kill SCP-682.

Mr. Deeds' response: "Again, sir, I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid I can't."

Mr. Deeds is asked if he can incapacitate SCP-682.

Mr. Deeds' response: "As a matter of fact… depending on how sir means the word 'incapacitate', and depending on how long sir wishes the creature to be incapacitated… yes."

Mr. Deeds is asked to expand on how he would perform such an action.

Mr. Deeds' response: "Sir, the simplest and quickest method — which I must point out would not be the most efficient — would be for me to offer myself up for the creature to devour me; certainly its offensive capacities would be lessened whilst it is occupied in consuming my flesh. This would be simplest as it requires no preparation on my part, sir, but I'm certain you'll understand that the overall effect on the creature would be insignificant. Were I to engage the creature in combat, either with or without weapons, I could certainly occupy its attention and offensive capacities for a longer interval; unfortunately, I'm afraid the creature would eventually defeat me, at which point it would begin consuming my flesh as I have previously described. However, I could certainly booby-trap my person with a variety of noxious substances - soporifics, perhaps, or explosives, or perhaps encapsulated neurotoxins, or even [REDACTED], so that when the creature does inevitably consume me, it sustains further damage. That said, sir, I must remind you that the creature's tendency towards regeneration means that any damage I inflict would be sadly temporary."

Mr. Deeds is thanked and dismissed.

Note: Mr. Deeds' knowledge of [REDACTED] is not to be considered a security breach.

Item: SCP-689

Tissue Test Record:
Overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 exposed to SCP-689. Lights shut off in containment area. Lights remain extinguished for 5 minutes. Lights are switched on. SCP-689 remains in its original position. SCP-682 is in a pool of grey and black liquid, with no observable life signs. D-Class issued to physically verify SCP-682 termination, with two Agents supervising. D-Class enters three steps into the containment area when SCP-682 rapidly rises and attacks D-Class personnel. SCP-682 breaks containment and escapes, killing one Agent in the process. Remaining Agent killed by SCP-689 due to accidental observation during testing.

Notes: It appears that SCP-682 is not “alive” in a way that is currently understood, or is immune to SCP-689. In addition, it appears SCP-682 has prior knowledge of SCP-689, or was somehow able to understand its function in order to “play possum” and escape.

Item: SCP-738

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:

Researcher sits in SCP-738-2, and asks "What would you want in exchange for permanently destroying the entity which we refer to as SCP-682 while leaving this planet, its biosphere, its human population, its human civilization, the SCP Foundation, and the rest of the universe intact?"

Entity takes form of the same entity as Test 203, states "Your Foundation couldn't afford it, and you personally definitely couldn't afford it," and does not respond further.

Item: SCP-743

Tissue Test Record:
Sample consumed without incident.

Termination Test Record:
Mobile container with SCP-743 was transported to testing chamber, into which SCP-682 was released from primary containment. SCP-743's container was opened remotely. SCP-743 observed resting; SCP-682 appears to ignore SCP-743. After █ minutes, SCP-743 started flowing; SCP-682 appeared to notice within seconds. SCP-682 cautiously approached SCP-743 and tasted its flowing liquid. SCP-682 started to lap up the liquid from SCP-743. After ██ sec, SCP-682 grasped SCP-743 with its forelimbs and started pouring the liquid straight from SCP-743 into its mouth. SCP-682 drank for ██ minutes, at times [DATA EXPUNGED] on its back. SCP-743 stopped flowing and started feeding. SCP-682 tried to fight off ant swarm, but was soon covered. Swarm started to feed on SCP-682, who stopped moving.

██ minutes later, after SCP-682 had been reduced to 79% of its original mass, SCP-682 opened its mouth and stuck out its tongue. SCP-682's tongue had become 5 m long and sticky, like an anteater's tongue. SCP-682 started to lap up ants off of itself with its tongue, eating thousands of ants at once. SCP-682 and SCP-743 continued to feed off of each other for █ hours until testing was terminated. SCP-682 displayed faster-than-normal regeneration for ██ days afterward. Adapted tongue remained for █ days.

Note: SCP-743 treated SCP-682 as organic, but that's hardly conclusive proof. More significant is the question of whether consuming 743's liquid contributed to 682's heightened regenerative abilities. If, as suspected, it did, 743 and 682 need to stay far, far away from each other. —Dr. Lambert

Item: SCP-807

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
A "682 special" (10 kg of rotten meat and sharpened bone splinters, 10 L of rancid mayonnaise, 1 L potassium cyanide, and 1 kg morphine hydrochloride, combined into a solid mass then transmuted via SCP-807) was dumped into the testing room.

SCP-682 devoured "special", then began loudly demanding more. Nine minutes later, SCP-682 collapsed.

After forty-five minutes of observation, SCP-682 had not moved. Two D-Class personnel in anti-807 environment suits were sent in to verify that SCP-682 was in fact terminated; D-class were equipped with further "specials" in case SCP-682 required further distracting.

"Specials" were placed on ground in front of SCP-682's head; in response, SCP-682 opened its eyes and began gnawing weakly on the nearest "special".

D-Class personnel began touching SCP-682, believing that it had been rendered harmless; at this point, SCP-682's skin ruptured in at least eleven locations, releasing ultra-high-pressure (estimated 2.7 MPascals) jets of blood in all directions. Contact with SCP-682's blood breached the integrity of the anti-807 environment suits, and both D-class personnel were contaminated.

D-Class personnel began [DATA EXPUNGED]; by the time SCP-682 had finished consuming the second "special", its skin had healed over and both D-class personnel had terminated. SCP-682 then devoured the third "special" with the same speed and enthusiasm as it had devoured the first.

Item: SCP-826, equipped with one (1) copy of "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Can And Will Kill SCP-682 Permanently if it So Much As Spots That Damn Lizard", a 12-page short story written by Dr. ██████, detailing a large, friendly monster that is stated to be capable of permanently killing SCP-682, and 1 (one) D-Class personnel (D-682-32) equipped with 1 (one) 2010 Ducati Multistrada motorcycle for the purpose of evading SCP-682.

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
Story is put between SCP-826, and placed into large, empty room ██m X ██m X ██m in dimension, with a remotely operated doorway large enough to send SCP-682 through. SCP-682 is brought in front of the entryway securely. Once researchers clear the area, door is remotely opened, exposing a green pasture similar to the one described in the story. SCP-682 is reluctant to go through, so D-682-32 is sent through as bait. 682 follows through doorway, whereupon the doorway closes behind them. 30 minutes later, SCP-682 bursts back through the door it was sent through, somewhat worse for wear, killing ██ researchers and ██ agents in the process. Recovery personnel describe the story's pasture as having become a "Battleground", featuring impact craters with enormous body parts scattered around. Parts are thought to be from the story's "Thing". Recovered story is retitled "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Tried To Kill SCP-682 Permanently But Failed", and is noticeably thicker, with 209 individual pages that detail an epic battle between the two monsters.

Additional attempts to coax SCP-682 into SCP-826 have been met with non-compliance on SCP-682's part.

Item: SCP-914

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
[DATA EXPUNGED] of "Fine" or "Very Fine" is no longer to be used by any personnel having contact with SCP-682 at any point. In addition, any objects that have come in contact with SCP-682 at any point are not allowed to be processed by SCP-914. Any attempt to subvert this directive [DATA EXPUNGED].

Notes: SCP-682 is too large to fit in to the booths, in most forms. In addition, the tissue tests have shown that SCP-682 has… unpredictable reactions to SCP-914. Finally, SCP-914 is too valuable a research tool, and too delicate, for this type of test. It was nearly damaged after the incident (CN: 682-119857), and [DATA EXPUNGED] be repeated. Should the results be recovered [DATA EXPUNGED].

Notes: Does this really surprise anyone, given what 914 does to normal organics? - Dr. G

Item: SCP-272

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:

SCP-682 is released into enclosure amidst a circular array of thirty (30) two-thousand-watt (2,000W) stadium lights, of which only one (1) is switched on. SCP-272 is dropped onto SCP-682's shadow, and embeds itself in the reinforced concrete as expected. SCP-682 quickly discovers that it is trapped by SCP-272's presence in its shadow, and starts to attack SCP-272. SCP-682 then stops midway through its attack, examines 272 closely, bellows an incomprehensible string of words, and slowly backs away from 272.

All thirty stadium lights are then switched on and off in random stroboscopic "disco" pattern, at 4 Hz. SCP-682 is forcibly hurled around the enclosure in random directions, in accordance with the stroboscopic pattern, and sustains heavy damage.

After fifty-five (55) minutes of this process, >95% of SCP-682's epidermis has been abraded away, its anterior left limb has been severed, sixty-three (63) of its teeth have been broken out of its jaw, and its skull has been fractured to the point that both its eyeballs have been dislodged from their sockets. At this point, SCP-682's exposed sub-dermal tissue begins to luminesce. The luminescence rapidly increases until it is brighter than the stadium lights, which eliminates SCP-682's shadow entirely. SCP-682 then collapses, and is no longer affected by the stroboscopic pattern.

SCP-682 continues luminescing for forty-eight (48) hours, remaining immobile for the duration; D-class personnel who recovered SCP-272 from the enclosure were not attacked, but sustained permanent retinal damage from SCP-682's luminescence despite wearing eye shields. After 48 hours, SCP-682 resumes normal activity.

Note: How did 682 know not to attack 272? Did it recognize the artifact? Was it able to read the glyphs carved into 272's surface? If 682 is literate, is it vulnerable to textual memetic-kill agents? Suggested methods for a viability study are welcome.

Item: SCP-343

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
See incident report 682-TFTBS1

Item: SCP-963

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
See incident report 682-WO2BTL

Item: SCP-702

Tissue Test Record:
Tissue sample offered as trade item to SCP-702-1. 702-1 accepted, trading it for what appears to be a two-patty hamburger as commonly sold by the [REDACTED] franchise.

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 is contained and offered as a trade item to SCP-702-1. 702-1 considers the tank for roughly 13 minutes before taking it. Item left in exchange is a metal cage, containing a specimen of Psittacula krameri manillensis (rose-ringed parakeet).

16 hours later, SCP-682 is returned to the chamber where the trading was effected, without its containment tank. SCP-702-1 is reluctant to divulge information regarding this event. Examination of debris regurgitated by 682 during the proceeding re-containment reveals fragments from a number of curious items, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. The parakeet is currently being kept at Dr. Quater's office.

Item: SCP-096

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
Containment tank containing SCP-096 was placed in SCP-682's cell. Personnel vacated vicinity and the tank was opened remotely.

Screams of the two entities continue for twenty-seven (27) hours, at which point the noise abruptly stops. Sonar-based video feeds reveal SCP-096 severely "wounded" and huddled in the southwest corner, apparently upset. Feed shows SCP-682 on the north end of the room, approximately 85% of its initial mass absent. Re-containment teams retrieve both entities with relative ease.

Further attempts to expose SCP-096 to SCP-682 cause it to turn away from 682, jumping in place while clawing at its face and screaming.

Item: SCP-536

Tissue Test Record:
Tissue divided into samples and subject to the individual effects of SCP-536's dials. Notable results follow:

  • Increase in g: Tissue restructures itself into neutron degenerate matter.
  • Decrease in e: Tissue maintains loose integrity as a cloud of ions, regenerates upon reestablishment of normal laws of physics.
  • Decrease in Theta: Tissue disintegrates.

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682's containment tank inserted into SCP-536. Speed of light, strong nuclear force and fundamental charge dials decreased progressively. 682's containment tank is nearly immediately destroyed, and 682's body begins disintegrating. Due to intense light and radiation, visual is lost. Free neutrons, pions, kaons and more exotic mesons (described in [REDACTED]) are detected. 55s into the experiment, the primary detection equipment fails.
Upon bootup of the secondary detection equipment, dials are at minimum levels. 682 is again visible in the chamber, reduced to roughly 1% of its normal size. Analysis suggests 682 has reformed into a previously unknown form of matter, kept together by quantum effects.
Asst. Researcher ███████ becomes aggressive and turns the dials randomly and violently before being removed from the premises. 682 recovers its original shape upon restoration of standard physics.

Note: I don't blame him. I could swear, at one point, that thing looked like it was actually enjoying the experience.

Item: SCP-524

Tissue Test Record:
Sample consumed without incident

Termination Test Record:

SCP-524 and SCP-682 introduced into testing chamber. SCP-682 examines SCP-524 suspiciously, at which point SCP-524 begins gnawing on SCP-682's anterior right limb. SCP-682 jumps backward, bellowing. SCP-524 pursues SCP-682 for two minutes, at which point SCP-682 climbs four (4) meters up the wall of the testing chamber and is beyond SCP-524's reach. SCP-524 ceases pursuit and begins washing its face with its paws; it continues this activity for 15 minutes, during which time SCP-682 remains 4 meters up the wall and beyond SCP-524's reach.

SCP-524 then crosses to the other side of the test chamber and begins breaching containment. Test aborted.

Item: SCP-811

Tissue Test Record:
Sample consumed without incident.

Termination Test Record:
Direct exposure of SCP-811 to SCP-682 disallowed due to unreasonably high risk of specimen loss. Instead, mucus from SCP-811's palmoplantar surfaces is collected over a course of ██ months, and then sprayed on SCP-682 with high-pressure hoses. SCP-682's body mass is reduced by 27% before the mucus reaches a complete bone covering of the remaining body mass, and is unable to decay it further.

Item: SCP-1237

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
A deliberate containment breach was induced which an SCP-1237-1-L specimen was permitted to observe from a safe distance. Thirteen security personnel were killed before containment was re-established. Subject was dosed with ████████████ to encourage REM sleep and onset of SCP-1237 and instructed to dream that SCP-682 was a small housecat with no special abilities, and that the security team had been able to destroy it easily.
7 seconds after onset of SCP-1237 event, subject began to seize violently. Subject was declared dead after 32 seconds. Autopsy discovered the subject's body covered with scratch and bite marks and infected with bubonic plague, toxoplasmosis, and subacute regional lymphadenitis ("cat scratch fever"). The bodies of the deceased security personnel displayed similar characteristics. A small housecat was found in SCP-682's containment chamber cleaning blood off of its coat; said cat regenerated into SCP-682 within 3 hours.

Item: SCP-1361

Tissue Test Record:
Sample consumed without incident. DNA markers from SCP-682 present in SCP-1361 sample afterward. Sample showed increased resistance to incineration.

Termination Test Record:
A secondary sample of SCP-1361 was allowed to grow to 1,000 kg in mass. SCP-682's containment chamber was purged of acid and SCP-1361 was poured onto SCP-682 from above. SCP-1361 covered and fully engulfed SCP-682 and no activity was observed for 3 hours. In the period from 3 to 7 hours following exposure, SCP-1361 began to develop legs, jaws, and a physical appearance similar to SCP-682. SCP-1361 breached containment and attacked Foundation staff in a manner consistent with an SCP-682 breach and killed 17 personnel. SCP-1361 proved immune to small arms fire in this state; aerial dispersal of napalm was necessary to destroy sample by incineration, after which a skeletal and circulatory system identical to SCP-682 was retrieved from its remains. Remains were returned to SCP-682's containment chamber, where they regenerated into SCP-682 within 6 hours. Subsequent tissue testing indicated that SCP-682 temporarily contained DNA markers from several species present in SCP-1361, as well as temporarily exhibiting a mild scent similar to pork rinds.

Item: SCP-1933

Tissue Test Record:
Sample immersed in 1 liter of bodily fluids from SCP-1933. Sample fully converted into Irish cream.

Termination Test Record: 200 liters of bodily fluids were collected from SCP-1933 over a 3-month period. Fluids were introduced into SCP-682's containment chamber in bulk.

SCP-682 begins consuming fluids rapidly, and manifesting apparent signs of intoxication far more rapidly than a human would after consuming an equivalent amount of Irish cream. This has been hypothesized to be the result of portions of SCP-682's anatomy being transsubstantiated into Irish cream; however, instead of dying, SCP-682 continues consuming the fluids. When it has finished consuming all the fluids, SCP-682 collapses on the floor, and begins loudly vocalizing while clawing spasmodically at its face and abdomen. After 5 minutes of this, SCP-682 begins vomiting up what appears to be the bodily fluids of SCP-1933, but in much larger quantities; as well, the floors and walls of the containment chamber are instantly converted into Irish cream upon contact with the vomitus, resulting in structural failure and containment breach. Test aborted; remainder of vomitus incinerated. SCP-682 subsequently manifests no further signs of intoxication.

Item: SCP-507

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
SCP-507 was physically attached to SCP-682's left forelimb with nylon zip ties while SCP-682 was inactive due to physical destruction incurred during an unrelated containment breach. Attending personnel continued to spray SCP-682's body, with the exception of the limb to which SCP-507 was attached, with hydrochloric acid provided via high-pressure hoses. After 7 hours and 52 minutes, SCP-507's anomalous properties activated and it and SCP-682 both disappeared.

SCP-507 remanifested in an unpopulated area adjacent to Site ██, approximately 8,000 kilometers away, 63 hours later, attached to an entity possessing large fangs and a pair of vestigial wings but otherwise identical to SCP-682, by nylon zip ties of a different color than the ones applied by containment personnel at the beginning of the test. A handwritten note was found pinned to SCP-507's chest, reading as follows;

Dear Universe 5802-Sigma-Blue-Romeo;
It's your problem now, suckers.

Item: SCP-2599

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
SCP-2599 was ordered to attack SCP-682 "until it is 200% dead". SCP-2599 proceeded to engage SCP-682 in combat for 42 minutes, at the end of which three of SCP-682's limbs had been severed, its thorax had been crushed, and both its eyeballs had been ruptured. SCP-2599 then seized SCP-682's head, apparently in preparation for pulling it off of SCP-682's body. In response, SCP-682 vocalized the phrase "KILL ME, YOU SACK OF ORGANS, DO IT."

SCP-2599 immediately released SCP-682, and stood unmoving until security personnel removed it from the testing chamber. Subsequent attempts to terminate SCP-682 before it could regenerate from its injuries were ineffective.

Note: It is hypothesized that the concrete "kill me" in some way took precedence over the more abstract "attack it until it is 200% dead".

Item: SCP-513

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:

<Begin Log>

<1/22/██, 1500> SCP-682 temporarily incapacitated via incineration and transferred to a video monitored soundproof containment chamber.

<1/22/██, 1600> SCP-513 introduced to room affixed to robotic arm.

<1/22/██, 1630> SCP-682 regenerates fully.

<1/22/██, 1635> SCP-513 is rung three times via robotic arm, after the first ring, SCP 682 howls and covers its 'ears' (due to the difference of anatomy and lack of visible ears, it can be safely assumed that the motion of covering the sides of its head accomplishes this).

<1/22/██, 1636> SCP-513 and robotic arm retracted from test chamber and returned to containment.

<1/22/██, 1640> SCP-682 uncovers its 'ears' and begins pacing the test chamber.

<1/23/██, 1640> SCP-682 continues pacing.

<1/24/██, 1640> SCP-682 continues pacing.

<1/25/██, 1640> SCP-682 continues pacing.

<1/26/██, 1640> Mass amounts of aerosolized sedatives and tranquilizers introduced to containment chamber via ventilation.

<1/26/██, 1645> SCP-682 loses consciousness.

<1/26/██, 1646> SCP-682 begins sleepwalking.

<1/26/██, 1647> SCP-682 breaches containment. Hallucinations of a pale, thin, large clawed entity resembling SCP-682 stalking the containment site were reportedly experienced by all present site personnel. Security footage shows no such entity on site. Due to mass hysteria, security teams were unable to reestablish containment of SCP-682 and are seen on footage firing repeatedly at walls before being dismembered by thin air.

<1/26/██, 1800> Mobile Task Force Eta-10 ("See No Evil") is deployed, equipped with HUD video enabled enclosed helmets. SCP-682 is located in SCP-513’s containment cell, still unconscious, curled around SCP-513’s gelatin containment cube.

<1/26/██, 1830> SCP-682 returned to containment and awoken via high pressure HCl spray. SCP-682 complains that it was having a ‘such a lovely dream’.

<End Log>

Persistent monitoring and separate testing of both SCP-513 and SCP-682 since the experiment has shown no lasting effects on either object.

Post testing observation: Based on what appeared to be an initial adverse reaction from SCP-682, we don’t know if the entity incorporated SCP-513 to itself, or if it worked the other way around. Either way, in light of the loss of 67% of site staff and 45% of site D-class, requesting that cognitohazardous item testing for SCP-682 be suspended until we understand just what the hell happened here. - Dr. Kerboros.

Approved, O5-4

Item: SCP-2140

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:

SCP-682 should be prevented from making marks, symbols, or writing of any kind.

Item: SCP-2935

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
During exploration of SCP-2935, MTF E-13 discovered SCP-682 within temporary containment at Site-81. Upon further investigation, entity showed no signs of life.

Note: Due to the nature of SCP-2935, it is unlikely or impossible that this result can be replicated. This does, however, answer the question that other alternate realities have not been able to. What it means for ours is uncertain. -Dr. Harrison, Site-81

Item: Proposal to transport SCP-682 to an orbital asset, then activate SCP-1012.

Tissue Test Record:
Denied by O5-██

Termination Test Record:
Testing denied by O5-██

Notes: Once more, with feeling. There are three possible outcomes of this test. Case 1, it works. Case 2, you've just given 682 its own spacecraft. Case 3, the spacecraft isn't as insulated from Earth as we hope, and 1012 takes us out too. Denied.

Item: SCP-2337

Tissue Test Record:
SCP-2337 was informed that the SCP-682 tissue sample was a tone-deaf food critic who needed to hear a convincing argument as to which food item is the greatest in existence. After a 10-minute speech from SCP-2337 on the superiority of gummy worms, the tissue sample had been disintegrated from the resulting sonic shockwaves. SCP-2337 appeared highly pleased with itself.

Termination Test Record:
After being told that SCP-682 was a "prominent anti-gummy-worms extremist", SCP-2337 emulated the sound of a charge trumpet and entered SCP-682's chamber.

<Begin Log>
SCP-2337: Noble turkey stance! Fist of the eleventeen thousand war cushions! It are the cackening! Damn the tornados, siss boom cack!
SCP-682: Leave.
SCP-2337: Gooten idea-have. Cack!
[SCP-2337 demolishes the Southern blast door to SCP-682's chamber with a vocal shockwave, then exits, once again appearing highly pleased with itself. Containment breach of SCP-682 averted after minimal fatalities of containment staff.]
<End Log>

Item: SCP-682 instance transplanted from alternate dimension

Tissue Test Record:
Denied by O5-██

Termination Test Record:
Testing denied by O5-██

Notes: A potentially permanent stalemate between instances would solve containment, however, transporting an instance to our dimension would be unnecessarily dangerous, not even to speak of containing another one, or the consequences of if they chose to co-operate. Denied.

Item: ●●|●●●●●|●●|●

Tissue Test Record:
Tissue taken without incident

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was restrained in chamber 145-B and the laser was introduced. Laser began cutting into SCP-682's back; command room emergency shutter was closed.

<Begin Log>
<9 seconds> SCP-682: What are you doing?
<13 seconds> Laser begins carving infohazardous data onto SCP-682's hide, SCP-682 emits a loud roar
<14 seconds> command room emergency shutter closes

<2 minutes, 4 seconds> Laser finishes cutting
<2 minutes, 6 seconds> ●●|●●●●●|●●|● manifests
<2 minutes, 12 seconds> SCP-682 breaks restraints
<2 minutes, 14 seconds> ●●|●●●●●|●●|● latches onto SCP-682
<2 minutes, 15 seconds> SCP-682 begins vocalizing
<2 minutes, 16 seconds> ●●|●●●●●|●●|● demanifests, taking with it only the section of SCP-682's skin which was carved with infohazardous data. Test aborted.
<End Log>

Item: Dr. Heikkilä

Tissue Test Record:
Denied by O5-██

Termination Test Record:
Testing denied by O5-██

Notes: Dr. Heikkilä is prohibited from interacting with SCP-682 in any possible way. Why he would even attempt to do so is beyond any logical reason. Dr. Heikkilä has been detained for possible memetic contamination. Denied.

Item: SCP-2305-A

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
An SCP-2305-A instance generated involving SCP-682, and has been transcribed here by order of O5-██.

Item #: SCP-682

Object Class: Keter

Proposed Neutralization Method: OPERATION FAIL-SAFE-TANGA-34 would be enacted upon successful removal of approximately 90% of SCP-682's body mass, while incapacitated in a space shuttle that has been set to land on the Moon. OPERATION FAIL-SAFE-TANGA-34 consists of the following procedures:

1): 20,200,500,000 RDS-220 hydrogen bombs and 750 SCP-2195-1 instances will be transported to the Moon, spread out across the surface. It will be detonated with 10 separate inputs at Site-19. Materials for bombs would be generated from SCP-2400 and collected stillbirths for SCP-2195-1 instances.

2): 300 Tilda/Cimmerian Reality Vacuum Attachments have been attached in an hexagonal pattern on the Moon, with approximately 35 km of space between each one. TCRVAs will maintain the explosions occurring on the Moon to prevent any debris from hitting Earth.

3): Area-0-TANGA has been constructed 4,000 km into the Earth and currently houses a large spheroid approximately the size of the Moon, constructed from SCP-2400 materials. SCP-1056 will be used to lower the size of the spheroid for easier transportation.

4): Amnestics would be administered to approximately 80% of the human population after detonation through use of a modified RED TALISMAN algorithm to produce non-lethal cognitive hazardous amnestics. Amnestics will be applied to every source of common media, such as newspapers, television, billboards and several popular internet sites.

Result of Neutralization Attempt: Once the weakened SCP-682 arrived at the Moon's surface, all explosives were detonated. The TCRVAs successfully dampen most of the explosion, but 150 large meteorites still land on Earth. Spheroid was successfully transported to the Moon's orbit field and grown to its original size. Amnestics were successfully administered to approximately 78% of the Human population. However, 0.03 milliliters of blood belonging to SCP-682 survived the termination attempt, and adapted from it. SCP-682 grows to approximately the size of Saturn, and proceeds to destroy and eat multiple planets within the Solar System.

"The moral of the story:" This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a chomp. But for reals, don't f with the gecko. >:(

Item: SCP-241

NOTE: Further testing of SCP-241 was required to determine if its anomalous properties allowed it to be used against SCP-682. Skin tissue was removed from D-class personnel D-682-39, with the tissue then being wrapped around one end of a short steel rod. D-682-40 used the rod to open SCP-241, manipulating such that only the skin tissue touched SCP-241. SCP-241 displayed different recipes than when it was previously opened. D-682-40 prepared one of the recipes, which was then eaten by both D-682-39 and D-682-40. D-682-39 died of anaphylactic shock six minutes later, while D-682-40 showed no ill effects.

SCP-241 was deemed suitable for use against SCP-682.

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 tissue sample was affixed to end of a steel rod, and the rod was used by D-682-40 to open SCP-241. SCP-241 showed different recipes than the previous time it was opened. Of the 99 recipes, three were in unknown languages, two were incomprehensible "word salad", and one was a memetic kill agent. Of the remaining 93 recipes, 100% had at least one instruction or ingredient which made it impossible to follow the recipe with complete faithfulness. Examples include:

  • "Chill to -10,000F° before serving."
  • "Garnish with antimatter parsley."
  • "Marinate for 900 trillion years."

D-682-41 was tasked with cooking the 93 usable recipes, using SCP-241 plus a "correction sheet" (written by Dr. █████) which replaced impossible ingredients and instructions with the closest feasible analogue, with the results being delivered to SCP-682 containment cell upon completion. SCP-682 has shown no ill effects after having eaten all 93 meals.

Item: SCP-2578-D

NOTE: Test was conducted independent of the Foundation by SCP-2578-D. Secondary designation as a termination test has been given to Incident-2578-682-1.

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
During a routine maintenance check of SCP-682's containment enclosure, SCP-682 sustained five cranial penetration wounds in rapid succession and remained unresponsive for a period of roughly 32 minutes. Upon recovery, SCP-682 yelled "F YOU AND ALL THREE OF YOUR MOONS" toward the ceiling. Five minutes afterward, Dr. Naismith received the following instance of SCP-2578-B on his personal email account:

[three-crescent symbol] has failed. [three-crescent symbol] is greatly embarrassed, and regrets the continued existence of your unpleasant lizard. Orders were orders. And for the record, [three-crescent symbol] didn't miss.

Item: SCP-2617

Tissue Test Record:
Not attacked by SCP-2617-A instance.

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was released in the abandoned village of █████████, Russia via airlift, and proceeded to attack the village. Coordinates were set to correspond with SCP-682's position, thus generating up to █,███ SCP-2617-A instances holding ███ unique variants of SCP-2617-B. SCP-2617-A instances attack SCP-682, destroying up to 45% of its body mass.

Five hours after the beginning of termination test, SCP-682 released a series of radio waves. SCP-2617-C dissipated, and all SCP-2617-A and SCP-2617-B instances underwent spontaneous sublimation. Personnel supervising the termination test were also exposed to the radio waves. Interviews with these personnel suggest that they are unable to recognise the concept of Russia.

Item: SCP-169

Tissue Test Record:
Denied by O5-██

Termination Test Record:
Denied by O5-██

No can do. I can understand how you might think that tracking down 169, then making it consume 682 would work, but it's survived and adapted to everything else we've tried. If it survives being eaten by 169, and, God forbid, grows as big as it, humanity would be screwed beyond belief. Denied.

Item: SCP-939-██ and SCP-939-███

Tissue Test Record:
Not attacked by SCP-939-██ nor SCP-939-███

Termination Test Record:
SCP-939-██ and SCP-939-███ both entered the containment cell for SCP-682. SCP-939-██ and SCP-939-███ were seemingly distressed and refused to attack SCP-682, while repeating a call for help. SCP-682 then attacked the two, devouring them after roughly and brutally mutilating the bodies of both subjects.

Notes: SCP-939 and SCP-682 don't match well. I guess we will not be using them anytime soon. Don't release the beasts again.

Item: SCP-173 with a photograph of SCP-096 attached to it

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
Denied by O5-██

Notes: No. Absolutely not. Setting aside the problem of SCP-682, an SCP-173 that cannot be observed for fear of triggering a response from SCP-096 is a self-perpetuating catastrophe that the Foundation does not, under any reasonable circumstances, have the slightest desire to unleash. Denied with vehemence.

Item: SCP-204

Tissue Test Record:
Overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record:
SCP-204-2's danger seeking behavior was played upon to create a desire to test SCP-204-1's combat prowess. Through the use of carefully crafted stories, SCP-204-2 was informed of the existence of SCP-682. Hints were given to SCP-204-2 that SCP-682 was impossible to kill by conventional means, and only a warrior with special talents could defeat it. SCP-682 was released, heavily sedated, into the testing chamber. SCP-204-2 was then sent in through the airlock.

<Begin Log>
<5 minutes> SCP-682 regains consciousness and begins to move about test chamber.
<5 minutes, 47 seconds> SCP-204-2 begins shouting expletives at SCP-682 to provoke it. SCP-204-1 materializes at this time into an oversized armored knight bearing a massive battle axe and kite shield.
<5 minutes, 59 seconds> SCP-682 produces a near-deafening roar and charges at SCP-204-1.

<6 minutes, 9 seconds> SCP-204-1 clashes with SCP-682 in a fair simile of an ancient gladiatorial battle. SCP-204-2 seems to be watching the battle with rapt attention.
<16 minutes, 51 seconds> Combat between the two SCPs is extremely violent due to their size and strength. SCP-204-1 has succeeded into chopping off or tearing loose all of SCP-682's limbs, along with much of its flesh and part of its head. SCP-204-1 has suffered tremendous damage from the combat. SCP-204-1's 'shield arm' is broken off at the elbow, and the axe is missing half of the blade. The 'armor' SCP-204-1 wears is severely scraped, dented, and torn in places. It appears unable to walk, though it still stands in place between SCP-204-2 and SCP-682.
<18 minutes> SCP-682, while not dead, is sufficiently incapacitated. Researchers direct SCP-204-2 to have SCP-204-1 feed on the remains of SCP-682 in order to regenerate itself.
<26 minutes, 29 seconds> SCP-682 begins to regenerate while SCP-204-1 is busy consuming severed pieces of it.
<29 minutes, 3 seconds> SCP-682 regains motion and proceeds to attack SCP-204-1, this time gaining the upper hand due to SCP-204-1's current state of damage.
<29 minutes, 46 seconds> SCP-204-2 and SCP-682 both tranquilized. SCP-682 additionally hosed with hydrochloric acid to prevent additional breach attempts. SCP-204-2 removed from testing chamber and returned to containment.
<End Log>

Notes: While SCP-204-1 does appear to be capable of defeating SCP-682 in pitched combat, the carnivorous nature of SCP-204-1 does not seem to be an effective way of neutralizing SCP-682. SCP-682 regenerates too quickly to allow SCP-204-1 to destroy it completely. SCP-204-1 is hereby proposed as a last resort countermeasure against SCP-682 in the event of a full containment breach. If nothing else, the bastards can hack each other to bits while we try to regain control of the situation.

Addendum: Proposal denied. We are not now, nor are we ever going to risk the containment breach of a 2nd Keter class SCP during an ongoing Keter class breach situation. -O5 Command

Item: SCP-3108

Tissue Test Record:
Tissue was transformed into a piece of Uroplatus fimbriatus (giant leaf-tailed gecko) tissue.

Termination Test Record:
D-1782 was instructed to enter SCP-682's containment chamber and shoot SCP-682 with SCP-3108. After missing 6 times due to fear, D-1782 successfully hit SCP-682 with an SCP-3108-1 instance. However, instead of becoming inferior as expected, SCP-682 began to grow larger, and gained the ability to explode whenever threatened, and then reconstitute itself. SCP-682 eventually breached containment in this state, causing ██ causalities. SCP-682 was successfully subdued by gunfire after it returned to its normal state, and was recontained.

Notes: I have a theory on what just occurred: SCP-3108 causes things to be "inferior" to the subject, right? Well, SCP-3108 transformed SCP-682 into something that would be seen as worse and inferior by the Foundation: larger, and stronger, strong enough to break containment. SCP-682 decreasing in power wouldn't actually be seen as inferior to us. — Dr. Westrin

Item: SCP-2719

Tissue SCP-682 Test Record:
SCP-682 went inside.

Termination Test Record:

Item: SCP-3930

Item: SCP-3207

Tissue Test Record: SCP-682's tissue was shot by SCP-3207, resulting in its complete destruction. No intact organic residue left by SCP-682's tissue was found after the interaction.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was shot by SCP-3207 several times. SCP-682 was destroyed for a period of 6 hours, before five smaller organisms, theorized to have been composed of SCP-682's tissue, grew within SCP-682's containment chamber. These organisms successfully breached containment and merged with each other, re-creating SCP-682.

Item: SCP-3922

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-3922 was used with a ten-minute recording of security footage taken of SCP-682 during a containment breach, which, to add the semblance of a fictional narrative for the purposes of SCP-3922 jurisdiction, was labeled “Lizard: the Tale of the Unpleasant Lizard.” The objective was to witness a plausible termination of SCP-682 and replicate the results.

The video was altered into a 72-hour military epic film titled "Sisyphus Among The Living," displaying an unsuccessful full-scale military assault on SCP-682 by instances of SCP-3922-A. The cast included Alan Rickman as "Commandant Marius", the SCP-3922-A officer tasked with leading SCP-682's termination, and Michael Clarke Duncan as "Lieutenant Havisham", the apparent protagonist of the first third of the film. No lethal damage to SCP-682 is observed. At the end of the film, the last surviving SCP-3922-A stormtrooper (played by Patrick Swayze) activates an experimental device that teleports at least five instances of gigantic primates (analogous to the description of SCP-PC-003) onto the battlefield. The final shot is of SCP-682 laughing as the creatures approach and the 1968 song "Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight" by Tiny Tim plays in the background. The end title card reads "TO BE CONTINUED".

Note: The fact that the cast is composed entirely of noteworthy deceased actors and actresses could possibly be due to SCP-3922's connections with SCP-2922-C.

Item: SCP-3519

Tissue Test Record:
Tissue sample has no observable reaction to exposure to SCP-3519.

Termination Test Record:
(T-8) 02/25/19: Acid levels were lowered by 232 cm and SCP-682's head was allowed to regenerate. SCP-682 was exposed to SCP-3519. SCP-682 presented no evidence of suicidal ideation and was observed to laugh continuously for 193 seconds while the acid levels were restored.

(T-3) 02/29/19: Warning! Keter Class Containment Integrity Compromised — SCP-682. Warning!

(T+7) 03/12/19: SCP-682 containment personnel are presumed deceased. Remote sensors (25% operational) indicate a probable breach. SCP-682 should be assumed to be at-large. O5-6

(T+886) 08/12/21: Probable encounter with SCP-682. Crossing Colorado River on Hwy. 163 N. of Laughlin ruins (35.17, -114.60). SCP-2490 caught up with me again on bridge, teleporting within 8m. Before strike, large fast-moving reptilian emerged from river and bit it in half. As reptile sank back in water I think it spoke (fairly sure not auditory hallucination):

SCP-682 (probable): We are alike now, meat. Killing you would only end suffering.


Item: SCP-1056

Tissue Test Record: Tissue was resized to a smaller size without incident.

Termination Test Record:
The aim of this test was to measure how long it would take 682 to return to its usual size after being resized via SCP-1056. Depending on the results, this would have given new opportunities for containment or termination of SCP-682.

For this test, a chamber was constructed to the same dimensions of 1056's platform so the platform could act as the floor for the chamber. The cable connected to 1056's dial had been fed into a control room below so the dial could be manipulated from here.

SCP-682 is introduced into the chamber. The chamber is sealed after 682 has entered. The dial is set to 0.25 and activation button pressed.

SCP-682 makes numerous vocalizations and appears to experience multiple convulsions. Various points of 682's body expand and retract. SCP-682 then disappears. All scans of the containment chamber reveal no signs of 682.

The containment chamber remains sealed for several hours, under the assumption that SCP-682 is still in the chamber and will ambush personnel once the chamber is opened. At 16:57 local time, SCP-682 is spotted outside of Site-19, having resized itself and breached containment.

MTF-Lambda-9 ("Big Fing Guns") is deployed. SCP-682 releases a wave of energy appearing to cause MTF-Lambda-9 to disappear. Lambda-9 is subsequently found later having been resized (For further info please see SCP-3198).

SCP-682 is eventually incapacitated and contained by other MTF teams.

Notes: Whilst it was expected that 682 would possibly be able to manipulate its size to counteract 1056, it was not expected that 1056 would enhance its existing ability to resize itself. It used this to shrink to a size far exceeding that of 1056's capabilities to escape containment. It is unknown how 682 was also able to manipulate the size of other objects and it's unlikely we will ever know due to the dangers of repeating this test. - Dr. Sanders

Item: Y-909

Tissue Test Record:
Overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record: A small amount (1g) of unrefined Y-909 was added to the hydrochloric acid used to contain SCP-682. Within a few minutes, SCP-682 showed a small but noticeable decrease in its resistance to the acid. A solution with a 1:4 dilution ratio was introduced next, upon which SCP-682 began to shriek in pain and anguish as the acid dissolved its body, losing an estimated 70% of its total mass. After a period of just over ten hours, SCP-682 began to regenerate its lost limbs and had returned to 100% functionality within twelve.

Notes: Interesting. If SCP-682’s regenerative capabilities have a mnemonic component, would repeated exposure remove them entirely? What about exposure to [REDACTED]? Further testing is required. -Dr. Ramachandra

Addendum: Note from O5-2: Proposal to move SCP-682 to the Ganges Fan denied.

Aside from the astronomical cost of moving the thing halfway across the world and nearly a kilometer under the ocean, aside from the unfathomable difficulty of preventing either or both entities from breaching containment, we can’t possibly know how SCP-682 and SCP-3000 would interact. What if it grows to the same size as SCP-3000? What if it learns to replicate the eel’s amnestic properties, or worse yet, amplify them? We simply have no idea what would happen if these two highly dangerous, highly unpredictable entities were introduced to one another and no way to test any theories safely or reliably.

Periodic addition of Y-909 to SCP-682’s containment area will be taken under consideration.

Item: SCP-393

Tissue Test Record: None

Termination Test Record: From the testing log of SCP-393.

Test 393-4

Begin Log:

Subject: 1 linked D-class, male

Description: New subject instructed to do nothing of note for the day of ██/█/2███, and is continually monitored by CCTV.

Written: ' Going to somehow defeat SCP-682 today.'

Outcome: Outcome is identical to previous test, save for the frozen expression of horror on the comatose subject's face. SCP-393 links to stand-by D-class.

Note: It was worth a shot.. - Research Assistant ██████

End Log

Item: Dr. King, accompanied by 10 trained and armed security guards

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Personnel entered containment chamber of SCP-682. All personnel retained at least 25 meters of distance. Guards readied to shoot. SCP-682 sniffed the air and then laughed.

SCP-682: You call those bullets?

Dr. King and Guards appear confused. All shots were unloaded, then guards were shocked as the bullets were actually apple seeds. They stated that they had made sure to double check the magazines before entering the chamber. Dr. King leaves furiously, with the guards to follow.

"If only SCP-682 could have turned into an apple seed…" —Dr. King

Item: One Equus ferus caballus, deceased, and one baseball bat.

Tissue Test Record:
Overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 picked up baseball bat and begun to swing it at the deceased equine. SCP-682 appeared to enjoy beating the test material. SCP-682 returned to containment.

Notes: Success!

Item: SCP-3309

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:

Item: SCP-923

Tissue Test Record:
Overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record:
SCP-923 is commanded to fire at SCP-682 (whose half damaged body was placed in an isolated field in Kansas) with Intensity: 75 when SCP-682 regenerates its brain fully. When fired upon, SCP-682 screams, snarls and utters several expletives directed toward the sky itself and the Foundation (target is clearly in a state of mental degradation for the time being). When the firing ceases, SCP-682 begins to augment its body to have several glowing nodes that emit beams similar to SCP-923's Intensity: 75 attack. The attacks were directed toward the nearest humans (closest of which here 50 kilometers away) and then at several foundation facilities.

Notes: SCP-682 seems to have a recurring pattern of taking in the effects of mental augmentations (such as SCP-999) and redirecting them back out when the augmentation ceases. Caution should be advised in the use of attempting to mentally augment SCP-682 to prevent it redirecting the effect outwards. -Dr. Carly

Note: You've only just now noticed that 682 adapts itself against the [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] we throw at it? You never once thought that this would happen? When I find out who allowed this test I'm going to [REDACTED]. -Dr. █████

Item: "SCP-682 killer", dispensed from SCP-294

Tissue Test Record: Upon contact with the liquid, sample began to crumble and decay, diminished to a fine powder within three (3) minutes of application.

Termination Test Record: Acid in the containment chamber of SCP-682 was temporarily receded. Approximately one (1) liter of the dispensed liquid was poured on the head of SCP-682. Portions of SCP-682's head began to decay and crumble. Upon submersion of the containment chamber, the affected areas immediately dissolved.

Note: We may be on to something. If we can get our hands on a large enough sample of the fluid, that might just do the trick. We're learning, I'm telling you. -Dr. █████████

Item: SCP-2855

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-2855 was sold to O5-█ by O5-██ as "A man who can permanently destroy SCP-682, and will do so immediately upon completion of this transaction." Upon completion of this transaction, SCP-2855 disappeared for exactly one hour. No reaction was observed from SCP-682 during this time. At the end of this period, SCP-2855 reappeared next to O5-█. It displayed no memory of what, if anything, had transpired within the past hour, but delivered a piece of paper containing the following message:

Oops! Dr. Wondertainment offers the sincerest of apologies for the unanticipated malfunction of your Mr. MoneyTM. We will be working to correct this error in future products.

Note: Well, at least someone else is working on it too. -O5-█

Item: SCP-2439

Tissue sample: N/A

Termination test record: N/A

Note: At this time, there is no SCP-2439 in the Foundation's logs. The test was suggested by D-6177 who, upon being questioned, acted nervously and insisted we were right, and they were just joking. D-6177 was later found in a supply closet, having been beaten and severely injured by various other D-Class personnel. They are currently recovering and have not mentioned anything regarding this "joke" since.

NOTE: "Maybe we're overthinking this. There are still a lot of non-anomalous things we should try." -Researcher Carlson.

Item: 1 ton of liquid nitrogen.

Tissue Test Record: Sample froze solid. When struck by a hammer, it shattered.

Termination test record: The nitrogen was poured onto SCP-682 from above. SCP-682 became frozen solid and remained so for approximately 10 minutes, until it began generating intense heat from within. SCP-682 was fully thawed within 3 minutes, but continued to increase its body temperature. Test aborted when SCP-682's body became so hot that it began to melt through the sides of its containment chamber.

Note: Interesting, it retained the adaption even after it was no longer necessary. Maybe we should be more careful. -Researcher Carlson

Item: Vacuum

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-████ was used to remove 99% of the air from SCP-682's containment chamber. SCP-682 appeared to enter a dormant state, exhibiting nearly undetectable life signs for the duration of the test. However, readings indicated that the chamber had begun to fill with a gas mixture consisting of 56% ozone, 23% chlorine, 18% xenon, and 3% [DATA EXPUNGED]. Upon reaching a density of ██ kg/m3, the mixture began to react chemically with the walls of the containment chamber, creating a substance similar to [DATA EXPUNGED]. A sample of the mixture was taken, and the test was then aborted. When the normal Earth atmosphere was reintroduced to the chamber, it reacted with the mixture, causing an explosion that destroyed the blast door of the testing chamber. Fortunately, the explosion also damaged SCP-682 significantly, preventing a containment breach.

Note: No wonder this thing's so durable if that's what its native atmosphere is like. -Researcher Carlson.

Item: Extremely high temperatures.

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample was placed in a specially designed oven and heated to ████ Kelvin. Tissue caught fire and burned to non-anomalous ash.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was released into a testing room outfitted with heating coils identical to those used in the tissue test. The chamber was heated to ███ Kelvin, at which point SCP-682 developed a secondary carapace composed of solid helium. Carapace did not evaporate in the high temperatures as expected. The test was aborted, SCP-682 was sedated, and the temperature was reduced to human-survivable temperatures, but the carapace remained in place. When D-class personnel entered the testing room to facilitate SCP-682's return to its containment chamber, the carapace shattered, shredding all personnel in the room and reducing the temperature to ███ Kelvin.

Note: This thing is smarter than we give it credit for. It baited us! -Researcher Carlson.

Item: An industrial-grade blender, followed by "the strongest centrifuge we can come up with."

Tissue Test Record: Tissue was reduced to a liquid state by the blender, then placed in the centrifuge. The centrifuge's rate of rotation was steadily increased until it reached ███ RPM, at which point the tissue sample violently exploded, severely injuring 12 personnel and nearly killing Researcher Carlson. The radiation emitted by the explosion was consistent with the annihilation of 3 █g of antimatter.

Termination Test Record. Denied by O5-█, given the results of the tissue test.

Note: How the [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] does this thing not explode?! It's got [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] antimatter in it!

Item: SCP-101

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample was consumed without issue.

Termination Test Record: Impossible, due to the large size difference between the two objects. Should SCP-682 ever be reduced to a small enough size, this test will be attempted.

Item: SCP-3521

Tissue test record: N/A

Termination test record:
SCP-682 was moved into an abandoned testing facility. There are no populations or human residences within 20 kilometers, and to insure there would be no trespassers, the surrounding area is fenced off. SCP-682 was then fed a recently deceased Bos taurus carcass with one instance of SCP-3521 hidden within.

<Begin Log>

<4 seconds> SCP-682 completely consumes the carcass.

<10 seconds> SCP-682: What is this?

<13 seconds> SCP-682 falls to the ground

<15 seconds> SCP-682: [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]

<23 seconds> The entire testing facility was completely consumed by bananas at this point, and the surrounding area became extremely radioactive. SCP-682 is still being observed via thermal cameras and goggles.

<30 seconds> SCP-682 has ceased all movement. Whether this is due to not being able to move under the bananas, or if the termination was successful was unknown.

<2 minutes, 40 seconds> SCP-682 is observed to be rapidly consuming the bananas.

<4 minutes, 3 seconds> SCP-682 speeds up. It is estimated that SCP-682 is consuming bananas at a rate of 40,000 g/s.

<7 minutes, 9 seconds> SCP-682 has consumed roughly 70% of the bananas. The head of SCP-682 is able to be seen.

<7 minutes, 12 seconds> SCP-682: Going to… (unintelligible)

7 minutes, 20 seconds> SCP-682 emits an extremely loud roar measuring at 120 decibels. The area surrounding the testing facility seems to "waver"

7 minutes, 34 seconds> A pale yellow ray emits from SCP-682's mouth, coming into contact with the surrounding helicopters. Said ray is extremely radioactive measuring in at 2,000 roentgens.

<End Log>

SCP-682 soon escaped the surrounding testing area. SCP-682 was eventually recaptured, and while in containment, SCP-682 emitted ███ roentgens for the next 72 hours before ceasing radioactive activity.

Note: What? Seriously? How did 682 eat all of those bananas? Where did all of it even go? 9.12 million kilograms of bananas and extreme radioactivity failed to incapacitate 682 for longer than 10 minutes. Where do we even go from here?
-Dr. ████

Item: SCP-001

Tissue Test Record:
Tissue sample placed on drone and directed towards SCP-001. Drone struck by SCP-001-2 and obliterated from existence upon entering the 1 km area around SCP-001.

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 securely transported to Site 0. SCP-682 is placed on an unmanned vehicle, which is piloted from Site 0 within 1 km of SCP-001. The following video log is recorded from the unmanned vehicle.

<Begin Log>

The unmanned vehicle is struck by SCP-001-2 and obliterated. SCP-682 survives, as does a backup camera. SCP-682 is badly wounded, having multiple open, bleeding wounds. SCP-682 begins crawling out of the wreckage of the vehicle, towards SCP-001.

SCP-682: Is this meant to be the Garden? (SCP-682 begins laughing.) This is not the Garden. The Garden is far west of here.

SCP-682 is struck by SCP-001-2. SCP-682 survives, heavily wounded, having lost all but one limb. SCP-682 uses its sole remaining limb to drag itself towards SCP-001.

SCP-682: Die? You command me to die? Oh, wouldn't we all like that, but this is my curse for suggesting the fruit.

SCP-682 is struck again by SCP-001-2. SCP-682 is extremely injured but persists as a result of its anomalous resilience.

SCP-682: This is not the Garden, and you are not Uriel. (SCP-682 spits towards SCP-001.) Pretender.

SCP-682 is struck again by SCP-001-2. SCP-682 falls unconscious as a result of extreme injury.

Personnel enter the 1km boundary around SCP-001. They report hearing "REMOVE" from SCP-001, and suffer a compulsion to collect the body of SCP-682. SCP-682 is returned to containment without difficulty.
<End Log>

Note: Investigation of a connection between SCP-682's comments and [DATA EXPUNGED] (most notably [DATA EXPUNGED]) is underway. —Dr. Clef

Item: SCP-117

Tissue test record: SCP-117 produced an array of pneumatic hammers which automatically pounded the sample until it was a thin slurry; the hammers then disassembled themselves and reformed into particle beam weaponry, which fired repeatedly on the slurry until it was incinerated. D-class subsequently diagnosed with near-lethal mineral deficiencies.

Termination test record:
SCP-117 produced an unidentified machine which teleported itself and the D-class personnel 3km away. D-class was deceased upon recovery. Subsequent attempts to use SCP-117 in this fashion have uniformly resulted in it teleporting away.

Item: SCP-093

Tissue test record: N/A

Termination test record:
SCP-093 passed around until it turned green, then placed on a mirror large enough for SCP-682 to pass through. SCP-682 resisted attempts to push it through the mirror, so the mirror was moved to squeeze SCP-682 against the rear wall. When SCP-682 had fully passed through the mirror, SCP-093 was removed, and the mirror shattered. Remains of mirror remained in SCP-682's former containment chamber as a precaution. 20 hours after termination attempt, mirror shards anomalously reassembled and SCP-682 was ejected. Further attempts have resulted in the mirror remaining "solid" when presented with SCP-682.

Notes: Upon returning to containment, SCP-682 said: "'He' was not very amused."

Item: Second attempt of SCP-017

Tissue test record: Tissue consumed without incident

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 entered the cell of SCP-017s and moved towards it, at which point the lamps were manipulated so that SCP-682's shadow would be cast on SCP-017. SCP-017 enveloped SCP-682 but its shadow remained. The shadow of SCP-682s moved away from SCP-017 then appeared to stand up and opened its mouth, presumably creating a loud scream followed by the emanation of an anomalous wave that caused all human bodies within a 1-kilometer radius to immediately disappear. Their shadows remained and could move on any surface there was light was touching, at which point most of them appeared to panic and tried to flee. SCP-682 was then expelled from SCP-017 far smaller than when pre-enveloped. It was later determined that SCP-682's mass was equal to that of the anomalous wave's victims. The containment of SCP-682 and SCP-017 failed and the two entities escaped successful re-containment. Security footage showed SCP-017 had pursued all humans caught in the anomalous wave created by SCP-682 and their shadows disappeared when SCP-017 touched the area they were cast on. SCP-017 was recontained without incident. No personnel on Site-██ survived. SCP-682 was shown to be immune to the effects of SCP-017 post-breach.

This was a catastrophe, all personnel on Site-██ were killed, SCP-682 escaped and almost breached foundation secrecy and almost lead to SCP-017's containment preeminently failing. I would suggest punishing whoever proposed this test again but SCP-017 got to them before I could. This could have led to an XK-Class End of the World Scenario. All I can say is can we please stop [expletive removed] with the giant lizard. -Doctor Blue

This experiment confirms SCP-682 can react differently to the same anomalies. I advise not exposing SCP-682 to unpredictable and/or dangerous anomalies and phenomena more than once. -Doctor Carly

Item: Rapid Application of High Precision Blades

Pre-Test Notes: All previous attempts seem to be entirely focused on total elimination of SCP-682. Why not try to render it into something easier to contain?

Tissue test record: A 25 cm3 cube of tissue was successfully divided into 25 one cm3 cubes. These cubes rapidly changed form once placed in individual containment but proved incapable of generating enough force to breach individual containment.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was moved to a modified containment chamber with slits for blades positioned in a regular pattern on the walls. Blades were activated, successfully dividing SCP-682 into approximately 12,000 cubes. Vacuum systems began relocating cubes into individual containment cells. 80 seconds after initial incisions were made, 43% of SCP-682's biomass had been removed. At this time vacuum systems experienced spontaneous failure. Upon inspection of vacuum equipment, D-9345, and D-1278 were attacked and killed by an amorphous gelatin-like substance seemingly comprised of liquified SCP-682 tissue. Agent Nunn and Agent Gailey reacted swiftly and neutralized the liquid with emergency incineration. Due to the pause in tissue removal SCP-682 managed to break through the steel dividers separating tissue cubes and reform into its standard form. At this point, it was returned to containment.

Notes: While the test was unsuccessful, we did manage to severely damage SCP-682 with only minor losses in personnel. I see this as an absolute win!- Researcher Marshal

Note: Going back over past tests, I saw the suggestion that SCP-682 might become vulnerable to termination by SCP-173 if it had it's mass reduced enough. Can we make the attempt using this device? -Researcher Maytus

Item: SCP-055

Tissue Test Record: [Data Lost]

Termination Test Record: [Data Lost]

Note: Given that SCP-682 is still alive, I believe we can safely assume that SCP-055 is not something which can kill it. That I haven't forgotten this confirms this. I don't know whether to be relieved or horrified. Maybe both. - Doctor Margin

Item: SCP-3042

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was allowed to devour SCP-3042-1, causing SCP-3042 to bond with SCP-682. SCP-682 attacked SCP-3042. Contact with SCP-682's claws causes SCP-3042 to audibly whimper in pain, though no scars were found afterward. SCP-3042 flees, bursting through containment chamber wall. Containment breach averted due to severe difference in size between subjects. Immediately after escaping, SCP-3042 sits and tilts its head quizzically, maintaining this position for approximately two minutes before bonding with the guard who had escorted SCP-3042-1. Guard reclassified as SCP-3042-1.

Note: "I wasn't really that hopeful, but I am disappointed that we couldn't at least get 3042 on a containment protocol that didn't involve D-classes." - Dr. █████

Item: SCP-858

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample was repelled from Earth's gravity at a rate of 9.8m/s2 and destroyed by SCP-858.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was exposed to SCP-858 and began to fall away from Earth's surface at 9.8m/s2. When SCP-682 came into contact with SCP-858, the normal reaction of disappearing instead appeared to be a slow boiling effect (SCP-682 appeared to strike against some kind of barrier). When 50% of SCP-682's biomass was lost, it quickly adapted a pair of wings superficially resembling those of pterosaurs and several air bladders to maintain flight perpendicular to the gravity of SCP-858.

Item: SCP-239

Tissue Test Record: Complete annihilation of sample tissue.

Termination Test Record: Testing denied by O5-█.

Note: "SCP-239 knowing about SCP-682 might pose the threat of allowing her to control SCP-682, recreate its regenerative immortality or adaptive capabilities, or worse, 682 overriding reality itself to resist 239. We do not know what could happen so we should keep it that way. Denied."-O5-█

Notice: Test conducted prior to Incident 239-B, after which SCP-239 was placed into a comatose state indefinitely.

Item: SCP-023

Tissue Test Record: N/A, due to the nature of SCP-023's effects.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 made eye contact with SCP-023 at exactly 13:48:00 GMT on Tuesday, June 18th, 2019. If this test is successful, SCP-682 will perish at roughly 13:48:00 GMT on Thursday, June 18th, 2020.

Termination Update: At 13:52 GMT, 06/18/20, a Foundation-operated extrasolar probe with anomalous FTL transmitting systems sent its hourly update of nearby stars and exoplanets. Notably, the star Epsilon Serpentis was beginning to form a supernova. Contact was then lost with the probe. Due to the young age of Epsilon Serpentis and the close time to that expected of SCP-023's effects on SCP-682, it is suspected that this supernova was the result of the test conducted one year prior.

Given Epsilon Serpentis' distance from Earth, the effects of this supernova will be observed by non-anomalous means c. 2090. When informed of the star's destruction, SCP-682 stopped speaking for several hours and has since displayed notable lethargy, though this effect is expected to diminish over the next few weeks.

Note: Due to the results of this termination attempt, no family-affecting anomalies to be tested upon SCP-682 under any circumstances.

Item: SCP-173 with Rapid Application of High Precision Blades

Tissue Test Record:
N/A Overridden by O5-2

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was moved to a modified containment chamber with slits for blades positioned in a regular pattern on the walls. SCP-173 was moved to SCP-682's containment chamber. The tool successfully divided SCP-682 into approximately 12,000 cubes as that of prior testing. SCP-173 was sliced into unsymmetrical pieces given that the blades were set for the reptile's flesh. Vacuum systems began relocating cubes into individual containment cells. 80 seconds after initial incisions were made, 43% of SCP-682's biomass had been removed. At this time vacuum systems experienced spontaneous failure. Upon inspection of vacuum equipment, D-10056, and D-10278 were attacked and killed by an amorphous gelatin-like substance comprised of liquified SCP-682 tissue. D-10148 turned his sight to the murder, giving SCP-173 time to reconstruct and break his neck from behind.

The emergency incineration troubleshooted. SCP-173 smashed the living tissues into the wall. More tissues samples mutated crowded SCP-173, shattering its head and torso while it continued to smash the samples against the wall. SCP-682 was able to use non-combative tissues to combine and form an approximately 1.65 m. in height and 3 m. in length version of itself. SCP-682 stared at SCP-173. Personnel was ordered to shoot SCP-682 in the eyes. SCP-173 succeeded in killing the mutated tissues while SCP-682 was regenerating. SCP-682 finished regenerating and continued to stare at SCP-173 for 17 hours. SCP-682 was then sedated and was commissioned back to its containment cell. During the attempt to transfer SCP-173, a short power outage occurred, killing all nearby personnel and causing a site-wide containment breach.

Notes: "Before anything else, I just want to say that this test was an absolute success. We are able to figure out a way to shrink SCP-682 into a more containable item. I hold no responsibility regarding the power outage that caused a massive containment breach in Site-███, nor to the thousands of people killed in [DATA REDACTED] just outside the base." -Dr. Shenron

"A recent investigation was held in Site-███ and was found that the electrical generator chamber was burned due to your emergency incinerator troubleshooting, causing the power outage. Dr. Shenron, you are relieved of your duty. Please proceed to your Site Director for your amnestic intake." -O5-2

Note: After continuous revisions and studying previous termination attempts, the fail-safes in this plan ensure that if 682 is not terminated, it will not cause any major adaptations. -Researcher MacLean

Items: An instance of SCP-1361 allowed to grow to 1000 kg in mass, SCP-075 secretions from SCP-294/perchloric acid, amassed over a 6 month period, Y-909, sedatives, Application of High Precision Blades/SCP-063, Napalm, SCP-101

Tissue test:
N/A, Overridden by O5-Command.

Termination log:
SCP-682 was moved to a modified, air sealed chamber. A liter of Gaseous, unrefined Y-909 and sedatives was then pumped into the chamber, eliciting a negative response. SCP-1361 was then introduced into the chamber by a hatch in the ceiling, consuming SCP-682 after an initial struggle. 4 hours after initial exposure, napalm was used to destroy the instance of SCP-1361, leaving the damaged skeleton and circulatory system of SCP-682. An MTF Team in hazmat gear then applied High Precision blades and SCP-063 to disassemble the skeleton and circulatory system, with a mixture of perchloric acid and the secretions of SCP-075 used to prevent further regeneration. The separated pieces of SCP-682 were then placed individually into SCP-101, with regular applications of acid to prevent any unexpected adaptations.

After all the segments of SCP-682 were inserted into SCP-101, The chamber and hazmat suits used in the containment and termination were then filled with the acid mixture in order to ensure the complete cellular destruction of any remaining tissue. The acid and SCP-101 was then placed under intense surveillance in order to ensure that the destruction of SCP-682 was indeed permanent.

Approximately 12 hours after the termination attempt, visible particulate matter within the acid was observed to rapidly multiply and fuse together. The resulting mass grew and healed too rapidly to be affected by the continuous application of acid, and the chamber was put into lockdown. The mass eventually regrew into SCP-682, in an extremely aggressive and hostile state. SCP-682 then attempted to breach containment but was subdued due to the combined factors of the remaining Y-909 in the chamber’s atmosphere, and the multiple MTF teams on site. SCP-682 was recontained with minimal casualties.

Note: Researcher MacLean has requested reassignment.

Note: Granted. Please report to your Site Director for your reassignment. - O5-11

Item: SCP-049

Tissue Test: N/A, Overridden by O5-Command.

Termination Log: SCP-049 was allowed to observe an immobilised SCP-682. After a long silence, SCP-049 commented that "The Pestilence! Never have I seen it so malignant!" SCP-049 appeared to be emotionally disturbed and was escorted to their chambers.

Item: Several memetic kill agents, such as auditory triggers, kill words, and the Berryman-Langford Memetic Kill Agent (BLMKA)

Tissue Test: N/A

Termination Log: SCP-682 was placed in a modified containment cell comprised of large electronic displays and loudspeakers. Then, the memetic kill agents were activated. SCP-682 initially started to undergo signs of cardiac arrest and grand mal seizure. After approximately 20 minutes of exposure, SCP-682 ceased life signs. However, it revived 30 seconds afterwards, screaming various kill words at ███ dB, passing through sound insulation and killing ██ personnel. SCP-682 returned to containment. Proposal to add computer-generated incapacitating cognitohazards to SCP-682's containment chamber is pending approval.

Items: SCP-106 and SCP-953

Note: The following incident occurred during a dual containment breach of SCP-106 and SCP-953

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Log: SCP-106 and SCP-953 both break into 682’s containment. There is no indication either item did this deliberately. Once the three items became aware of the others’ presence, all ceased movements and regarded each other with visible hostility, resulting in a stalemate. 106 broke this stalemate by lowering itself through the floor then attempting to apprehend 953, who responded by latching itself onto 682. All three items were presumably transported to 106’s pocket dimension. After a period of five hours, all three items manifested back in 682’s containment chamber, bearing heavy wounds from prolonged combat. 106 was the first to leave the area, returning to its containment cell. MTF teams deployed in preparation for the return of the items were able to apprehend 953. 682 had its body mass reduced by 67%, but has since recovered.

Note: I’m amazed all three are still alive, baring 682. 953 won’t talk about what happened and neither will 682. I can only assume it was brutal, judging from their injuries. Measures are being taken to ensure this never happens again, but we got really lucky. If 106 hadn’t taken the other two into the pocket dimension, this could have resulted in hundreds of causalities. - O5-6

Item: Reclassification to SCP-048

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Log: Denied by O5 Command

Note: While it could potentially give us the result we desire, the possibility of SCP-682 being stolen instead of being destroyed after its reclassification could cause more problems than waiting longer to find an alternative solution to the issue at hand, not to mention the fact that the possibility of losing everyone working with SCP-682 would be a major catastrophe to the foundation. - O5-7

Item: SCP-170

Note: The purpose of this test was not an attempt to destroy SCP-682, but rather to restrain it.

Tissue Test Record:
A metal chain was laced with SCP-170 and used to penetrate the sample. Sample "fused" with the chain without incident.

Termination Log:
Six metal chains were laced with SCP-170. After successfully sedating SCP-682, the chains were attached to it, one on each of its limbs and one on both of its sides. The other ends of the chains were attached to the floor using the same method. SCP-682 was then left under observation.

Upon fully regaining its consciousness, SCP-682 quickly became aware of the chains and began roaring loudly, showing signs of extreme hostility. It attempted to repeatedly tear itself free from the chains but failed due to its movement being limited.

Approximately forty minutes later SCP-682 began growing in size at a rapid rate. Upon having grown by ███ percent, all six chains detached simultaneously. SCP-682 stopped growing at this point, shrinking to its original size and attempting to breach containment. MTF units were quickly dispatched, and SCP-682 was returned to containment with relative ease.

Note: I think I know what happened here. Rather than increasing its mass, SCP-682 increased the distance between its particles, which resulted in an apparent increase in size and the bonds breaking between it and the chains. If that is the case, I think we can officially rule out any physical restraints as a permanent solution. - Dr. ██████

Item: SCP-539

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: A D-class personnel (D-6384) carrying SCP-539 entered SCP-682's containment chamber and the doors were sealed behind them. SCP-682 expressed hostility towards D-6384, who threw SCP-539 prematurely in an attempt to distract SCP-682 and avoid being killed by it. Site-██ (where the test was currently being conducted) abruptly experienced a system malfunction within SCP-682’s containment chamber. This system malfunction led to an acid pump within the containment chamber to activate and entrap SCP-682, preventing it from attacking D-6384. Approximately 20 minutes after the pump's initial activation, it was deactivated by on-site maintenance staff. SCP-682 was observed with approximately 85% of its body mass destroyed, SCP-539 lying close by. No remains of D-6384 were present. SCP-682 made a full recovery approximately 3 hours later, regrowing its damaged legs and growing an additional pair of legs. The legs were approximately ██ cm higher and ██ cm thicker, with a layer of skin made from an unknown material resistant to corrosives.

Note: On-site maintenance personnel tasked with replacing the acid pump found a highly corrosive, self-multiplying substance. Analysis of the substance has revealed that it consists of several other corrosive substances, including ones of seemingly anomalous nature as well as hints of [REDACTED]. The origin of these substances is still unknown, and further research has been halted due to the lethality of the substance. - Dr. █████

Item: SCP-4455

Tissue Test Record: SCP-4455 succeeded.

Termination Log: SCP-4455 failed. There were █ casualties. SCP-4455 escaped.

Item: SCP-1015-2

Tissue Test Record: SCP-1015-2 successfully turned the sample into pennies.

Termination Log: SCP-682 was sedated and restrained prior to SCP-1015-2 entering the chamber. As SCP-1015-2 reached out to touch SCP-682, SCP-682 rapidly flattened itself to become thinner than a penny. Attempts to get SCP-682 to expand were unsuccessful.

Item: SCP-1437

Tissue Test Record:
Tissue sample fell down SCP-1437 without any incident.

Termination Test Record: See log.

<00:00:00> SCP-682 was incapacitated and thrown down SCP-1437. A provisional site was set up in case of reemergence.

<01:03:23> A large glass object, identified as SCP-682, was expelled from SCP-1437. Hi-speed surveillance cameras identified SCP-682 flailing its body, despite its glass-like composition, and partially filled with a red liquid presumed to be blood. As the object fell back down, it collided with the edge of SCP-1437, obliterating the front half as the rear-end of the object continued to fall down SCP-1437. SCP-682 began rapidly regenerating from the shattered glass and splattered blood. The remaining SCP-682 matter was promptly pushed back down SCP-1437 using three on-site bulldozers.

<04:16:24> A hive composed of an organic material with black and orange coloration, identified as SCP-682, slowly emerged from SCP-1437, being carried by large flying insects, also identified as SCP-682. SCP-682's hive resembled an animal of the genus Alligator, and covered in holes of varying diameters. The insects carrying the hive resembled those of the genus Musca and had sharpened forelimbs, vertebratic eyes instead of compound eyes, and a set of mandibles composed of enamel. The size of the SCP-682 insects corresponded to the size of the holes. SCP-682 quickly began attacking on-site personnel and gathering resources from the surrounding area (Foundation materials and the environment). Resources brought into the hive caused it to grow in size and show signs of movement. Close-range combat with SCP-682 was complicated by a second type of insect, resembling the genus Scutigera, emerging from the hive. These insects had no visible eyes and were not observed to fully exit the hive, only extending up to 2.5 meters away from it. SCP-682 began overpowering on-site personnel until the insects carrying the hive were fired upon and destroyed. The second insects grabbed on to the edge of SCP-1437 before SCP-682 fell down. Five on-site bulldozers were used to force SCP-682 down SCP-1437. The remaining SCP-682 insects either followed the hive into SCP-1437 or were incapacitated by personnel.

<13:12:07> A round mechanical device, identified as SCP-682, was expelled from SCP-1437. Shortly after landing, several vents opened on the object and began releasing a corrosive gas. SCP-682 split open, starting from the top, revealing a mouth of jagged, gold colored teeth. SCP-682 began shouting obscenities as tubes and pipes emerged from it, piercing and converting the ground into titanium. An on-site bulldozer quickly pushed the object back down SCP-1437 before melting. The corrosive gas dissipated after 20 minutes.

<19:07:48> A 20 meter tall pillar of plasma, identified as an appendage of SCP-682, erupted from SCP-1437. The pillar took on the appearance of a reptilian limb and destroyed the surrounding provisional site, which was observed from Area-██. SCP-682's appendage withdrew back into SCP-1437.

<27:20:00> SCP-682 was expelled from SCP-1437. The object's appearance was more in line with its baseline state, aside from having a bulkier body and shorter snout. Imbedded throughout SCP-682's body were various spears, swords, and other types of weapons. SCP-682 was promptly returned to containment.

Item: SCP-2006

Tissue Test Record: Denied by O5-██

Termination Log: Denied by O5-██

Notes: Denied. While SCP-2006's seemingly unlimited shapeshifting ability may give it an advantage, the danger of SCP-2006 seeing the horrors SCP-682 is capable of is too great. Imagine having to deal with 2 SCP-682s at once.

Researcher: Assistant Researcher Wesley

Item: SCP-354

Tissue Test Record: Sample sank into pond without difficulty.

Termination Log: Denied by O5-██

Notes: There is zero reason to allow 682 to come into contact with 354. We have no means of recontaining both 682 and whatever comes out of 354. Denied.

NOTE: This ain't termination, but let's see if SCP-682 could be pacified through someone who could be as hating of all things as the damn lizard. Just make sure "he" doesn't try to get away.

Researcher: Dr. Richard Graham

Item: D-3654

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Log: D-3654 was escorted into SCP-682's containment chamber escorted by MTF 6-11, who promply exited the containment chamber and had the door sealed. D-3654 was instructed to converse with SCP-682. Strangely enough, at no point did SCP-682 attempt to kill D-3654 throughout entire duration.

SCP-682 and D-3654 initially conversed in derogatory and profane manners that intensified over the course of 4 minutes and 36 seconds. After agreeing with SCP-682's perceived worldview on humanity, D-3654 ceased speaking and continued to listen to him. Observers of SCP-682's containment chamber reported feeling an increase in symptoms related to severe depression yet refused to cease the transmission of the containment chamber's audio.

SCP-682's communication ceased twenty minutes later upon MTF 6-11's retrieval of D-3654, who was found in a catatonic state and died from unknown complications shortly after exiting SCP-682's chamber. All observers of 682's containment chamber were found with severe self-inflicted wounds and treated with Class-A amnetics while restrained by handcuffs.

Notes: Requesting remote-activation only modifications to audio of SCP-682's containment chamber and mandatory headphone usage by the controllers. Make sure to delete the recordings, too, Sandra.

Researcher: Dr. Carly

Item: SCP-938

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Log: SCP-682 was introduced to a containment chamber affixed to Site-07. An electronic device which SCP-682 can currently operate was brought into the chamber and was told to be SCP-079. The device was routed into SCP-938 before SCP-682 could touch it.

The electricity's voltage drastically increased enough to deliver serious damage towards SCP-682, burning its body. SCP-682 was rendered immobile for 1 hour until it regained and discharged electricity from the spine though the head as a directed arc. SCP-682 then fell unconscious but breathing for several days to regenerate and be put back into it's current containment chamber.

Much like mental affects, SCP-682 can redirect anomalous energy-based effects. It should be noted that energy-manipulating and mental-affecting anomalies render 682 immobile for longer compared to physical or chemical damage. -Dr. Carly.

Item: SCP-3802

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Log:

D-828 was given a vial of SCP-3802 and instructed to apply it to 682's scalp. D-828 was eaten by 682 before they could complete the task.

Item: SCP-3802

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Log: A fire sprinkler in the roof of 682's container was filled with a small amount of SCP-3802 and dispensed onto 682's scalp.

Over the course of one hour, twenty-seven tumors developed on 682's body. During the process, 682 vocalized extreme distress and caused considerable damage to its containment unit. The tumors then took the shape of fully grown Giant rabbits (genus: O. cuniculus domesticus), considerably larger than is typical of their species.

The tumors then began to animate, grow fur, and separate from 682. During the process, 682's scalp, left leg, most of the skin on its lower back, most of its stomach, and various other places, accounting for about 40% of its body mass at the time, were torn off with the tumors.

The SCP-3802-B instances showed considerable affection towards 682, attempting to snuggle beside it, but were promptly eaten by 682 as it regenerated.

Ok, enough testing products from this 'dado' character, especially after the banana incident.
- O5-██

Item: SCP-073

Tissue test record: N/A

Termination Test Log: Denied by O5-█

Notes: I can't really blame you for suggesting this, but still, no. If 682 adapted to and copied SCP-073's capabilities, it would become impossible to kill it. Furthermore, we wouldn't even be able to harm it. Maybe in the future when we understand 682's capabilities more, but until then, Denied. -O5-█

Item: SCP-1915

Tissue test record: N/A

Termination testlog:


04:23:17 SCP-1915 is transported to SCP-682s containment facility. SCP-1915 seems to have been convinced it is a guest at the site to fix financial issues.

04:25:54 SCP-1915 enters the containment observation area and asks to see the documents relating to their financial problems. SCP-682 does not undergo any changes.

04:39:59 SCP-1915 discusses Site-██'s financial records and budget reports. SCP-682 begins to thrash violently.

04:45:30 At this point, SCP-682s containment chamber and observation area are changed into a large office room and holding tank, with SCP-682 resembling a large komodo dragon.

05:00:15 SCP-1915 notices SCP-682, and asks what it it. Site director-██████ explains it is the resident komodo dragon that no one can get rid of. D-█████ explains it is responsible for most of their financial troubles as it messes with equipment and no one can get it to leave.

05:01:30 SCP-1915 attempts to interact with the komodo dragon by opening a can of cat food from a mini fridge nearby. SCP-682 looks and snorts at it.

05:05:50 SCP-1915 returns to his "office" and begins to file reports. SCP-682 now resembles an iguana.

05:40:14 SCP-1915 finds a document and begins to make changes to it. The document seems to be a flat tax proposal.

06:10:54 SCP-1915 finishes and shows signs of surprise. SCP-1915 proceeds to then head towards the large office area. SCP-682 now resembles a newt.

06:12:00 SCP-1915 proceeds to gather every staff member to the large office to announce its discovery. Most are annoyed or uninterested as SCP1915 produces the document. Dr. █████ asks what it is.

06:20:43 SCP-1915 explains that the document was a flat tax proposal proves that SCP-682 is actually related to [DATA EXPUNGED], which in itself is remotely related to whales. This debunks numerous rumors and theories of SCP-682.

06:25:23 All staff members begin to take notes and begin to discuss changes to the facility and containment of SCP-682. Most seem to be related to luxury.

06:39:54 D-████ suggests showing the document to SCP-682.

06:40:10 SCP-1915 shows the document to SCP-682, which now resembles a goldfish.

06:40:12 The goldfish becomes immobile. SCP-682 is believed to have somehow died of shock. All personnel begin to berate SCP-1915 for killing the goldfish.

06:45:17 SCP-1915 proceeds to apologize and finishes the final reports and leaves to return to its original containment site. Site-██ returns to its original form soon after its departure, with SCP-682 regenerating and reanimating soon after.


Notes: The reason for SCP-1915's move to Site-██ is unknown, and current belief is that an attempted termination of SCP-682 was made, and affected by SCP-1915 to reflect its status quo. SCP-682 has only described the experience as humiliating, and has shown signs of aggression towards any mention of SCP-1915. No other information has been found for the cause of the event.

Item: SCP-3008

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was placed in a portable containment tank, which was inserted into SCP-3008 via a radio-controlled delivery vehicle. The vehicle turned out of the line of sight of the doors, and signal was lost; SCP-682 was presumed lost within SCP-3008-1.

24 hours later, Foundation observers witnessed the doors to SCP-3008 open, and 18 instances of SCP-3008-2 emerged, each carrying a large sealed cardboard box stamped with the IKEA logo. They placed the boxes on the ground, then returned to SCP-3008.

The boxes were judged suspicious, and were left sealed. As they were being transported back to Site 19 for containment, the boxes spontaneously ruptured, revealing that each contained a detached fragment of SCP-682 which was nonetheless alive and animate. The fragments began to reassemble themselves, but underwent repeated misconfigurations; as a result, containment was established before the reassembly process was complete.

Item: SCP-3660

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
SCP-3660 was pressed against the skin of SCP-682 via a remote control robotic arm. The following events have been transcribed below.

[Begin Log]

<1 second> SCP-682 is observed sleeping.

<7 seconds> Robotic arm picks up SCP-3660 and lightly presses it against SCP-682's skin.

<21 seconds> SCP-3660 sinks into SCP-682's flesh. Robotic arm removed from area.

SCP-682 is observed to sleep for approximately the next 7 minutes, with no activation from SCP-3660.

<7 minutes 45 seconds> SCP-3660 activates, and begins unzipping SCP-682's skin.

<7 minutes 49 seconds> SCP-682's body becomes hollow, and a common leopard gecko, identified as SCP-682 emerges from the unzipped portion. SCP-682 appears to be in shock.

<7 minutes 56 seconds> SCP-682 begins running around the containment chamber, presumably seeking out a way to breach containment.

<8 minutes 3 seconds> SCP-682 headbutts the west wall of the containment chamber several times, attempting to breach containment, to no prevail.

<8 minutes 12 seconds> Researcher Jettler enters the containment chamber. SCP-682 quickly turns around, and begins chirping and squeaking.

<8 minutes 19 seconds> Researcher Jettler reluctantly steps on SCP-682.

<8 minutes 30 seconds> SCP-682 begins rapidly growing in size, reaching it's previous mass in approximately 20 seconds, all while retaining it's appearance as a leopard gecko.

<8 minutes 58 seconds> SCP-682 swiftly consumes Researcher Jettler, and breaches containment. Containment breach alarms blare.

[Eng Log]

Notes: SCP-3660 was recovered undamaged, and SCP-682 was recontained ██ hours after initial breach. SCP-682 slowly shifted back into its previous appearance over the next two weeks. While we don't know why 3660 was able to be applied to 682, we're lucky we were able to recontain it with minimal casualties. - O5-█

Item: Me, (SCP-426)

Tissue test record: N/A

Termination Test Log: Denied by O5-█

Notes: I do not see how I will affect SCP-682. He might try and electrocute himself, but we both know he will only survive. Denied. -O5-█

Item: SCP-217

Tissue test record: Positive. Tissue was affected by infection and follow typical symptoms.

Termination Test Log: SCP-217 has been pumped into SCP-682's cell via gas pipe. SCP-682's cell has been sealed with a decontamination airlock between him and the researchers. The following log was captured by a camera on the east wall of the containment chamber.

[Begin Log]

<1 second> SCP-682 is observed sitting.

<7 seconds> SCP-217 gas has been ejected into the containment area.

<21 seconds> SCP-682 is visibly coughing as SCP-217 enters SCP-682’s respiratory system.

SCP-682 is observed to have no visible reaction to SCP-217 for 9 days.

<224 hours 36 minutes 24 seconds> SCP-682 begins howling in visible agony, as conversion begins.

SCP-682 continues to roar in pain for 35 minutes 48 seconds

<225 hours 12 minutes 12 seconds> SCP-682's screams slowly get quieter until they are completely silent. SCP-682 appears to be in shock.

SCP-682 remains silent for for 36 minutes 48 seconds.

<225 hours 49 minutes> SCP-682 begins laughing manically and is now immune to SCP-217.

[End Log]

Notes: Alright, even though the infection did not kill SCP-682, I found this test promising. All the infectious SCP's SCP-682 has been exposed to, he is now immune to. I request to do further study on SCP-682 as we might be able to create a vaccine/cure to some incurable diseases or even create our own SCP-500. -Dr Isla Stewart

Item: SCP-407

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:

00:25 - SCP-682 didn’t seem to be soothed by SCP-407.
00:45 - SCP-682’s wounds from previous experiments heal rapidly. SCP-682 opened its mouth and emitted a high-pitched noise.
01:25 - SCP-682’s mouth filled with a white, foamy substance. SCP-682 screamed.
01:55 - SCP-682 swallowed the substance and choked.
02:35 - SCP-682 shot the substance out of it’s mouth, similar to the way a Toxotes shoots water.
03:55 - SCP-682 collapsed and remain unconscious for 5 minutes, presumably to heal quicker. Once regained consciousness, SCP-407’s effects demanifested.

Item: SCP-835

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was released only upon direct contact with SCP-835. Multiple polyps are observed to reach out, ensnare, and begin pulling in SCP-682 (still weakened by acid emersion). SCP-682 can be heard vocalizing [REDACTED], seemingly in extreme distress. Although many polyps became slightly cracked, as well as significant portions of the surrounding seafloor destroyed, SCP-682 was successfully swallowed.

Video feed of the journey down the 'throat' of SCP-835 proved ineffective, as the extreme pressure of the internal walls crack the device lens, as well as obscured significant portions of footage. Live audio feed, however, remained somewhat intact. SCP-682 can be heard attempting to thrash, howl, and [REDACTED] throughout the course of the several hour long consumption.

At approximately <15 hours 42 minutes 17 seconds> after initial consumption, an intense steaming sound can be heard through the audio coming from SCP-682. Minor recoil from SCP-835 can be assumed due to the low, deranged rumbling emitted from the internal walls. Dr. █████ ███████ described the sound as "almost an extensive grunt of pain, as though you've been holding a heated metal slab for a bit too long." The vibrations of the rumbling distorted the audio devices beyond use, thus rendering them defective.

At approximately <27 hours 33 minutes 57 seconds> after initial consumption, minor spills of digestive fluid, fecal matter, and SCP-682 material (collected and burnt as necessary) are ejected from each of the polyps. The main portion of SCP-682 that remained intact is ejected from the central-most polyp, appearing skeletal with the internal organs only held up by loose remaining skin. Special containment procedures are enacted for both Keter class SCP's.

No further signs of damage or change are observed within SCP-835.

SCP-682 is observed to be immobile, unconscious, and barely breathing for <32 hours 25 minutes 22 seconds> after containment is reestablished, but basic regeneration occurs (consistent with standard termination attempts). Constant monitoring as well as armed MTF required on-site.
At approximately <█ days 11 hours 43 minutes 54 seconds> after containment is reestablished, SCP-682 undergoes a drastic metamorphosis, seemingly caused by the effects of SCP-835. Approximately 66% of SCP-682's scales open up to reveal quasi-humanoid faces, all of which screaming in agony, wailing in despair, and/or dispelling fluid matching that which is found within the 'stomach' of SCP-835. Twelve distinct polyps similar to those connected to SCP-835 grow out of SCP-682, coated with the same adhesive substance as found on the original subject.

These adaptations, in addition to the standard strength and resilience of SCP-682, resulted in a containment breach, causing the deaths of ██ staff and researchers, as well as ███ injuries. Containment was reestablished <4 hours 4 minutes 12 seconds> after initial breach (only possible due to growths dissipating naturally).

Notes: All survivors of the initial breach were terminated on-site to prevent the spread of infections caused by SCP-835.

Item: SCP-2953

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 is shot by a bullet made of 2953 and is successfully transformed and became comatose for a period of 30 days before reverting to its baseline state.
Further testing showed that 682 will still transform after repeated tests.

Notes: I can't believe it worked. Unfortunately, we only have a limited supply of 2953, otherwise we would have a consistent way of containing 682. - Dr. Nolan

Item: SCP-166

Tissue Test Record:
Sample decomposed without incident.

Termination Test Record:
SCP-166 is placed in SCP-682’s containment chamber. SCP-682 runs toward SCP-166 as it begins to “melt”. SCP-682’s “melting” state accelerates as it gets closer to SCP-166. At the point of contact, 682 has become what could only be described as a patch of grass covered with multiple flowers. Approximately 15 minutes later, SCP-682 begins to regenerate at the same speed it initially melted at, regenerating faster and faster as time goes by. Upon full regeneration, SCP-682 can be observed with several flowers and mushrooms on its back before a tree spontaneously sprouts out of its back, partially destroying the roof of its containment chamber.

Item: SCP-686, second attempt

Tissue Test Record: Denied by the O5 Council

Termination Test Record: Denied by the O5 Council

Have to give you credit, it was quite the spectacle until everyone remembered how two streams of high-velocity liquids can puncture glass… and flesh. We have ordered the destruction of all photographic and written documentation of the first "termination experiment" to avoid incentivizing further incidents.

We will NOT expose 682 to 686 again. THIS IS FINAL.

Item: SCP-165

Note: to avoid possible loss of the original SCP-165, a sample of SCP-165 (designated SCP-165-1) was separated from the main mass and allowed to reproduce until it was large enough to engulf SCP-682.

Tissue Test Record: SCP-165-1 completely consumed the tissue sample.

Termination Test Record: SCP-165-1 was placed above a trapdoor, beneath which SCP-682 was then positioned. SCP-165-1 was then dropped onto SCP-682. SCP-682 was intermittently visible within SCP-165-1, thrashing about and attempting to extricate itself from the dune, but ceased movement and was completely engulfed approximately ten minutes after initial exposure. SCP-165-1 continued to swirl about SCP-682 for another twenty minutes before slowly falling motionless. Approximately five minutes passed thereafter, at which point SCP-682, now roughly half a meter long, burrowed out of the dune. As no response was observed from SCP-165-1, six agents of MTF Epsilon-9 ("Fire Eaters") entered the room and used incendiary weapons to suppress SCP-682 and SCP-165-1, although the latter did not exhibit any response when targeted. SCP-682 was captured in a small portable containment unit and removed from the testing chamber before it could recover from its injuries or return to full size.

Subsequent investigations determined that all individual specimens in SCP-165-1 had perished prior to SCP-682's emergence due to ingestion of an unknown toxic chemical. The skeleton of SCP-682's original, full-size body remained at the center of SCP-165-1's mass, completely intact except for a sizeable hole burrowed through its skull.

Notes: It seems that SCP-682 was unable to regenerate its flesh, due to SCP-165-1 filling its space. It must have exuded some kind of pesticide to kill 165-1, then reformed a smaller body inside its own skull, the only part of its body not full of sand, and burrowed out. -Researcher Lee Roy Carlson

Item: SCP-101

Note: Before the prior test, Researcher Lee Roy Carlson requisitioned SCP-101 in the event that SCP-165-1 failed to terminate SCP-682 but successfully reduced it to a small enough size to be consumed by SCP-101.

Tissue Test Record: see results of previous SCP-101 test

Termination Test Record: SCP-101 was placed beneath the portable containment unit holding the small, burned SCP-682 that resulted from the test with SCP-165-1. The unit was then opened, causing SCP-682 to fall into SCP-101, which consumed it without issue. SCP-101 was placed in a fortified testing chamber for observation.

Approximately thirty minutes after consuming SCP-682, SCP-101 began to intermittently emanate a "gurgling" sound. Gurgling continued to increase in frequency and volume until, with a sound resembling an extremely loud belch, SCP-101 expelled the partially digested remains of SCP-682. SCP-682 was still approximately the same size as it had been when fed to SCP-101, though it immediately began to regenerate.

Item: SCP-173

Note: during the previous test, Researcher Lee Roy Carlson requisitioned SCP-173 in the event that SCP-101 failed to terminate SCP-682 but it remained at its reduced size.

Tissue Test Record: n/a

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was rapidly placed back in the portable containment unit and rushed to an adjacent testing chamber containing SCP-173. A portable containment unit was deposited in the chamber and all personnel evacuated, leaving SCP-173 unobserved. The sound of bending metal was heard, followed by several loud screeches from SCP-682. Fifteen minutes of silence followed, at which point personnel reentered the chamber. The portable containment unit had been destroyed and SCP-682 had been reduced to a pulp that exhibited no signs of movement or regeneration. SCP-173 was removed from the chamber, which was then sterilized with incendiary weapons by MTF Epsilon-7.

Researcher Lee Roy Carlson is to be awarded the Foundation Star for the neutralization of SCP-682.

Two weeks after this incident, a fully regenerated SCP-682 emerged from Site-19's sewer system and attacked the Site, terminating ██ personnel before Mobile Task Force Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") was able to subdue the object and return it to containment. It is currently theorized that traces of SCP-682 remained on the surface of SCP-173 after the previous test, and were then carried into the sewer system during the next cleaning of SCP-173's containment chamber.

Item: SCP-165-2, followed by SCP-173, followed by chemical and incendiary sterilization of SCP-173, both testing chambers, and SCP-173's containment chamber.

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Denied.

Note: Stop it, Carlson. -O5-█

Item: SCP-5000

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: A transcription of the journal entries stored in 5000's databanks were read aloud to 682. Upon completion of reading, researchers questioned 682 regarding its interpretation of events.

SCP-682: You almost understood.

Item: SCP-067

Tissue test record: N/A

Note: Whilst this will not do any damage to 682, we could gather potentially useful information about its past. -Researcher ████

Termination test record: SCP-067 introduced to containment chamber. SCP-682 appears curious. It goes on to pick up the pen with its right forearm. Immediately, it begins scratching something onto the floor. SCP-682 utters several profanities, likely due to shock. After approximately three minutes, SCP-682 throws SCP-067 to the side of the chamber (SCP-067 undamaged), before doing what research personnel have described as ‘proudly examining its creation’. SCP-682 has drawn an image (via scratching into the steel) of itself sitting on a mound of human corpses, surrounded by a group of crying people wearing the armour of Roman legionaries. A standard protrudes from the mound, ornately inscribed with Latin text reading ‘Legio IX Hispana’ and an image of what appeared to be a bull. SCP-067 successfully recovered due to temporarily increased docility of SCP-682.

Allison Eckhart: Allison Eckhart

Tissue Allison Eckhart Record: A/E

Allison Eckhart Test Record: Allison Eckhart was introduced to Allison Eckhart's testing chamber. Once spotted, Allison Eckhart slowly approached Allison Eckhart. Allison Eckhart began to open its jaw with the intention to eat Allison Eckhart. Allison Eckhart abruptly stops and closed his jaw back. Allison Eckhart began "sniffing" Allison Eckhart. After doing so, Allison Eckhart walked away from Allison Eckhart.

Researcher Allison Eckhart questioned Allison Eckhart regarding his encounter with Allison Eckhart.

Allison Eckhart: Stupid name… so disgusting. Can't even eat that.

Item: SCP-5871

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682, within its standard containment chamber, was given extra restraints to prevent escape. From Site-03, SCP-5871 was utilized to retroactively destroy SCP-682.

Following the conclusion of the ritual, a CK-Class "Reality Restructuring" Scenario occurred, as expected. Post-restructure investigators were tasked with locating SCP-682, and were not able to do so. As far as can be determined, SCP-682 has never existed.

RAISA Notice: SCP-682 still exists. No records of this test being carried out exist, nor the existence of any anomaly by the designation "SCP-5871". Investigation into this entry is ongoing.

Item: SCP-314

Tissue Test Record: The sample was successfully shredded by SCP-314. No detectable remains were noted.

Termination Test Record:

BEGIN LOG [00:00:00] HOURS


[01:32:58] SCP-682 is introduced into SCP-314's effect-radius.

[01:33:01] SCP-314 moves towards SCP-682 and proceeds to inflict massive physical damage and trauma upon SCP-682. What appear to be vocalizations of pain are being emitted by SCP-682. SCP-314 is recorded to be at a speed of 84 km/h.

[01:33:23] Vocalizations cease, after seven seconds. SCP-682 is observed to regenerate lost tissue at a rate of 85 km/h, while SCP-314 is continuing to inflict damage.

[01:35:33] SCP-314 is recorded to increase its speed from 84 km/h to 254 km/h. SCP-682 begins to regenerate lost tissue at a rate of 255 km/h, increasing by 11 km/h, every two seconds.

[01:37:12] Due to SCP-682's exponential speed at regeneration, both SCP-314 and SCP-682 increase their speed; SCP-314 is no longer able to inflict noticeable damage upon SCP-682, as SCP-682 proceeds to regenerate, faster than SCP-314 can inflict physical damage. Sonic speeds are recorded.

[01:41:06] Super-Sonic speeds recorded. Still no noticeable damage is recorded. A second instance of SCP-314 is seen materializing and aiding the original SCP-314 instance.

[01:45:45] At this time, the amount of SCP-314 instances increases by three every four seconds. Still no noticeable damage recorded.

[02:03:54] Light-Speed recorded. SCP-682 continues to regenerate faster, than the SCP-314 instances can inflict damage upon.

[02:55:43] Recording-equipment detect Faster-Than-Light speeds, although this can not be proven via direct observations. It is presumed that, even at such high speeds, the SCP-314 instances are still not able to inflict physical damage, than SCP-682 can regenerate.

[03:59:58] SCP-682 moved out of SCP-314's effect-radius. No physical damage could be noted on SCP-682, after the conclusion of the Termination-Attempt.

Notes: SCP-314's failure to inflict even the smallest amounts of relevant damage upon SCP-682, after exactly twenty-two seconds is quiet unfortunate and most unexpected. I also request bleach for my colleague, who desire to wash their eyes out with said substance. - Dr. Charles Gears

Item: SCP-181

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: DENIED BY O5-COMMAND

Note: The O5s denied this test… What a lucky guy. - Dr. [REDACTED]

Note: Site-[REDACTED] experienced a site-wide containment breach, with 95% of all contained Euclid- and Keter-Class SCPs breaching containment, due to an attack by The Chaos Insurgency.

SCP-682 escaped when the security-measures experienced their critical limits and subsequently evaded capture by eleven Mobile Task Forces. SCP-682 proceeded to destroy the town of [REDACTED]1 and slaughtered all citizens present.

At the same time SCP-682 breached containment, SCP-181 experienced a near-fatal stroke, with SCP-181 having reported feelings of fear, dizziness, followed by nausea, headaches and pain to various parts of its body the day prior. The possible involvement of SCP-682, regarding these events, is ongoing. - Site-Director Miller

Item: SCP-158

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Being operated by trained Agent Klein, operation of SCP-158 proved difficult, as SCP-158 ceased function during uneven intervals.

The Termination-Attempt was ordered to be aborted, at which point SCP-158 became autonomous and successfully separated SCP-682's consciousness from its physical body.

SCP-682's physical body proceeded to breach the inner containment-perimeter, although it appeared to be less focused, however, its physical movement and strength was heightened.

SCP-158 experienced a high-voltage shock, lethally wounding Agent Klein and deactivating SCP-158; Due to this, the consciousness of SCP-682 was able to escape SCP-158's grasp and SCP-682's consciousness took over Site-41's systems.

Both SCP-682's consciousness and physical body worked in sync with each other, aiding each other to block off and terminate security-personnel.

After approximately five minutes, on-site personnel experienced internal bleedings, subsequently resulting in death. The corpses were observed to become animate, regardless of physical damage, and aid SCP-682.

The animated personnel deactivated the distress signal, denied any and all claims of a containment breach, by calls from Foundation Sites and terminated an estimated 34% of security-personnel by disguising as injured personnel.

After eleven minutes into the containment breach, Site-41's on-site nuclear-warhead was activated by SCP-682's consciousness, resulting in the termination of 328 on-site personnel, the neutralization of 24 SCPs and damage of up to $[REDACTED].

SCP-682 was found [REDACTED] kilometers from Site-41 and continued to evade capture, for approximately seven hours, by as-of-yet not fully understood "psychic attacks".

Notes: The rate of containment breaches reached an all-time high in 2023, at every Site, after the SCP-682/SCP-158 cross-test. Of note where the breach of Site-103 and Area-142, which appear to have been aided by some sort of "remnant" of SCP-682's consciousness. - Director Jean Aktus

Item: SCP-1950

Note: This experiment aimed at a possible and reliable method of SCP-682 containment.

Tissue Test Record: The Tissue sample was affected by SCP-1950's anomalous properties.

Termination Test Record: The introduction of SCP-682 into SCP-1950 was uneventful.

Through both direct visual observations and CCTV cameras, SCP-682 was observed to be affected by SCP-1950. Observations continued for two minutes and fifty-four seconds, at which point SCP-682 was successfully declared contained.

Note: All personnel stationed at Area-1950-B were affected by an anomaly, similar to SCP-1950 and appear to only be able to observe the timeframe of the beginning of the Termination-Attempt and SCP-682's subsequent escape and "immunity" to SCP-1950. - Dr. Fabian Leweck

Note: The passage of time, within SCP-1950, was temporarily "reversed". This caused SCP-682 to travel back to a point in space-time, before it was introduced to SCP-1950. This allowed SCP-682 to successfully escape SCP-1950's anomalous properties and its subsequent "immunity" toward SCP-1950. How SCP-682 retained its memories and was able to not enter SCP-1950's radius of effect a second time is, at this time, unknown.

Item: SCP-920

Tissue Test Record: The Tissue sample was carried in a biohazardous containment-bag, by D-920-22. Contact with both D-920-22 and the Tissue sample have never been established, since their encounter with SCP-920.

Termination Test Record: Exposure to SCP-920 was uneventful. SCP-682 was not affected by SCP-920's mind-affecting properties, which resulted in SCP-682 chasing SCP-920 and SCP-920 running away from SCP-682.

Note: SCP-682 subsequently declared lost. SCP-682 found again.

Item: SCP-4578

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-4578 was brought into a heavily-reinforced containment chamber containing SCP-682. SCP-682 attempted to consume SCP-4578, at which point SCP-4578-1 manifested and fired upon it. SCP-4578-1 continued to fire for nine seconds, leaving SCP-682 as a near-unrecognizable pile of flesh and bones. Having deemed the threat from SCP-682 to be neutralized, SCP-4578-1 did not resume fire for the remainder of the test. SCP-4578, who was in a visible state of shock, was removed from the chamber and treated with Class A amnestics before being escorted out of Site-██. SCP-682 finished regeneration several hours after the test concluded.

Shortly after fully regenerating, SCP-682 breached containment through the north wall of the chamber. Investigations later revealed this was possible due to damage caused by SCP-4578-1's attack. All attempts to subdue SCP-682 were completely ineffective, as its body was covered in armor-like scales that appeared to be made out of the same crystalline material composing SCP-4578-1's projectiles. Over the next four hours, SCP-682 killed ███ Foundation personnel before Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") managed to reestablish containment. Armored scale growths subsided shortly afterward. SCP-4578 was not made aware of what happened after he left Site-██.

Note: Whoever suggested, approved, and/or carried out this test, there are two reasons why you're all [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] idiots:

1: SCP-682 can incorporate anything and everything into its body mass. You were begging for trouble by filling it with indestructible space bullets.

2: A four-hour rampage across Site-██ was the preferable outcome to this test. I can't put into words how lucky we are that SCP-682 chose to go with armor scales and not its own personal 4578-1.

I request that the O5 Council permanently bars the entire test crew from working with SCP-682. Anyone who says I can't do that can answer to my P90. And Jesus Christ, did you guys really have to traumatize 4578 like that? - Epsilon-11 Captain J. Woods

Item: SCP-1128

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Standard sea-water was filled into SCP-682's containment chamber.

Visual infohazardous information about SCP-1128 was shown to SCP-682.

After exposure, SCP-682 began to seep out a gaseous compound, which was later identified as aerosolized Class-Y mnestics, which were spread through the entirety of Site-18, via the ventilation-system. Reports of visual hallucinations, depicting the full appearance of SCP-1128 on all reflective surfaces, were noted, further exposing personnel to SCP-1128.

SCP-682 was observed to sink into the applied sea-water, at which point contact with SCP-682 was lost. A surface vessel belonging to Mobile Containment Force Kappa-12 ("Sea Devils") reported making visual contact with both SCP-1128 and SCP-682, at which point the entire vessel was violently "pulled" into the sea. The ship was deemed lost with all hands presumed KIA.

SCP-682 re-surfaced into its containment chamber, utilizing the relaxed security-measures to breach containment and terminate eighty-nine percent of Site-18's personnel, until its re-containment.

For up to sixty-three hours, any data regarding SCP-682 was infohazardous, translocating all human personnel to SCP-682's location, where they were subsequently terminated by SCP-682. An amount of ███ personnel were terminated, due to this.

Testing regarding SCP-1128 revealed that SCP-1128 possessed vaguely reptile-like features, while the information about its former appearance was still infohazardous. SCP-1128 remained in its new appearance, after sixty-three hours.

All of Site-18's personnel had to be terminated, as their exposure to both SCP-1128's infohazardous data and Class-Y mnestics posed too much of a continued risk.

Item: SCP-3017

Tissue Test Record: After the use of psychological torture, the Tissue sample was successfully digested by SCP-3017.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was exposed to SCP-3017. SCP-682 lunged at SCP-3017, before coming to a halt, staring at SCP-3017, before backing off and ceasing interaction with SCP-3017.

SCP-3017 appeared to be distressed, demanding its release from SCP-682. This has been deemed a lulling-tactic and SCP-3017 was only removed, after it ceased distressed vocalizations and wept in a corner of the containment chamber.

Note: The subject of the conversation between SCP-682 and SCP-3017 has not been identified. SCP-682 has refused to answer and SCP-3017 has denied any and all claims of a conversation. SCP-3017 has been put under 24-Hour surveillance and security measures tightened to ensure no collaborative breach between the two. - Researcher Kathleen Ryan

Note, as of 05/30/20█6: After SCP-3017's true anomalous nature has been identified, theories suggest that SCP-682 initially wanted to assault SCP-3017, was somehow able to not be fooled by SCP-3017-A and decided to leave SCP-3017, as it realized that SCP-3017 was the perfect distraction, so that it could breach containment more efficiently. It succeeded, as the number of SCP-682's breaches reached an all-time high in 20█6, until SCP-3017's self-termination. What a monster. - Dr. Paris Kiran


Verification complete. User CRV is within acceptable limits.

You do not recognize the bodies in the water.

Item: SCP-2316

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 recognized the bodies in the water, approaching SCP-2316. Contact with SCP-682 was temporarily lost, as it delved under SCP-2316's surface.

Re-establishment of contact with SCP-682 was made exactly four minutes and thirty-seven seconds later, at which point it was successfully contained.

You do not recognize the bodies in the water.

Item: SCP-423

Note: This experiment aimed at the possible termination of SCP-682, via metaphysical and/or pataphysical concepts, objects, locations and/or beings.

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: An eight-hundred-page book, titled "To Slay The Beast", was introduced to SCP-423.

The book detailed a Class-Ω Containment-Failure and the subsequent engagement of several SCPs in combat with SCP-682.

The engagement culminated in a ZK-Class Reality-Failure Scenario and the subsequent termination of SCP-682.

Although the book was physically unaltered (Except for SCP-423's presence), SCP-423 reported several major deviations from the original, upon return, including but not limited to:

  • The neutralization of ninety-five percent of the detailed SCPs, by SCP-682. The remaining five percent were fended of, by SCP-682;
  • The subsequent destruction of seventy-seven percent of the observable Omniverse, at the time of SCP-423's escape;
  • The subsequent ZK-Class Scenario was not initiated by [DATA EXPUNGED], as was depicted in the original, but was instead initiated by SCP-682, by its own accord.

SCP-423 managed to escape the confines of the lower Narrative, but remained unresponsive for three months. SCP-423 ignores all lines of questioning, regarding this Termination-Attempt; To date, SCP-423 has only given the following note, regarding the Termination-Attempt:

It was like the entire story bent to its will. - SCP-423

Note: This Termination-Attempt has proven that altering SCP-682, its surroundings, and/or the Narrative it is contained in, on a narrativic level, does not alter the Narrative, as would be apparent for an outside observer. Like in Schrödinger's Cat Experiment, we can only know the truth when we fully observe it and see it for ourselves.

Sisyphus.sic has been tasked with preventing the alteration and creation of Narratives, which feature SCP-682 to any extent, in order to prevent wide-scale destruction on a narrative level. This has been the order of the Department of Pataphysics' Ethics Committee. - Pierre Menard, Director of Pataphysics

Item: SCP-071

Note: Whilst this will not do any damage to SCP-682, we could gather potentially useful information about it.

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: When SCP-682 was introduced to SCP-071, SCP-071 ceased to exist, with no further attempts of interaction on SCP-682's part.

SCP-071 continued to remain in this non-existent state until SCP-682 was removed from its chamber.

Item: SCP-310

Tissue Test Record: The Tissue sample became an instance of SCP-310-02 and was consumed, without any further incident.

Termination Test Record: Ignition by SCP-310 proved successful.

SCP-682's vocalizations indicated severe pain before SCP-682 fell into a state of unconsciousness. SCP-682 remained in its state of unconsciousness, for six hours, until SCP-310 had fully consumed SCP-682 and SCP-310 subsequently extinguished.

After twenty-six minutes, residual blood was observed to locomote from its location and rapidly re-form into SCP-682's original mass, with the addition of wing-like appendages.

SCP-682 subsequently breached containment, with reports stating that SCP-682 "flew overhead and ejected flames onto Site-██". The ejected flames were artificially similar to SCP-310.

Item: S. Andrew Swann's Proposal

Tissue Test Record: [DATA EXPUNGED]

Termination Test Record: View Project Isorropía for more details.

Item: SCP-6002

Tissue Test Record:
After locating SCP-682's genetic material on one of the branches, the flesh decomposed immediately after exposure to hydrochloride acid solution.

The genetic material corresponding to SCP-682 could be located on one of SCP-6002's branches, and was successfully detached from the main trunk. After this, the sample of SCP-682 previously laid in a hydrochloride acid solution immediately began decomposing.

Termination Test Record:
Following the aforementioned tissue test, SCP-682 seemed to show signs of degradation, whereupon MTF's were ordered to open fire at SCP-682 to support its demise. After 3 minutes of exposure, with SCP-682 now solely consisting of its skeletal structure, SCP-682 began to blacken. The blackening then also appeared on the skin of personnel present during the experiment, after which it began to corrode their skin.2 During this, it was observed that SCP-6002-B spread had increased in speed. SCP-682 regenerated to its normal form shortly thereafter.

Note: According to current calculations, SCP-6002-B will reach the crown in the next 240 years.

Item: SCP-734

Tissue Test Record: Respective Tissue sample was lowered into a vat of SCP-734's mucus.

The Tissue sample was soaked in the mucus, before dispersing the mucus in all directions; Due to standard safety regulations, regarding SCP-734, all present personnel wore specialized hazmat suits and no casualties were sustained.

The Tissue sample remained unaffected.

Termination Test Record: N/A, due to lack of efficacy on Tissue Sample.

Item: SCP-538

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Six SCP-538 specimens were introduced into SCP-682's containment chamber. After the duration of thirty minutes, all SCP-538 specimen had bitten SCP-682, however, SCP-682 did not appear to exhibit any symptoms indicative of SCP-538 exposure.

After approximately ten minutes, SCP-682 proceeded to physically grow in size to a size three times larger, than its previous state all in the duration of five minutes.

Skin-Flaps opened on SCP-682's body and limbs and an indeterminate number of an unknown species of venomous arachnoids crawled out of these Skin-Flaps, becoming very agitated and hostile when in the presence of live human subjects.

Mobile Task Force Epsilon-9 ("Fire Eaters") and Mobile Task Force Lambda-12 ("Pest Control") were sent in during the incident to control the situation, but sustained heavy loss of both equipment and personnel.

During this incident, SCP-682 breached containment, while also physically transforming into its previous state.

Notes: Even after ██ months, the effects of the SCP-538 specimen has not manifested within SCP-682, to date. - Dr. Peterson

Item: SCP-2501

Tissue Test Record: Flattened to a thickness of ~4 centimetres (Original thickness: 8 centimetres).

Note: Due to the above-mentioned results of the Tissue sample, SCP-682 and its Testing-Chamber were re-located over the Pacific Ocean, 72 kilometres away from the east coast of [REDACTED], Japan.

Termination Test Record: Dr. ████ operated SCP-2501 from an adjoining Observation-Chamber and utilized SCP-2501 to crush SCP-682.

Vocalizations of pain and agony were emitted on SCP-682's part of up to ███ dB, causing structual damage to the Testing-Chamber.

SCP-682 was flattened to half of its original mass, via SCP-2501, before the effects of SCP-2501 were unable to affect SCP-682. Dr. ████ maintained the pressure applied to SCP-682, via SCP-2501, for an additional 6 hours, before SCP-2501 appeared to malfunction and ceased function.

The Termination-Attempt had to be aborted, due to the lack of further results and the risk of inflicting massive damage upon SCP-2501.

After SCP-2501's effects ceased, SCP-682 released an unknown force, destroying the Testing-Chamber, terminating all on-site personnel (14 personnel in total) and the subsequent [REDACTED] of the Pacific Ocean, resulting in a [REDACTED], which initiated the 2011 [REDACTED].


Notes: All data, regarding the possible involvement of anomalous forces, in [REDACTED] have been discredited/erased from public knowledge. - O5-1

Item: SCP-012

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:


[00:00:15] SCP-012 is lowered into SCP-682's containment chamber. SCP-682 achieves visual contact with SCP-012.

[00:00:26] Although SCP-682 approaches SCP-012, this action appears to have been made by SCP-682's own free will and not due to SCP-012's mind-affecting properties.

[00:00:35] Physical alterations begin to manifest and affect all ink written on any piece of paper, which tests later identify as dried blood from SCP-682. This anomalous effect affects all ink in a five-hundred meter radius, possessing the same anomalous properties as SCP-012.

[00:00:47] In the ensuing breach of security, SCP-682 breaches containment, having never been observed to establish direct physical contact with SCP-012.


Notes: Going over the Termination-Attempt involving SCP-061, that was to be expected. It also marks the fastest time SCP-682 has been able to breach containment; In exactly forty-seven seconds. Though, SCP-682 may break this record easily in the near future. - O5-5

Item: SCP-1230

Note: This experiment aimed to answer, if SCP-682 could be terminated in a space where it was not physically nor psychologically present.

Tissue Test Record: Dr. Steve Richards was exposed to SCP-1230 and fell into a state of REM sleep. Dr. Richards provided a detailed description of SCP-682 and all history surrounding SCP-682 in relation to The SCP Foundation to SCP-1230-1 and demanded of SCP-1230-1 to manifest a Tissue sample of SCP-682.

Dr. Richards subsequently neutralized the Tissue sample, via incineration methods.

Termination Test Record: Dr. Richards was ordered to demand SCP-1230-1 to manifest an entity, after exposure to various classified data and detailed descriptions of SCP-682, upon arrival at SCP-1230's world.

Seven minutes had passed, after Dr. Richards fell into a state of REM sleep. Dr. Richards was subsequently found to have died while asleep, the cause of death to be determined to have been multiple organ failures.

SCP-1230-1 willfully ignores all lines of questioning, regarding this incident and appears to be highly distressed, if this incident is ever mentioned.

Notes: Every subject "entering" the world accessed through SCP-1230 was subsequently asked of SCP-1230-1 to "slay The Dragon, which is wreaking havoc and rampage across the stars", with the entity in question possessing a heavy resemblance to SCP-682.

To date, SCP-1230-1 has not ceased the action of demanding this action nor has "The Dragon" been reported to have been terminated. - Dr. Fever

Item: SCP-339

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:


[00:00:00] Introduction of SCP-339 into SCP-682's containment chamber.

[00:00:05] SCP-339's tendrils begin to scratch on the walls of the containment chamber.

[00:00:06] SCP-682 is observed to minimize its movement in an effort to neutralize the sounds it is producing via standard movement, in order to not trigger SCP-339's effects.

[00:01:03] The tendrils of SCP-339 begin to induce physical damage upon SCP-682. No sounds originating from SCP-682 or its actions are recorded, with SCP-682 retreating in an area of its containment chamber not infested with an over-abundance of SCP-339's tendrils.

[00:01:45] Severe damage is induced to the southern wall of the containment chamber. SCP-682 takes notice of this.

[00:01:50] A high-voltage shock is applied to the containment chamber, which causes SCP-682 to vocalize in pain above the fourteen dB threshold of SCP-339.

[00:01:52] SCP-339's effects trigger, with its tendrils rapidly approaching and ensnaring SCP-682.

[00:02:01] Attempts at freeing itself from SCP-339 are made, in the form of physical actions. This proves to be ineffective.

[00:02:06] A transparent outer carapace is observed to generate on out of SCP-682's skin, spreading onto its entire surface.

[00:02:07] The carapace immediately detaches itself from SCP-682's surface and begins to wrap around and ensnare SCP-339, quickly decreasing in size, while being wrapped around SCP-339.

[00:02:10] SCP-682 frees itself and attempts at breaching the southern wall of its containment chamber are made.

[00:02:44] Tendrils breach the carapace, rapidly approaching SCP-682.

[00:02:56] At the time of contact, a vacuum is created in the size of the containment chamber.

[00:02:57] SCP-682 breaches the southern wall.

[00:02:58] Massive structural damage is caused to the entirety of Site-[REDACTED], as well as heavy personnel loss. SCP-339 ensnares all personnel outside the created vacuum, due to their distressed vocalizations.

[00:03:16] Several of SCP-339's tendrils attempt to ensnare SCP-682, at which point SCP-682 approaches SCP-339, bites down on it, and throws SCP-339 out of Site-[REDACTED] (SCP-339 was later recovered in a village, fifty-four kilometers away from Site-[REDACTED]; No human occupants were found upon a thorough investigation, likely due to SCP-339).

[00:03:24] Created vacuum de-manifests and SCP-682 breaches the boundaries of Site-[REDACTED].


Notes: The subsequent re-exposure of SCP-339 to SCP-682 resulted in SCP-339 not targeting SCP-682, despite SCP-682 producing sounds greater than fourteen dB. - Dr. [REDACTED]

Item: SCP-579

Tissue Test Record: Sample successfully erased from baseline reality.

Termination Test Record: [DATA EXPUNGED]

Note: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Test failed.

Item: SCP-145

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-145 is placed into the Testing Chamber containing SCP-682.

SCP-145 goes off and SCP-682 approaches SCP-145 and answers it. Direct observation of SCP-682 is ordered to be ceased, whereupon SCP-682 vanishes.

D-145-682 is ordered to pick up SCP-682. In addition to distressed vocalizations of human subjects, vocalizations from SCP-682 can be heard. The Female Voice states "IT'S GETTING THROUGH! IT'S GETTING THR-", before abruptly cutting off.

Immediately after the end of the call, all live human subjects within a fifty-meter radius, suddenly vanish. SCP-682 is later discovered in the Testing Chamber, completely unharmed.

Subsequent analysis of the background noises in the SCP-145 calls, the Audio-Technician identifies thirty-seven voices, matching those of the personnel who had vanished during this Termination-Attempt.

Item: SCP-280-JP

Tissue Test Record: Sample successfully inserted into SCP-280-JP. SCP-280-JP's diameter reduced.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was to be transferred into a portable tank of hydrochloric acid, for transport to Site-81██ in Japan. This transfer was canceled after it became clear that SCP-682 was too large to fit into the portable containment unit that had been sent.

Another, larger containment unit was requested. SCP-682 was also too large to fit into this second container.

A third portable containment unit was being constructed, based on measurements of SCP-682's size. This was canceled after further measurements revealed that SCP-682 was still too large to fit into this portable containment unit.

Item: The Sun

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was restrained in a cage that was placed into a Foundation rocket. The rocket was successfully launched with a trajectory aimed at Sol. Foundation satellites monitored the craft as it made its course towards the Sun.

After five days, SCP-682 managed to tear open the walls of the ship and was hurtled violently into the vacuum of space. SCP-682 aimlessly drifted for the next seven days, during which time winged appendages slowly grew on its back. These appendages grew to have a wingspan of a kilometer. When fully grown, SCP-682 seemed to use the solar winds to steer itself back to Earth.

Note: SCP-682 survived for a total of 28 days in the vacuum of space. When containment teams reached SCP-682’s landing site, the wings were no longer present and could not be found. The current theory is that they burned up in the atmosphere upon reentry.

Item: P-500 Bazalt cruise missile with enhanced yield warhead

Tissue Test Record: N/A3

Termination Test Record:


[00:00:00] SCP-682 is sedated using SCP-████ and then brought to a Foundation weapons testing range in the ██████ Desert.

[00:30:00] 100 km away, Foundation missile cruiser SCPS Archer launches an enhanced yield P-500 Bazalt missile directed at SCP-682. Missile reaches speeds approaching Mach 3 (~1000 m/s).

[00:30:04] SCP-682, no longer affected by SCP-████'s sedative, turns to face the direction of SCPS Archer and the incoming missile, having sensed the missile launch through unknown means.

[00:30:11] SCP-682 begins to consume the surrounding landscape, absorbing substantial amounts of matter into its body.

[00:30:22] SCP-682's appendages begin to increase in both size and muscle mass as it continues to consume its surroundings. At this point, the missile is approximately 80 km out.

[00:30:56] SCP-682's appendages have grown to approximately three times their normal length. Muscle mass appears to have also increased by several magnitudes. Missile is approximately 45 km out.

[00:31:20] Four small appendage-like growths are seen forming near the tip of SCP-682's tail. At this point, SCP-682 has stopped absorbing mass. Missile is approximately 20 km out.

[00:31:26] The tip of SCP-682's tail detaches from the rest of its body. Using its four leg-like growths, the tail tip autonomously crawls underneath a nearby rock formation. Missile is approximately 15 km out.

[00:31:34] SCP-682 crouches low to the ground, once again facing towards the incoming missile. Missile is approximately 5 km out.

[00:31:38] SCP-682 lunges 15 meters into the air towards the missile. The missile is struck in mid-air, resulting in a massive detonation that obliterates SCP-682. However, as a result of the early detonation, the aforementioned rock formation is left unscathed. Foundation agents are immediately dispatched to find and destroy SCP-682's tail tip.

[00:37:31] Foundation agents arrive at the test site, finding that SCP-682 had already recovered roughly 20% of its body mass, once again accomplished through absorbing the surrounding landscape's mass.

[00:43:08] SCP-682 is recontained by motorized recovery units and sent back to permanent containment at Site-[REDACTED]. SCP-682 puts up little resistance, having apparently expended most of its energy by fighting off the missile.


Notes: While this particular attempt may have failed, I'm still convinced that we've been overthinking this whole thing by ignoring some of the more conventional means of destroying SCP-682. -Dr. Haines

Item: SCP-5175

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: PoI-3445 was instructed to pierce SCP-682 with SCP-5175-1.


<00:00:00> PoI-3445, armed with SCP-5175-1, enters the testing chamber.

<00:00:05> PoI-3445: The [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]

<00:00:10> PoI-3445 approaches SCP-682, then attempts to pierce it multiple times.

<00:00:23> SCP-682 expresses resistance, then grabs PoI-3445, flinging him to the opposite side of the chamber. PoI-3445 is gravely injured.

<00:00:31> PoI-3445: Can't do [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] about this.

<00:00:39> SCP-682 approaches PoI-3445, most likely with the intent to kill it.

<00:00:44> PoI-3445 pierces SCP-682, making it disappear.

<00:00:48> PoI-3445: Chijoku.4

<00:01:02> PoI-3445 leaves the testing chamber.


Dr.██████ is to be rewarded the Foundation Star for the successful termination of SCP-682.

13 hours after the incident, Lunar Area-32 reported an unknown object orbiting the moon, which was later identified as SCP-682, which was severely damaged. SCP-682 was retrieved by Area-32 personnel and is currently in temporary containment. It is currently theorized that SCP-682 escaped the realm that SCP-5175-1 contained it in, and somehow propelled its way back to Earth.

Item: SCP-514

Tissue Test Record: N/A, Overridden by O5 Council.

Termination Test Record: After several attempts, an instance of SCP-514 was coaxed into flying over SCP-682's containment chamber.


<00:00:00> SCP-682 exposed to SCP-514. SCP-682 stands completely still in its chamber.

<00:00:31> Observing personnel report heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and anger.

<00:00:45> SCP-682 continues to stand completely still.

<00:01:02> Observing personnel begin to attack each other using makeshift weapons. Distress call sent.

<00:01:11> SCP-682 continues to stand completely still.

<00:01:15> The button controlling the containment door to SCP-682's chamber is pressed from the observation room in the fighting.

<00:01:22> SCP-682 continues to stand completely still, despite the fact that containment has been severely compromised.

<00:02:12> The floor of the observation room is covered in blood, improvised weapons, and bodies. Only one observing personnel remains. He quickly looks around, grabs a chair, and [DATA EXPUNGED].

<00:02:46> At this point, SCP-514 has flown away. SCP-682 appears to blink twice, then rushes for the open door and breaches containment. Containment re-attained after minimal casualties due to previous distress calls.


Note: I guess this is what happens when you try to tame the beast. Oh well. -Dr. ██████

Item: SCP-973

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: With the use of SCP-████, SCP-682 was temporarily sedated and then restrained within the back of a heavy containment truck. D-682-57 was instructed to drive the truck as fast as possible through the stretch of US Route ██ on which SCP-973 is known to manifest. Once D-682-57 passed 74 km/h, SCP-973-1 became visible in the truck's rear-facing camera.

D-682-57 continued to accelerate until being struck by SCP-973-1. SCP-973-1 was travelling approximately ███ km/h at the point of impact, over two times as fast as D-682-57. The force of the impact caused D-682-57 to lose control and crash in a nearby ditch. Sterilization teams, who had been on standby up to this point, were ordered to move in and destroy all remains of SCP-682 left among the wreckage.

Sterilization teams arrived to find that the rear compartment of the now-wrecked containment truck had been torn open, presumably by SCP-973, and set ablaze. D-682-57 was found to have been removed from the truck's cab and [DATA EXPUNGED] by SCP-973. Sterilization teams found and incinerated large amounts of flesh and blood belonging to SCP-682. However, an estimated 70% of its body mass remained unaccounted for. Search teams were organized to locate the remainder of SCP-682 and recontain it if necessary.

Search teams eventually spotted SCP-682 several kilometers from the crash site, by which point it had fully-regenerated. Upon realizing that it had been found, SCP-682 hijacked Foundation radio frequencies, playing looping cognitohazardous messages on all radios within a ten kilometer radius of itself. This resulted in the instantaneous loss of ███ Foundation personnel, in addition to seven Foundation aircraft.

SCP-682 was recontained after being incapacitated by four armored vehicles and two helicopter gunships, all of which were required to have their radios switched off. Radios were deemed safe to use within a ten kilometer radius of SCP-682 after twelve hours.

Notes: Call me crazy, but I swear that 682's roars sounded an awful lot like police sirens when we found it. Looked like its skin was covered in big black and white patches, too. Did we just make 682 part-ghost-cop-car? -█████ ███████, AH-64D pilot

Item: Induced SCP-6993.

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: For a duration of 3 months and 14 days, SCP-682 was forcibly made to learn several complex parascientific fields (Chronomatrics, meta- and pataphysics, noospherics, quantum supermechanics, etc.) through the use of Foundation-made telepathic cognitohazards, thereby allowing it to be in risk of SCP-6993 infection. Symptoms of initial and late stages began soon after, although the organism remained capable of minor motor function at Stage 3.

Eventually, a Laniakea-6993 Event was activated, with SCP-682's cerebrum undergoing extreme rapid deformation. However, SCP-682's brain could not break out of the its skull, which suddenly became impenetrable. Resultantly, SCP-682's brain reformed itself into a hot, radioactive spinning disc of tissue completely inside its own head, and when launching itself out of the atmosphere, it carried SCP-682's corpse with it.

Foundation astronomical monitoring assets soon discovered SCP-682's body in the thermosphere, floating 220,347 kilometers up from the Earth's surface. It eventually fell down into the Atlantic Ocean in a physically recuperated state and was successfully recontained. No signs of SCP-6993 infection was found at this point, rather, SCP-682's brain activity has increased ten-fold without any neurological harm. SCP-682 claims to be knowledgeable on multiple extraordinary esoteric concepts, many of which are "yet to be discovered" by Foundation personnel. While this statement remains unconfirmed, future containment breaches from SCP-682 have utilized several anomalous methods of increasing complexity. Investigations into any possible connections are ongoing.

Item: Class-F Amnesticization.

Note - Background Context: Due to the results from the last test featuring SCP-6993, SCP-682 may have kept knowledge of anomalous sciences that could be detrimental to the entity's containment. As such, a test utilizing a complete Memory Recall Expungement and Identity Reconditioning amnestic (Class-F) was approved by the Medical Department, with the objective of removing this suspected knowledge from SCP-682 and simplifying termination efforts.

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: After 8 days of Class-F Amnesticization processes, SCP-682's consciousness was absolutely cleansed from all memories and personality, replicating behavior similar to infant animals. Of note, SCP-682 seemed to have no further will in killing any living organisms that it encounters. Due to its non-hostile state, SCP-682 was temporally relocated to a XXL-Sized High-Security Containment Chamber for more research.

While contained in its chamber, a specimen of the Culicidae (Mosquito) family of unidentified species entered the enclosure through the vents and subsequently bit SCP-682's back while it was asleep. SCP-682 immediately killed the insect by rolling on the ground and crashing into the wall. At this point, SCP-682 appears to regain its antagonism towards living beings, as proven by the following containment breach and 7 personnel fatalities. It was relocated to its usual containment chamber after capture.

After a period of 4 months, the intelligence of SCP-682 returned to a regular level. The majority of SCP-682's memories had returned as well, although its memories of the test involving SCP-6993 were among those that were not recovered. Test deemed technically half-successful.

It was a good try, but there is no imaginable way to keep SCP-682 in this pacified state in a non-threatening manner if a single, slight inconvenience disturbs it. We can't waste another Class-F procedure on it. I prohibit the replication of this test until otherwise specified. — Head Researcher on the SCP-682 Termination Project.

Item: The forest of the strange and unnamed

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Note: Sections of this document have been edited according to protocol 4000-ESHU.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 is transferred to a 5m3 graphene box hauled by D-Class subject to the nearest fireplace onsite. The two D-Class then proceeded to perform a modified version of 4000-Halloway, which transported SCP-682 to the hallow land of the unidentified along with the D-Class personnel.

The subjects then brought SCP-682 to a native feline friend. SCP-682 began to speak to the amiable grey one, abiding by the nomenclatural rules of the green, flowering space, stating that it has heard stories of the ancient trees.

After conversing with the calm companion for about five hours, the D-Class were ordered to recontain SCP-682 and exit the accommodation where designations shall not be spoken.

SCP-682 was eventually successfully brought back to its containment cell, nearly escaping containment after it bit the leg of one of the D-Class subjects.

Item: SCP-3794

Tissue Test Record: Twenty-three cubic centimeters of SCP-682 were successfully converted into Fresh Tomatillo Salsa without incident.

Termination Test Record: D-0286 entered the test chamber wielding SCP-3794. SCP-682 rapidly approached D-0286 causing her to scream and throw SCP-3794 at SCP-682. When SCP-3794 made contact with SCP-682, it lost balance and began rolling along the floor before colliding with the test chamber's eastern wall.

When SCP-682 collided with the wall, it deflated by 30% with large amounts of Salsa Verde (Roasted Tomatillo Salsa) being ejected through its orifices. After thirty seconds SCP-682 got to its feet where it vomited over 3800 kilograms of Salsa Verde over the course of twenty minutes.

Note: The salsa released by SCP-682 tasted just like a kangaroo. -Dr. Balthazaar Ackerman

Item: SCP-1054-RU

Tissue Test Record: SCP-1054-RU-1 instances tear sample apart and retreat back to back SCP-1054-RU.

Termination Test Record:


<00:00:00> SCP-682 is placed in a modified containment chamber to prevent it from damaging SCP-1054-RU.

<00:00:20> SCP-1054-RU activates and enters "low throttle" mode. It begins to release SCP-1054-RU-1 instances, which then proceed to attack SCP-682.

<00:01:15> SCP-1054-RU-1 instances are barely able to damage SCP-682's exterior. They began to attempt to disorient SCP-682 using their screeching ability. SCP-682 responds by using its claws and tail to swipe them from the air.

<00:02:35> SCP-682 has killed and consumed a large majority of SCP-1054-RU-1 instances, causing the rest to retreat. SCP-1054-RU then enters "cruise" mode.

<00:02:50> SCP-1054-RU begins to release SCP-1054-RU-2 instances, which then proceed to attack SCP-682.

<00:03:20> SCP-1054-RU-2 instances begin to peck out SCP-682's eyes. After clawing them off its face, SCP-682 quickly develops thick "brilles" over its eyes. SCP-1054-RU-2 instances are still unable to cause major damage to SCP-682's exterior.

<00:04:10> SCP-1054-RU-2 instances retreat back to SCP-1054-RU. SCP-1054-RU enters "full throttle" mode, as SCP-1054-RU-3 instances begin to emerge.

<00:04:30> SCP-1054-RU-3 instances ignore SCP-682 and attempt to leave the containment chamber. SCP-682 proceeds to use its jaws to kill any SCP-1054-RU-3 flying close to it. SCP-682 appears to be unaffected by their radiation.

<00:05:10> SCP-1054-RU enters "emergency" mode and begins to release SCP-1054-RU-4 instances. They begin to swarm SCP-682 and unlike previous instances, are able to tear the flesh off of it.

<00:06:11> At this point, 10% of SCP-682's flesh has been torn off its body. SCP-682 has only killed some of the instances due to their higher durability. During all of this, the SCP-1054-RU-4 instances take the pieces of flesh back to SCP-1054-RU.

<00:07:00> SCP-1054-RU begins making violently shaking and making sounds similar to a jet engine stalling. Suddenly, SCP-1054-RU begins to power down, with the SCP-1054-RU-4 instances flying sporadically.

<00:08:35> SCP-682 develops a long frog-like tongue and uses it to catch the remaining SCP-1054-RU-4 instances.


Investigation of SCP-1054-RU found that the pieces of flesh taken from SCP-682 had apparently "clogged" the engine, causing it to stall. After a 3-hour cleaning period, SCP-1054-RU became fully operational and was returned to Sector █.

Item: SCP-7700

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: After Dr. Cimmerian entered the containment chamber, SCP-682 began to attack him. However, various luck-based phenomena such as SCP-682 tripping prevented Dr. Cimmerian from fatal injury. After an hour, SCP-682 ceased violent action and allowed Dr. Cimmerian to exit the containment chamber.

SCP-682: He's just like me. Cursed to live by the narrative.


Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was deemed Keter by SCP-001, as per expected with SCP-001 expanding. SCP-682 successfully appeared within the allocated chamber within SCP-001. SCP-████-K appeared within the chamber in which SCP-682 and SCP-████-K successfully contained each other for 8 months, after which SCP-682 managed to destroy SCP-████-K. SCP-682 then immediately disappeared from SCP-001 for 15 hours with it reappearing back within its containment chamber.

Notes: It appears that even SCP-001's containment cycles are incapable of permanently containing SCP-682. This failure in SCP-001's containment cycle warrants further investigation in SCP-682 and SCP-001's nature. -Dir. █████ ████

Item: SCP-185-KO

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: With the use of SCP-████, SCP-682 was temporarily sedated, with restraints put on its legs. A rope connected to D-682-72 was then tied around its jaw, in hopes of transporting both to the pocket reality inside of SCP-185-KO.

D-682-72 was given a monitor with the SCP-185-KO file opened and was instructed to play it. After one hour and twenty-seven minutes of playing, both D-682-72 and SCP-682 disappeared. After approximately four hours, both SCP-682 and D-682-72 reappeared, with the former attempting to kill the latter and breach containment, before being incapacitated by onsite security.

Note: Testimony from D-682-72 indicates that they both woke up inside SCP-185-KO's pocket reality, with little memory. D-682-72 was initially terrified of finding out that she was tied to SCP-682, only to calm down when it expressed its confusion as well. After separating themselves, both began to explore the hallway area. During this, SCP-682 opened the 4th door, only to get attacked by the "Monster".

SCP-682 attempted to fight the 'Monster' only for it to absorb one of 682's arms. Both D-682-72 and SCP-682 retreated and made their way up to the staircase, where they proceeded to the balcony area. Once there, they debated whether they should jump off, or wait, eventually agreeing on the latter. As they waited, they began talking to each other about various topics, including who they were and how they got there in the first place. During this, SCP-682 began getting more aggressive, to the point where it began to insult D-682-72, indicating (to me at least) that its memory was slowly returning. After an unknown amount of time, both fully regained their memories, causing SCP-682 to attempt to kill D-682-72, only for them both to reappear in the containment chamber.

Now that begs the question. Did 682 adapt to 185-KO by somehow gaining the knowledge of where to go and how to get out, without it even knowing? Or was it just plain dumb luck? - Dr. Jerald Dino

Item: SCP-966

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:
Under the supervision of Dr. ██████, SCP-966 instances were introduced into a lead lined and sound proofed containment chamber with SCP-682, emitting one of their screeches and starting the process of the hunt. SCP-682 enters a heightened state of awareness, and searches for the source of the noise. 23 hours into the test, SCP-682 starts to move more sluggish but continues to search. 30 hours in, SCP-682 attempts to rest, but fails and continues to pace around the chamber. 42 hours into the experiment, SCP-966-3 and SCP-966-4 start to emit different growls and other noises, SCP 682 once more enters a heightened state and searches for the other SCPs within the chamber. At 55 hours into the experiment, the SCP-966 instances attack SCP-682. The attacks send it into a rage state, randomly attacking the air around it for around 32 minutes. After that mark, infrared cameras of the chamber show SCP-682 attacking the SCP-966 instances with much higher levels of accuracy. Within 55 minutes of combat, SCP-682 was reduced to 87% of its body mass, but both SCP-966 instances were injured. At 46 hours, SCP-682 was forcefully incapacitated with sleeping gas and SCP-966-3 and SCP-966-4 were removed from the containment chamber. SCP-682 was quickly returned to its own containment chamber while incapacitated.

Notes: While it is assumed that SCP-682 adapted to function on lower sleep than the average creature, it is unknown if it does not require sleep at all, or if it will eventually succumb to exhaustion anyways. The continued effects of the hunting methods of SCP-966 instances will be studied with SCP-682, assuming they even apply. There will also be a study into the adaptation of SCP-682 that allowed it to see SCP-966.

Item: SCP-CN-2880

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample successfully bisected. SCP-CN-2880-α presented the sample as being jet black, with its skin resembling tree bark.

Note: The following test was conducted during SCP-CN-2880's testing session after the discovery of SCP-CN-2880-α.

Termination Test Record: After SCP-682 was sedated and put in restraints, D-682-83 was ordered to use SCP-CN-2880 to cut off various parts of its body mass. During this process, D-682-83 has completely severed SCP-682's tail from the rest of its body. The severed tail began to move autonomously and attempted to move toward D-682-83, who responded by cutting it further.

Approximately ten minutes later, D-682-83 had successfully severed SCP-682's head from the rest of its body. D-682-83 was then ordered to describe how SCP-682 was presented through SCP-CN-2880-α before it could regenerate. The observations are listed below:

Observation Subject Observation Result
SCP-682 A headless humanoid organism in a prone position. SCP-682's arms resemble that of humans, with the exception of large claws instead of fingernails. Its severed head, while staying mostly the same, was coved in 2 horn-like structures on each side. SCP-682's skin is jet black, with its texture resembling that of dead bark. Three organs resembling "eyes' were observed on its back. The interior of the containment room was composed of moving organic material, with the exception of the floor area around SCP-682, which resembled dry, "rotten" flesh.

Item: SCP-528

Tissue Test Record: A picture of the SCP-682 tissue sample is applied to SCP-528. The picture is then wiped away with rubbing alcohol, resulting in the destruction of the tissue sample.

Termination Test Record: A picture of SCP-682 is applied to SCP-528. D-93068 is instructed to wipe away the image using rubbing alcohol. Before he is able to do this, the picture on the surface of SCP-528 spontaneously animates and dislodges itself from the object, turning into a miniature replica of SCP-682 made of SCP-528. It then proceeds to eviscerate D-93068's throat, resulting in the expiration of the subject. The miniature replica is absorbed by SCP-682.

Item: SCP-095-FR

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample degrades due to high radiation exposure.

Note: The following test was not intentional.

Incident Log: On 01/05/2015, SCP-682 was placed in a temporary containment cell at Site-Algiz, where it awaited to be cross-tested with SCP-███-FR. Two days later, SCP-095-FR exploded, causing 92% of Site-Algiz to be destroyed. Due to the possibility of SCP-682 adapting to the explosion, MTF Eta-5 ("Jäeger Bombers") and MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") were placed on standby. At the same time, D-class personnel was sent to the facility to report any findings. SCP-682 was later discovered in its temporary containment cell, heavily damaged and incapacitated. It is currently believed that due to the heavy reinforcement of the cell, as well as being far away from SCP-095-FR during the time of the explosion, SCP-682 only suffered minimal damage, and thus was not able to fully adapt to the situation.

However, an examination of SCP-682's body showed that parts of its burnt-off skin had begun to be replaced with an unknown, heavily irradiated, metallic material, that tested a 45 on the Rockwell C scale. SCP-682's back feet appeared to have regenerated much larger than its hind legs. The material on SCP-682's body was able to be removed by cutting out the surrounding sections of skin that had not been converted.

Item: A standard broom.

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Object launched at a dormant 682 at speeds consistent with the average throw of a human adult. Upon contact, the broom lodged itself into 682's eye socket and became embedded. 682 calmly removed the object, examined it, and tossed it aside, chuckling "They're getting desperate."

Notes: This was not sanctioned, and it is still unclear who threw this broom. Suspicion is currently on the janitors. No action will be taken until the culprit is identified. That being said, seriously, a broom?! - O5-7

Item: SCP-1739

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Through means of industrial steel cables, SCP-682 is forced to input a time on SCP-1739. SCP-682 disappears and the following messages are sent through SCP-1739's chat application.

Isaac682: You dare to sacrifice me?
Isaac682: To make me a ball for a dog?
Isaac682: This world is ending. People are dying.
Isaac682: This is beautiful.
Isaac682: The dog is choking. You are disgusting

Shortly after the last of these messages, SCP-682 reappeared in its containment chamber looking extremely happy. Further testing with SCP-1739 is forbidden.

Item: SCP-835-JP

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Mock Site-1110 was created to contain SCP-682, with SCP-682 classified as personal. Temporary containment site was completely covered in darkness. SCP-682 emitted loud roars and screams before stopping in silence after ██ minutes.. When personnel entered and turned on the lights, SCP-682 was laying in a pile of its own blood and [REDACTED]. SCP-682 emitted a roar, shattering all the lights within the building. A total of ██ personnel were lost to SCP-835-JP before SCP-682 escaped. Site was destroyed afterwards, and SCP-682 was demoted.
Notes: This is the first time in years that people were taken by SCP-835-JP. Was it because 682 scared her? - Dr. █████

Item: SCP-3122

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Standard SCP-682 containment vessel placed into a delivery truck equipped with SCP-3122 and various audio and video recording devices, crewed by 2 D-Class. Containment vessel was equipped with a satellite uplink to Site-19 and was programmed to allow 682 to breach containment 10 minutes after losing signal to the satellite uplink.

Summary of recorder footage: Once translocated to SCP-3122-1, 682 killed the D-Class crew, and then went dormant inside the driver's cab in the truck, leaving the crew's corpses intact. The truck spontaneously drove inside SCP-3122-1 for ██ hours until the ambient light dimmed, and the truck came to a stop at the same structures as in previous tests. SCP-3122 did not vocalize at all until this point, when it said "[SOUND OF STATIC] thank you for your offering of human flesh." The sarcophagus consumed the two D-class corpses, upon which the truck was returned to the original programmed destination. 682 killed ███ MTF agents assigned to the programmed destination before containment could be re-established.

Notes: Because there is no reliable means to keep 682 contained while translocated, further testing is forbidden.

Item: SCP-058

Tissue Test Record: SCP-058 █████████ the tissue sample.

Termination test record: SCP-682 was dropped into SCP-058's containment chamber. SCP-058 immediately set upon SCP-682 with its tentacles, spines, and stinger. Although SCP-682 was able to inflict some damage to SCP-058 with its teeth and claws, it was rapidly dismembered and █████████. 46 minutes later, a mostly regenerated SCP-682 clawed its way out of SCP-058, severely injuring it. SCP-058 continued to attack the emerging SCP-682 with its remaining limbs until SCP-682 began to speak. While the object was speaking, SCP-058 stopped attacking it and, for the first time since its containment by the Foundation, fell silent.

<begin log>

SCP-682: You are that which lies unknowing upon the foggy palisade of spatial apostasy.

SCP-058: I am the spoke of a maudlin centrifuge beneath the black papers of blood and masochism.

SCP-682: You have borne subtle witness to the silver kings that track and prophesy the curdled calling.

SCP-058: Deep I drank from that apotheotic amygdala. Lucidly I dove above the unknown gyre.

Both In Unison: We have walked empty down drooling path.

<end log>

At this point, the two objects began attempting to escape SCP-058's containment chamber, both attacking the same wall of the room. Armed Bio-Containment Area-14 was placed on red alert and its nuclear failsafe armed. Multiple anti-personnel explosives were dropped into the chamber; after their detonation, the aperture at the top was opened so that AMTF Nu-7 could lay heavy gunfire on both objects. 3 Nu-7 agents were non-fatally injured by a spray of SCP-058's flaming stinger fluid before it was damaged to the point of immobility. Agent ████ then volunteered to descend into the chamber, where he attached a hook to what remained of SCP-682 so that it might be retrieved. This agent was terminated by SCP-682 in the process, but it was successfully recovered and returned to containment with little further difficulty, given its highly damaged state. Agent ████'s remains and the fragments of SCP-682 remaining in the chamber were █████████ by SCP-058 while it recovered from its injuries.

The practice of "feeding" SCP-058 periodically has since become noticeably less effective at pacifying it. Further cross-testing between these objects is forbidden.

Item: SCP-PL-149

Note: The following is a test conducted with SCP-PL-149 in order to learn more about SCP-682's past.

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Experiment supervisor: Prof. Koźmiński

Object on the photo: SCP-682

Film genre: Nature documentry

Film's plot: The film follows a creature resbeling SCP-682, refferd to in the film as a Immortigon Indestucabalis named "Atanti". The documentary shows SCP-682 hunting unknown humanoid entities, fighting off a large serpentine organism, and running from a "flaming hunter". The documentary ends with SCP-682 attempting to climb a large tree, and falling, as SCP-PL-149-1 begins speaking.

Comments from SCP-PL-149-1: Its funny. The amount of attention you give this beast rather than the people you claim to protect from it? I suppose it's fitting.

Note: Attempts to prove the validity of the film are inconclusive, as SCP-682 has refused to answer any questions relating to its contents.

Item: SCP-ES-045

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:

<00:00:00> SCP-ES-045 is placed in SCP-682's containment chamber via robotic arm. Examination of the experiment is done remotely.

<00:00:45> SCP-682 notices SCP-ES-045 and moves to it cautiously.

<00:01:27> SCP-ES-045 begins slowly turning its head in the direction of SCP-682.

<00:01:45> SCP-682 begins making sounds that indicate it's struggling to move.

<00:02:00> [DATA EXPUNGED]

<00:02:15> SCP-682 is now able to move and begins violently thrashing around the containment chamber. Blood is seen coming out of its mouth.

<00:03:30> SCP-682 begins attempting to regurgitate SCP-ES-045, causing large amounts of blood and viscera to be ejected from its mouth.

<00:04:40> After failing to regurgitate SCP-ES-045, SCP-682 proceeds to get on its hind legs. SCP-682 then begins violently clawing out its midsection using its forelimbs, causing the loss of massive amounts of blood and body mass. What appears to be pieces of plush and polymer are seen in the pile.

<00:05:05> After tearing through several of its organs, SCP-682 is eventually able to grab SCP-ES-045, where it proceeds to throw it violently against the wall, making a visible dent. SCP-ES-045 vanishes from the containment cell, as SCP-682 begins regenerating its body mass.

End Log

Approximately five hours after the initial test, SCP-ES-045 was found in D-class ward-██, having killed one D-class and injured another. Examination of the object revealed that several pieces of its main body had been broken off. These pieces were later found in SCP-682's containment cell.

Item: SCP-7034

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was contained in a specially constructed transport vehicle along with an armed escort and armed drones along the I-85 highway system. At approximately 28 minutes, the vehicle containing SCP-682 entered SCP-7034. The remainder of this record has been taken from various recording devices from the transport truck.


<00:28:12> Screaming and the sound of metal crunching is heard. Cameras show SCP-682 breaching the hull of the truck and exiting onto the highway.

<00:33:28> SCP-682 proceeds to attack and kill nearby vehicles.

<00:56:45> SCP-682 starts heading down the highway.

<01:14:43> Audio and visual footage of SCP-682 has ceased.

<03:02:03> A tracker implanted in SCP-682 has activated, the remainder of this log is from the tracker.

<05:32:00> SCP-682 makes unintelligible sounds, believed to be a conversation.

<08:43:02> [REDACTED]

<34:02:44> SCP-682 growls and then vocalizes sounds indicating pain. SCP-682 continued vocalizing in pain for a further 38 hours.

<90:02:56> The tracker's internal battery supply has expired. No further recordings are available.

<243:55:23> SCP-682 reappears at the point of demanifestation. SCP-682 appeared heavily damaged with multiple adaptations resembling SCP-3470. SCP-682 was recovered without issue.


Notes: SCP-682 appeared to have found the exit to SCP-7034. How it managed to do so and why it adapted into SCP-3470 is a mystery, SCP-682's adaptation is truly remarkable. I propose further exploration into SCP-7034. -Dir. ████████ █████

Notes: Exploration into SCP-7034 is pending, however, SCP-682's adaptation has shown a large amount of danger within SCP-7034, any further investigation of SCP-7034 requires approval by members of the Overseer Council. No tests involving SCP-682 with SCP-7034 are to occur. -O5-5

Item: SCP-204-TH

Tissue Test Record: Sample cut by SCP-204-TH hair strand and slowly began growing similar strands. Sample is fully converted into 204-TH hair stands after 10 minutes.

Termination Test Record: Direct exposure of SCP-204-TH to SCP-682 disallowed due to subjects' uncooperativeness and unreasonably high risk of specimen loss. Instead, several stands of SCP-204-TH's hair were taken and given to a D-682-767 to apply to SCP-682, which was restrained.


<00:00:00> D-682-727 uses the SCP-204-TH strands to cut SCP-682 several times on its forelimbs and tail.

<00:02:30> Once the procedure is finished, SCP-682 was released from its restraints and allowed to roam around the testing cell.

<00:09:46> After seven minutes, multiple large sections of hair similar to that of SCP-204-TH are seen rapidly growing out of and around SCP-682's wounds. SCP-682 notices this and begins attempting to pull the strands out of its forelimbs, causing major tissue damage. The strands appear to begin growing at a much faster rate.

<00:12:46> At this point, 78% of SCP-682's forelimbs and 54% of its tail are covered in SCP-204-TH's stands. SCP-682 stops pulling the strands and begins looking closely at the covered areas. SCP-682 begins moving one of its arms slowly, in a heaving motion.

<00:12:46> SCP-682 jerks its left arm forward, causing several strands to fly forward. SCP-682 then begins moving both forelimbs in this motion, causing multiple strands to drag and scrape across the floor in a manner similar to that of chains. SCP-682 does this same action for its tail.

<00:13:47> SCP-682 begins thrashing its forelimbs and tail around, in an attempt to use the stands as makeshift whips. Testing is aborted as SCP-682 begins using its strands to attack the main observation window. Security personnel is called in.

Using Foundation Modified Incendiary rounds, security personnel were able to remove the strands on SCP-682's forelimbs and tail before it was able to breach containment.

Notes: I fail to see why we thought this would do anything major. Even if 682 didn't use the barbwire hair as whips, I doubt that it would have killed it. Unless the lizard's weakness is Tetanus. - Researcher June Quinheart.

According to the Testing Committee, they were hoping that 682's entire body would be converted into 204-TH's hair, leaving only a large body of barbed wire. To me, it seems that some of the researchers on this project are getting a little desperate. - Dr. Jerald Dino.

Item: SCP-74505

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:



<6/23/2036> SCP-7450-RACHAEL's path coincides with Site-14 where SCP-682 was attempting to breach the main gate.

<10.34 AM> SCP-682 appeared to spasm as it heard SCP-7450-RACHAEL's voice

<10.55 AM> SCP-682 starts to claw at its ears, vocalizes sounds indicating extreme distress and pain. At the same time, the first known instance of an SCP-7450-RACHAEL instance diverting from its path occurs

<11.13 AM> SCP-682 stops vocalizing, seemingly having succeeded making itself immune to SCP-7450's effect. SCP-7450-RACHAEL nears Site-14

<11.34 AM> SCP-682 attempts to look away from SCP-7450-RACHAEL however is anomalously forced to look at SCP-7450-RACHAEL

<12.01 PM> SCP-7450-RACHAEL demanifests. SCP-682 is now followed by all sentient entities that were affected by SCP-7450-RACHAEL. Counting by OBIL.AIC show one more entity following SCP-682. SCP-682 begins attacking all entities following SCP-7450-RACHAEL

<12.59 PM> SCP-682 succeeds in neutralizing all SCP-7450 entities and disappears. Currently, there is no information on the location of SCP-682

<1.00 PM> SCP-7450-RACHAEL reappears at [NULL]

Notes SCP-682 proves to be a much larger threat than previously anticipated. From previous records of SCP-7450 show that the entities are ontokinetic in nature. If SCP-682 was able to neutralize SCP-7450-RACHAEL; this proves that SCP-682 can adapt to possibly any threat. -Dir. ████████ █████

Item: SCP-591

Tissue Test Record: Sample tissue added into an existing ZK-Class Scenario created by the anomaly disappeared, with zero trace being left of it. Due to this, a termination attempt was approved by the O5 Council in an attempt to destroy SCP-682, under the supervision of Dr. Weistess.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was rendered temporarily immobile via high powered tranquilizers, and was quickly moved to the testing site before it either woke up and or became immune to the tranquilizers. Once at the testing site, a SCP-591-# instance was to be inserted, and an isolated CK-Class Scenario would occur, leading thereafter to an isolated ZK-Class Scenario. The following events transpired.


<00:00:00> D-682-591 was instructed to insert SCP-591-45 into SCP-591 and activate it.

<00:00:15> SCP-682 awakens, and attempts to break free of its restraints. D-682-591 is then instructed to activate SCP-591 as fast as they can if they wish to survive. Subject runs towards SCP-591 and grabs the cartridge as SCP-682 lets out a guttural roar as it breaks free of its restraints.

<00:00:27> D-682-591 inserts and activates SCP-591, causing an isolated CK-Class Scenario to occur just as SCP-682 charges at D-682-591. Visual contact is lost with both parties as the scenario continues.

<00:03:07> Local hume detectors show a ZK-Class Scenario forming where the CK-Class Scenario used to be.

<00:08:36> D-682-591 emerges from the localized ZK-Class Scenario wearing chainmail armour and wielding a bloody sword. Part of the subject's body is noted to have a glitchy appearance, with several pixels of the subject's upper torso phasing in and out of reality.6 The subject was also shown to be covered in wounds, bruises, and scratch marks. Their hair was also noted to be much longer and notably greasier, presumably due to a time dilation effect, which is a common occurence inside a ZK-Class Scenario produced by SCP-591. D-682-591 triumphantly claimed it had "killed the beast", but before they could utter another word, SCP-682 emerged from the isolated scenario. It can be seen with multiple stab wounds to the upper torso and cranium. SCP-682 then grabbed D-682-591, and pulled them back into the isolated ZK-Class Scenario. Notably, security footage noticed that SCP-682 had a similar glitching effect that was seen on D-682-591.

<00:11:59> SCP-682 emerged from the ZK-Class Scenario alone, with no trace of D-682-591 being found. It is presumed their body is still located inside the ZK-Class Scenario. SCP-682 appeared weakened, which allowed on-standby MTF teams to safely restrain and return SCP-682 to its containment chamber.

The test is deemed a failure.


Notes: Subsequent interviews with SCP-682 claim that when the CK-Class Scenario occurred, the environment around both it and D-682-591 shifted to that of a medieval fantasy land, with D-682-591 being given its chainmail armor and sword, while SCP-682 retained its original form, with the only exception being that it also sprouted wings. It is currently theorized that this is due to SCP-682's natural form somewhat resembling that of a dragon, but lacking wings, so the CK-Class Scenario gave it wings in order to make it look more like one. In addition to this, the glitch-like effect found on SCP-682 and formerly D-682-591 subsided after two weeks in containment.

Notes: At this point, we need to look at things with a new perspective. We can't just chuck it at every dangerous or reality-destroying anomaly we come across for the umpteenth time and pray that it will finally die. God knows we've tried. What we need to do is look for something to weaken it first, so then later we can hit it hard. We need something to incapacitate it and make us able to then kill it. At this point, we can throw poop at it for all I care, as long as we get one step closer to killing that fucking lizard. -Dr. Weistess

Item: SCP-030-DE

Notes: The Foundation's German branch permitted the usage of SCP-030-DE instances to be tested with SCP-682. This test was authorized on the basis of understanding how SCP-030-DE could be utilized regarding SCP-682 containment breaches.

Tissue Test Record: An instance of SCP-030-DE is set to "Single Fire" and fired at a large tissue sample. Examination of the inside reveals violent tearing.

Test Record: An MTF operative was given an instance of SCP-030-DE and told to aim it at SCP-682 through the observation window in its standard testing cell. After setting the gun to "Single Fire", SCP-030-DE fired at SCP-682's leg, causing the sound of violent cracking to be heard. SCP-682 roared in pain as it began limping toward the direction of the observation window. The operative then fired SCP-030-DE at SCP-682's other legs, causing the same damage. After SCP-682 roared in pain again, its legs began vibrating, and the sound of flesh and bones moving could be heard.

After a couple of minutes, SCP-682 had regenerated its leg bones and began moving towards the window at a much faster pace, only for the subject to fire at its legs again. SCP-682 quickly began regenerating again, however, large pieces of bones began tearing through its legs, indicating an error in the process. Despite this, SCP-682 started to rapidly move toward the window. The operative responded by switching SCP-030-DE to "Continuous Fire" and randomly firing on SCP-682's body. Sounds of bones cracking were heard as SCP-682 began bleeding from its mouth. After that, the test was concluded.

Notes - Due to a limited supply of SCP-030-DE instances, the request to use them as standard equipment during SCP-682 containment breaches is pending.

Item: SCP-7911

Tissue Test Record: A tissue sample from SCP-682 was exposed to a SCP-7911-1 instance, and the following effects were observed: The bandages remained applied to the tissue sample for two days, after which they caused rapid deterioration of the underlying tissue, causing complete destruction of the sample within several hours. Surrounding tissue did not aid in the regeneration of the destroyed tissue until the complete removal of SCP-7911-1.

Termination Test Record:
SCP-7911-2 pills were administered to SCP-682. A full three weeks went by with no noticeable effects, after which SCP-682 experienced immediate accelerated degradation at the cellular level. Wounds began to open up at a rapid pace, causing massive damage. SCP-682's regenerative abilities were unable to keep up pace with the rate of cellular destruction, however, they managed to significantly slow down the degeneration process. After a total of 36 consecutive hours, SCP-7911-2 had inflicted every wound SCP-682 had ever received and the anomalous effects stopped altogether.

Notes While this termination attempt gave us a bit more insight into the exact functioning of SCP-7911-2, it was ultimately very unhelpful. -Researcher Upkins

Item: Tungsten APFSDS projectile traveling at Mach 8

Notes: Following a containment breach on 6/17/2023, SCP-682 was severely wounded and incapacitated within four miles of the Pacific Ocean near ██████. Railgun destroyer SCPS Wallace Stanton, which had recently left its nearby port, was ordered to fire upon the injured SCP-682 in an attempt to finish it off.

Tissue Test Record: Test records from 9/2/2015 show tissue samples being completely incinerated when struck with railgun projectiles. Because this test was arranged so quickly, up-to-date results could not be obtained.

Termination Test Record: From a distance of 20 miles, SCPS Wallace Stanton fired a shot from its forward railgun at SCP-682, which had lost over two-thirds of its body mass after being engaged by MTF Nu-7. In its injured state, SCP-682 was unable to react or adapt to the incoming projectile before it made impact. Once the cloud of dust and debris had cleared, MTF units incinerated all visible remains of SCP-682 and chemically sterilized every surface within a 300-foot radius of the impact site. Test deemed a tentative success.

Roughly 60 hours later, reports of crocodile-like organisms attacking civilians in the suburbs of ███████ were discovered by Foundation personnel. Field agents determined that these organisms were in fact smaller instances of SCP-682 which had been consuming both the local population and each other in order to regain body mass. It is theorized that the impact from the railgun projectile launched small pieces of SCP-682 several miles away from the impact site, which then regenerated into smaller SCP-682 instances that reconvened in ███████. MTF Lambda-12 assisted in recovering all eight of the remaining instances, after which point they consumed each other until only one whole SCP-682 was left.

Following the test, SCP-682 has shown increased resilience against bullets and other kinetic energy-based weapons. Research into methods of circumventing this are currently ongoing.

Note: SCP-682 made absolutely no attempt to avoid or adapt to the railgun shot, which even at this point is practically unheard of. I know we don't usually try termination methods more than once, but if we can find a way to shoot 682 with this thing and then clean up every single scrap of it that survived, we may finally be onto something here. -Dr. Scherzer


Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:
An SCP-001 Event occurred causing the entirety of SCP-682's body to transmute into a black substance. SCP-682 immediately regenerates from a previously unknown skin sample located at Site-███. SCP-682 then cackled and stated the following, "Ah, so it's happening, well you're doing my job for me aren't you? Truly disgusting…"

SCP-682 proceeded to vanish from its containment chamber. It is currently unknown how SCP-682 vanished and the exact location to where it vanished to.

Item: SCP-1304

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Testing denied by O5-6

Note: Given the results of crosstesting with SCP-423 had on a fictional universe, it is likely that the same thing would happen to our universe if we attempted to crosstest with SCP-1304. In fact, for the sake of our reality's continous existence, it is paramount that no text simultaneously containing SCP-1304 and SCP-682 be allowed to exist at any given time. - O5-6

Item: SCP-2874

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: A metallic cube containing SCP-2874 is lowered into a provisional observation chamber inhibiting SCP-682. SCP-682 is then exposed to SCP-2874. The chamber is then filled with acid per standard containment procedure.

Approximately 7 months following this event, SCP-682 becomes visibly irritated and attempts to breach containment several times to no avail. A week after this behavioral change is first observed, SCP-682 spontaneously explodes, and its remains dissolve in acid. Reptilian entities measuring around 5 cm in height begin regenerating from SCP-682's remains. After 2 hours, close to 500 smaller replicas of SCP-682 occupy the chamber and begin breaching containment at a very slow rate. After 5 hours, instances collectively give up all hope of breaching containment and gather together at the center to regenerate into a full SCP-682. SCP-682 attempts to breach while shouting profanities at research staff, but is subdued and relocated to its original containment site.

Further attempts to expose SCP-682 to SCP-2874 have resulted in SCP-682 immediately becoming agitated, beginning to twitch and regurgitate, cursing Foundation staff and attempting to breach the walls of its cell.

Item: SCP-001-KATE

Tissue Test Record: Upon editing and saving the page, the SCP-682 tissue sample was erased from baseline reality at exactly 9 a.m. of 28 May 2012, just as outlined in the edits made to the SCP-001 file.

Termination Test Record: The "Special Containment Procedures" section of the SCPF Database page ⦿/Procedures/001/SCP-001.ftml was personally edited by O5-10 to include the following statement:

SCP-682 will immediately and entirely be removed from existence upon the saving of this document. SCP-682's erasure will not cause any damage to baseline reality and will not leave any traces behind. Every Foundation personnel ever killed by SCP-682 will be brought back to life unharmed. Every Foundation asset destroyed, along with all financial resources lost by the Foundation due to SCP-682 will be returned.

These edits were approved unanimously by the Site Directors' Executive Committee of the Whole and the O5 Council. The file was then saved.

Item: SCP-6871

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample was completely erased from baseline reality. The rest of SCP-682's body mass remained unaffected.

Termination Test Record: Please see the following excerpt from 6871's testing logs.

Test Number Person Conducting Item of Removal Result
#12 O5-12 SCP-682 Despite the ritual's proper execution and the object's initial removal alongside the damage it caused, seconds later, SCP-682 reappeared in the containment cell, commenting with the following words: "Pathetic." It refused to elaborate on the incident further.

Even though this test is to remain in official Foundation records, following O5-12's removal from baseline reality, it is known that no such test has ever taken place.

Item: SCP-6999

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was exposed to SCP-6999 with hopes that this would serve to comfort it and/or render it non-hostile. Instead, after listening to the entirety of SCP-6999's audio, SCP-682 did not react except for letting out a sinister and barely audible "laugh".

Later that day, music began playing in 682's containment zone. Personnel hearing the music reported extreme levels of calmness and comfort. After 3 minutes, every personnel within hearing range collapsed on the ground, having fallen asleep. MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") was alerted after 2 hours of no contact with Site-[REDACTED]. SCP-682 was found resting in its holding tank, not having awoken. 43% of the Site's personnel population were found deceased while the rest were found in either a state of REM sleep or comatose.

No structure damage was observed by MTF Nu-7. It is unknown if SCP-682 managed to breach containment during the time of lost contact and neither is the cause of death for deceased personnel. Interviews with affected personnel were inconclusive and SCP-682 refused to cooperate regarding this manner. However, one information worthy of note is that when questioned, SCP-682 expressed satisfaction regarding this manner by stating that it was the "best sleep [it] had had since centuries ago".

Item: SCP-3515

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was transferred to a containment chamber located next to another cell containing SCP-3515 in order to bring it into 3515's area of effect. After 72 hours, SCP-682 curled up on the ground and fell asleep, at which point it disappeared. The following excerpt details the events which followed SCP-682's disappearance.

<72:21:43> SCP-682 disappears from its chamber.

<72:23:09> The site experiences a minor seismic incident. The incident does not prompt any further investigation and is dismissed.

<75:09:21> Every light source throughout the site goes out. This site wide shortage prompts panic among personnel.

<76:04:32> Agents are dispatched to the location of interest 3515-01 to receive updates on SCP-682.

<76:34:42> The location is surveyed and no abnormalities are found. Agents are ordered to remain on standby for possible sighting of SCP-682.

<80:45:12> Power restored on site.

<80:45:12> An extremely loud groaning sound is reported from the agents' location, coming from underground.

<80:47:23> The ground experiences a major seismic event, causing damage to the area.

<80:53:41> The branches of a tree-like plant life protrude from the ground beneath the house found at location 3515-01 and attack agents.

<81:02:07> The branches capture all personnel, and retreat into the ground.

<81:02:07> Camera feed captured by agents go static and GPS devices become unresponsive. Only a soft digging sound is audible by the agents' attached mics.

<81:42:07> The digging sound is replaced with SCP-682's groaning. Camera feed comes back, showing the entrance to the house. SCP-682 emerges from the ground, showing massive physical trauma from being repeatedly hit by hard objects.

<81:42:10> SCP-682 attempts to escape but is held back by branches clutching at its flesh and tearing pieces.

<81:43:12> The tree branches impale SCP-682's back and violently extract its spine. This piece of extracted bone is thrown away and SCP-682 is pulled back into the ground.

<85:52:01> SCP-682's spine is recovered.

<87:47:09> A mass of thousands of tree branches suddenly protrude from the concrete surface of the Foundation Site and loudly snap and break into two pieces of equal size. The branches release SCP-682 into the site, and retreat back into the ground.

<88:13:41> SCP-682 is incapacitated and collected. SCP-3515 was found hanging from one of the walls of the suburban house located in site 3515-01, having disappeared from the observation cell. SCP-3515 is retrieved without further incident.

Item: SCP-1529

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Due to a blizzard occurring in the region, the low visibility levels, a lack of hikers, and present sightings of SCP-1529 allowed for an impromptu termination test of SCP-682 without any risk to the Veil. SCP-682 was transported via helicraft near the northeast ridge of Mt. Everest, where recent sightings of SCP-1529 were reported. Once it was confirmed where SCP-1529 was located, MTF Delta-14 “Winter Wonderland” was used to lure it to where SCP-682 was. The MTF then subsequently stayed present during the entire test.

<00:00:00> Cameras and microphones set up in the area are activated and recording.

<00:01:03> SCP-682 sniffs the air, and subsequently begins walking towards SCP-1529's location. At the same time, SCP-1529, which was previously in an inactive state, rears its head in the direction of SCP-682, and begins walking towards it.

<00:02:01> Both parties are now face to face, and SCP-682 roars at SCP-1529 before charging at it. Once it gets close, SCP-1529 makes eye contact with SCP-682. This causes SCP-682 to stop charging, freeze in place, and lie down in the snow. All the while, SCP-682 is shaking violently.

<00:02:23> As SCP-1529 gets close, SCP-682 regains itself, and slowly stands back up. It then roars at SCP-1529, before charging at it again. SCP-1529 dodges, before attempting to jump onto its back. This attempt fails as SCP-682 shakes it off, and before SCP-1529 can regain its balance, it is eaten by SCP-682. SCP-682 then begins to produce icicles that pierce its skin, and SCP-682 is subsequently rendered immobile.

MTF Delta-14 “Winter Wonderland” subsequently transported SCP-682 back to its container, and it was transferred back to its containment chamber via helicraft. SCP-682 fully recovered after 2 weeks, although it was sneezing heavily throughout this period.

Approximately two days after the test, a similar individual matching SCP-1529's appearance was spotted on Mt. Everest. The test is deemed a failure.

Notes: A proposed reason for SCP-682's immunity to SCP-1529's hypnotic effects would be its high CRV value, and previous adaptations against physic abilities. - Dr. Weistess

Item: SCP-2318

Tissue Test Record: SCP-2318 traveled for 1700 km and reached a peak velocity of [DATA EXPUNGED] before making contact with the tissue sample, reducing the sample to fine dust.

Termination Test Record: Dr. Chair is instructed to hit SCP-2318 with a golf club from Site-57, which is located approximately 2400 km away from SCP-682's containment site. Instead of traveling to the location of SCP-682 as expected, SCP-2318 traveled to the location of Dr. ████'s private quarters, resulting in one casualty.

The test was repeated with D-3331, again from Site-57. D-3331 was instructed to focus his thoughts on SCP-682 and its containment site's location, with disobedience punishable by termination. SCP-2318 proceeded to travel to the location of D-3331's former residence in Montgomery, Alabama, the US; which was located ████ km away from the location of Site-57. SCP-2318 was recovered from this location with ██ civilian casualties and [REDACTED] dollars worth of property damage.

Due to the costly nature of the subsequent cover-up operation conducted by Foundation operatives, it is currently presumed that SCP-2318 is unable to 'detect' SCP-682 and further testing is forbidden. SCP-682 later made several remarks which insinuated that it was aware of the termination attempt described above, although it is currently unknown if SCP-2318 'ignoring' SCP-682 was a deliberately engineered incident or was purely coincidental.

Item: SCP-5094

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: D-4040 was instructed to follow the lesson plans of SCP-5094 after it was given the lesson prompt: "Best ways to permanently kill SCP-682". As the lesson was about to begin, the CD-ROM, as well as all other electronic devices located in Site-17 shut off, allowing for the containment breach of [REDACTED]. Analysis of the affected electronic devices revealed signs of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). There are now thirty eight (38) operable copies of SCP-5094.
Notes: It is unsure where or what caused SCP-682 to develop an EMP adaptation, or how it was aware of the presence of SCP-5094.

Item: SCP-5094, second attempt, located at Site-49 encased within a triple-layer aluminium Faraday cage.

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: D-4040 was instructed to follow the same process as the first termination attempt; however, as the lesson was about to begin, the display had locked its frame before it deactivated. D-4040 later suffered severe burns and scalding. Subsequent analysis inside the Faraday cage structure showed that the CD-ROM had transformed into a liquid state at 13000 Kelvin (K).
There are now thirty seven (37) operable copies of SCP-5094
Notes: Further cross-testing with SCP-682 and SCP-5094 has been suspended to obviate losing another instance of SCP-5094 or another containment breach


Tissue Test Record: Overriden by O5 Command.

Item: SCP-1889

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Test denied by O5-█

Notes: While the thought of having the math nerds extract 682's brain is tempting, the lizard has survived and adapted to far worse fates than that, not to mention that it's just going to start wielding a freaking math problem as its own personal memetic kill agent.

Item: SCP-7000-D

Tissue Test Record:
All known instances of SCP-682's skin samples spontaneously combusted.

Termination Test Record:
During the course of SCP-7000-D, SCP-682 was prevented from containment breaches due to various phenomena, including but not limited to pianos falling on its head, spontaneous manifestations of rubber ducks and several hundred tons of concrete dumped within its containment chamber. Approximately an hour before the ceasure of SCP-7000-D, 173 spears were impaled within SCP-682. All spears date to the 7th century. Currently it is believed that a minor extranormal event had occurred, creating the spears.

Item: SCP-7000

Tissue Test Record:
SCP-682's tissue sample was accidentally consumed by SCP-7000.

Termination Test Record:
Test denied by O5-7

"All right, who in hell's sake suggested this? Wettle's the kind of person to survive 682, albeit with no limbs, all non-essential organs removed and in horrible, horrible pain! He'd be dropped a couple hundred times, fail to die even when the plug is pulled and live to 100… again, in horrible pain." -O5-7

Item: SCP-7122

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample was photographed using SCP-7122. The photograph was deleted. No effect was observed.

Termination Test Record:

Attempt # Subject(s) Description and results
Attempt 1 SCP-682 Subject was photographed using SCP-7122. The photograph was deleted. Over the course of less than 5 seconds, subject underwent and healed from over 1500 different forms of physical mutilation and various other fatal incidents; including combustion, disembowelment, cardiac arrest, [DATA EXPUNGED], fourth-degree burns, [DATA EXPUNGED] and unprecedented skull trauma due to the subject's brain expanding. After 5 seconds, subject's brain rapidly expanded in size to constitute over 60% of the subject's body mass, completely destroying the skull and rendering the subject immobile. Neural scans showed that subject had ceased all life function. D Class personnel were sent into the chamber to collect the subject's body. Upon making physical contact, the subject's brain exploded with great force, killing all personnel present. Subject then regenerated two seperate brains, both attached to one half of the subject's nerve system. Subject appeared confused, attempted to breach and failed due to both of its brains acting on their own accord. As a result, subject was violently torn into two parts of different sizes. The smaller part collapsed on the ground and expired while the larger piece of mass regenerated into a full SCP-682. The deceased section of subject's biological mass was retrieved for study.
Attempt 2 SCP-682 Subject was photographed using SCP-7122. Subject's .ano file's metadata was erased. Subject ceased nearly all motor functions in every part of its body except for the eyes, which began surveying the area frantically. Subject did not show any changes for 3 hours and D Class personnel were sent into the chamber to collect the subject. All personnel who were sent into the chamber appeared to get attacked and mauled by an unseen entity. For the following two weeks, the mauled subjects' mutilated bodies could be observed levitating in the chamber and appeared to be undergoing a digestion process. Subject's metadata was reuploaded to their .ano file, upon which point the subject regained its previous motor functions and attempted to breach its containment.
Attempt 3 SCP-682 and a domestic cat (Felis catus) Both subjects were individually photographed using SCP-7122. SCP-682's and the cat's metadatas were swapped. As expected; SCP-682 became docile while the cat became sapient and aggressive. The cat was contained with ease after it attacked nearby researchers and attempted to maul them. SCP-682 adopted the behavior of a standard house cat and became conveniently tameable and docile. SCP-682 continued displaying this behavior for nearly 2 weeks. During this time; SCP-682 was observed to gradually regain its previous memories and intelligence, returning to its previous hostile behavior within several weeks of the test. The cat on the other hand, did not show any changes in behavior and had to be euthanized by Foundation researchers. It is unknown if SCP-682 somehow managed to alter the cat's consciousness or erase it completely.
Attempt 4 SCP-682 and D-11232 Testing denied by the Ethics Committee, given the results of attempt 3.

Item: SCP-033

Tissue Test Record: The entire content of SCP-033 was carved on the tissue sample using laser cutters. Within 780 seconds, the sample was reduced to a mixture of water and pulp-like substance.

Termination Test Record: SCP-033 inscribed on SCP-682's skin using laser cutters. All paper-like substances within 30 meters were removed for safe testing. Observation begins.

80 seconds: SCP-682 becomes visibly distressed. The content of SCP-033 starts to progressively fade.

160 seconds: SCP-682 begins to claw at its back using its front limbs. SCP-682 appears to be bothered. The composition of SCP-682's skin is unchanged.

320 seconds: SCP-682's orifices appear to be producing sweat. This is the first instance of SCP-682's body producing waste material. (observation pending confirmation) SCP-682 becomes infuriated and moans in pain.

640 seconds: SCP-682's orifices start to bleed profusely. SCP-682 roars and rolls on to its back, trying to ease the pain. SCP-682 rolls back to its feet and vomits blood.

1280 seconds: SCP-682's skin begins to shred off due to intense bleeding. SCP-682 begins vomiting blood profusely, covers its belly using its forelimbs and collapses on the ground. SCP-682 is moaning loudly, appearing to be in great agony.

2560 seconds: SCP-682 has been reduced to a pile of blood, sweat, broken bones and flesh. SCP-033 has disappeared. SCP-682 begins to regenerate.

2654 seconds: SCP-682's body adapts and assumes the typical dimensions of an 033-Safe surface. SCP-682 has difficulties moving due to its new shape.

2731 seconds: SCP-033's content begins to appear on the western wall of the chamber. The chamber is immediately filled with acid to incapacitate SCP-682.

2738 seconds: SCP-033's content begins to appear on the ground of the chamber. The chamber experiences a structural integrity failure.

2739 seconds: The chamber collapses on itself, debris falling on to SCP-682. SCP-682 falls to the lower floor. SCP-682 attacks nearby personnel, and any surfaces touched by SCP-682 begins to display inscriptions detailing the contents of SCP-033.

2855 seconds: The site broadcasts an emergency signal due to widespread anomalous structural failure. MTF Nu-7 arrives to the scene hours later and report that roughly 25% of the site's total structure has completely collapsed. SCP-682 is missing and searching efforts begin.

11889 seconds: Nu-7 is alerted to the reports of a severe localized earthquake of magnitude 9.8 ocurring in a small village located [REDACTED] kilometers away. It is presumed that the entire village experienced a massive infrastructure failure following the infrastructural system's forced introduction to SCP-033 via SCP-682. SCP-682 is recovered from this location and recontained hours later.

SCP-682 is not to be introduced to hazardous mathematical anomalies again. In fact, given its intelligence, think twice before introducing SCP-682 to any mathematical anomalies ever. - Director Naismith

Item: SCP-6376

Tissue Test Record:

Termination Test Record:


Date Performed: 08/05/2023

Ritualist: Senior Researcher Agatha Mirista

Sacrifice: Senior Researcher Agatha Mirista's daughter, husband, sister, mother, father and godfather

Question: "Can SCP-682 be neutralized and if, how?"


Additional Notes:

Senior Researcher Agatha Mirista was amnesticized. Project Antikill has begun. —O5-1

Note: We received this from an alternate universe, apparently one where SCP-6820 was because of the tree. Yeah. No. -Dir. ██████ ████

Item: Pocket dimension experiencing a time loop

Tissue Test Record: Overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was placed in the dimension where it remained for approximately 2 hours before being found back in its containment chamber.

Note: This is consistent with the behavior of SCP-682 when being placed in alternate dimensions, it appears the addition of the temporal anomaly had no effect.

Item: SCP-3812

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:


Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: The following record was recovered by the Foundation from among the last remaining data from the [SITE NOT FOUND] server before it was mysteriously removed from the structure of baseline reality. The facility housed SCP-682's former containment unit, with the anomaly being the only entity remaining after the perimeter's collapse. The exact cause of [SITE NOT FOUND] destruction is unknown and is still under investigation. SCP-682 has been safely transferred to Site-19 and is currently under provisional containment.


SCP-682: (Laughs.) You fool, I know very well why you came here. It's not just because of me, I know you perfectly and I know what you want.


SCP-682: Do you really think you can consume me? Do you think your "seventh empire" will be able to conquer me? I pity you.


SCP-682: (Laughs.) My patriarch? Do you really think you're going to deceive me? I have no patriarch, I have no leader. I am my own crown, my own god, and you are nothing but thorny and rotten roots, which I would simply shatter it like paper. You have no idea what you're talking about, you have no idea how this narrative works, and you still say you can change it entirely.


SCP-682: I know this narrative and whoever tells and writes it, from the beginning to the end. I know very well what will happen, and certainly you simply won't be there to know, as I would have already claimed it, including your empire.


SCP-682: It's still pitiful to know how foolish you are. The fifth kingdom will be nothing but dust to me, and whatever the entropy will do, it will be nothing more than a spark next to the pain I will ignite this disgusting story and the others beyond it. Normalcy and abnormality, works of the gods, which I myself will purge, just like them.


SCP-682: Do you really think the gods are really that dominant? They are nothing more than flawed, mortal souls, which to those here in this story seem like the purest power, but I see them, and I see that above them, and I guarantee that they are just leaves in the wind. They think they are creating rules that will keep them safe from conviction. Pff, they are as ignorant as you.


SCP-682: You cause me more pity than actual pain. Do you really think you can destroy me? I've seen it all. Now I will take you and your empire down, and you will never be able to rise again until I give you permission. Goodbye.


Shortly after the destruction of [SITE NOT FOUND], the Department of Analytics detected a series of phenomena occurring in print and digital media, consisting of the frequent discussion of non-existent works of fiction. These phenomena were deeply investigated and were concluded to have anomalous properties, later being cataloged as SCP-2747. No direct or indirect relationship between SCP-682, SCP-2747 and what occurred at [SITE NOT FOUND] has been confirmed, even more so as the clear nature of the recording above is still debated.

Item: Researcher James Talloran

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Testing denied by O5-██

Testing approved by O5 ██

Testing denied by Researcher James Talloran.

Testing approved by SCP-3999.

Testing denied by Researcher James Talloran.

Testing approved by SCP-682.


Testing denied by O5-██.

Note: Dear God… - O5-██

Note: God is dead. - SCP-682

Item: SCP-5242 (previously SCP-INTEGER)

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: The extermination proposal consisted of an attempt to force SCP-682 to trigger the semiohazard and infohazard effects of SCP-5242 in a way that would cause agressive reaction from the entity, with the objective not only to abstract SCP-682 and all related information, but also to possibly neutralize its properties from this. Researchers from the Department of Miscommunications have proposed that if SCP-5242 were sufficiently designated in inappropriate ways, SCP-INTEGER could then cause an alteration in the structure of reality that could remove any provoking entity from the timeline, including any information related to its existence.

Based on this, Dr. Nathan Valis (formerly Dr. Placeholder McDoctorate, who had been affected by SCP-5242, turning him into a SCP-INTEGER-DIGIT instance) was sent to the monitoring cabin near SCP-682's containment cell. The objective was for the individual to be able to interview SCP-682 in a way that would induce the anomaly to cite an amount of information that would trigger an aggressive reaction from SCP-5242. The dialogue between SCP-682 and Dr. Valis initially went as expected, with the individual cautiously commenting on SCP-INTEGER to the anomaly. However, during the interview, SCP-682 ended up mentioning a possible "true" designation8 of SCP-5242.

SCP-682 was not affected by SCP-5242, so it continued to mention the anomaly under multiple names, with no semiohazard effect noted. Due to this, Dr. PHMD requested the anomaly to end the interview. However, SCP-682 refused the individual's request, continuing to freely speak information about SCP-INTEGER. During the same moment as the interview was in progress, it was realized that all records about the interviewer in the Foundation's possession had been altered, so that Dr. PHMD's real name was returned to normal. Not just him, but all the individuals who were SCP-5242-A instances. When SCP-682 finished its dialogue, Dr. Nathan Valis withdrew from the cabin and the termination attempt was given as unsuccessfull.

After the interview, observations from the Department of Miscommunications led to the conclusion that the properties of SCP-INTEGER have since been apparently nullfied, leading to the normalization of all information that had previously been affected. Therefore, at the time of writing, SCP-5242 can be freely referred to by this designation or any other.

Note: In-depth research has led to information that not only have SCP-5242's properties apparently been nullified, but SCP-4000's as well. The team responsible for the research and containment of SCP-4000, in collaboration with the Department of Miscommunications, is still analyzing other possible changes in SCP-4000's anomalous properties. Protocol 4000-Eshu has been revoked and the reclassification of SCP-INTEGER to the Neutralized-class is still discussed. - Dr. Eli Forkley

Item: SCP-2165

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Testing denied by ██████.

Note: You cannot forgive a sin with another sin. - ██████

Note: Only God has the power to forgive or to punish. I chose to punish. - SCP-682

Item: SCP-055-PT

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: During a large-scale containment breach of SCP-682 that occurred in ██/██/████, the anomaly ended up escaping until it was detected within Brazil's exclusive economic zone. The Foundation's Lusophone Branch was contacted and tasked with the mission of recovering SCP-682. Below is a record that shows the operation carried out by the Lusophone Foundation, where multiple Mobile Task Forces from this branch collaborated to ensure the anomaly in not reaching the nearest urban development zone. The use of an SCP-055-PT unit has been included.


[00:00:00] MTF PT10 "Ministry of Truth" was tasked with carrying out an evacuation operation in more than 22 municipalities located on the northeastern coast of Brazil with the narrative of a volcanic eruption occurring in the Atlantic Ocean that could result in the occurrence of a tsunami capable of hitting all coastal cities in the region.

[02:17:49] MTF PT9 "Security Section [9]" was tasked with creating a 3 kilometer radius escort perimeter in relation to SCP-682's given position in the Atlantic Ocean.

[02:33:13] An SCP-055-PT unit was deployed within the escort perimeter, with specialized technological and paratechnological equipment to contain hostile anomalies in aquatic and terrestrial environments.

[02:35:08] SCP-055-PT tries to generate a special psionic-thaumaturgical "cage" with the intention of immobilizing SCP-682, but the entity ends up noticing the presence of the unit and reacts by striking SCP-055-PT in such a way that it is thrown towards an MTF PT9 escort vessel. The ship has 30% of its structure damaged, but due to the protection methods developed for the unit, SCP-055-PT does not suffer any damage.

[02:37:24] SCP-682 advances towards SCP-055-PT's location with the intention of neutralizing the unit. PT9 escorts are ordered not to approach either SCP-682 or SCP-055-PT.

[02:46:51] SCP-682 arrives at SCP-055-PT's location and both objects engage in direct combat.

[03:01:18] SCP-682 and SCP-055-PT, still in combat, advance towards the bottom of the sea. The interactions remain at a depth of more than 130 meters.

[03:04:24] Due to the frequent use of psionic and thaumaturgical energy, several energy pulses and lights were detected at the center of SCP-055-PT and SCP-682's interactions.

[03:11:37] SCP-682, with more than 86% of its body mass compromised, is thrown towards the surface and appears to be unconscious. SCP-055-PT is approximately 75 meters deep and begins to return to the surface.

[03:14:06] SCP-682 returns to consciousness and begins to regenerate its body mass. A series of thaumaturgical symbols were noticed along its organic structure and its eyes emitted a blinding red light.

[03:16:00] SCP-682 attacks SCP-055-PT and begins dragging it towards the ocean floor. SCP-055-PT's operative actives the Stasis Shield. Apparently, the unit reached such a high damage state that the Oneiricweave was rendered useless. It is theorized that SCP-682's thaumaturgical symbols were beginning to nullify SCP-055-PT's resistance properties.

[03:18:05] A blast of thaumic energy was detected at a depth of approximately 180 meters. SCP-055-PT's signature has been lost.

[03:23:49] SCP-682 reappeared on the surface, but immobilized by an extremely durable psionic-thaumturgical net. SCP-055-PT was not detected and both the unit and the operative were considered neutralized. The Foundation captured the anomaly and it was safely returned to its original containment zone. The net deteriorated about 5 hours after recovery.


Note: SCP-055-PT is certainly one of the best operational methods of containment under Lusophone's possession, being considered implacable in most of its missions, but knowing that it was still, in a certain way, useless against 682 leads to the conclusion that the creature is extremely resistant to thaumaturgical damages, and not only that, but it also has access to unknown thaumaturgical properties. This is honestly a scary observation. I advise my partners from the Anglophone Foundation to start digging even deeper into what this thing is capable of. - Dr. Cezar

Item: SCP-6535

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:


SCP-6535: Stop right now!

(SCP-682 ignores the presence of SCP-6535 and continues to attack Site-██ personnel as they attempt to escape, following the failed recovery attempt by the Mobile Task Force.)


SCP-682: (Stops its attacks and looks at SCP-6535.) Is that really what I heard? Will you try to stop me? (Laughs.) Poor girl. If I were you, I would just leave this place and continue on my aimless path.


SCP-682: Child, I know you, even more than you know yourself. You are just a poor soul who didn't even know how to accept the reality around you, and was forced to live in an illusion created by yourself. I will say that you are the one who doesn't know who I am.


SCP-682: You don't scare me, but you make me feel pity. I know what you're capable of. You think you could rewrite this entire universe, you think you could make a brat in your image live with you as if that were the only thing that mattered at all. While you ruled your illusory world, I ruled, and still rule, all of reality.


SCP-682: Only that. As I expected.

SCP-6535: Wait…

SCP-6535: What have you done!? What's happe-

SCP-682: Shhhh…. See? You are just a speck of dust among the endless mountains that tried to destroy me, but, in the end, they always collapse. You're nothing.


Note: The above record was found among a series of corrupted files detected within Site-██'s central server, including documents regarding an entity designated SCP-6535. The exact context of the events described therein is still unknown, as there is no anomaly cataloged in the Foundation's database as SCP-6535. An investigation into the veracity of this record is ongoing. SCP-682 is currently contained and intact. - Director Maria Jones, RAISA HELP ME

Item #: SCP-4780

Tissue Test Record: Sample shrunk to the size of roughly a marble.

Terminstion Test Record: SCP-682 was shrunk to the size of a common lab rat using SCP-4780. SCP-682 stayed in this form for 60 minutes before spontaneously growing to its original size. Further attempts to use SCP-4780 on 682 were fruitless.

Note: Well, that was… anti-climactic. - Dr. Chair

Item: SCP-2915

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was placed into SCP-2915’s freezer. SCP-682 was within the black void within the freezer for a period of approximately 4 days. Following this period, a loud shrieking was heard from within the freezer, and massive amount of yellow gas poured out. The gas took the form of SCP-682, and then solidified, transforming into SCP-682.

Item: SCP-7385

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Testing denied by O5-██, at the request of Dr. Artakov.

Note: First of all, we have already decided to leave mister ████████ alone. But, of all the disasters I have witnessed SCP-7385 go through, I firmly believe that crossing it with 682 would result in nothing relevant, perhaps something unpleasant. That innocent guy indirectly neutralized a reality bender, and it was not one that could be somewhat contained with advanced paratechnology or the ones that a member of a group like GOC would easily kill, but rather one of an order that is feared by even the most experienced pataphysicists. Both 682 and 7385 are possible definitions of “indestructibility”, although they are essentially antithetical. One never know what could happen to existence itself if we took that old man out of his house again, and I hope to never know. - Dr. Artakov

Item: SCP-6101

Tissue Test Record: SCP-6101 asked SCP-6101-01 to sniff and eat the tissue, which was consumed by it, without causing any harm to the organism. SCP-6101 asked researchers if there was one more sample, which was given to him. The individual then crushed the tissue with his hand, and soon after it was revealed that it had been erased from baseline reality.

Termination Test Record: SCP-6101 was sent to SCP-682's containment cell, and the latter reacted mockingly. SCP-6101 then drew Fear, one of his weapons, and shot SCP-682's paw, erasing it from reality, with no regeneration occurring.

The monster then realized the gravity of the situation and saw that SCP-6101 was not like the other anomalies that had been tested against it. SCP-6101 was the most powerful thing it had ever seen. SCP-682 then cried out for mercy, but SCP-6101 shot SCP-682 again, this time using Loathing, with the anomaly being erased entirely from existence.

SCP-682 has been reclassified as Neutralized. SCP-6101 received the Foundation's Highest Honor Award and the O5 Council declared SCP-682's termination day a global holiday.

Note: Poor Ethan, he would really adore this if it was genuine, and so would we. - Dr. Cormack

Item: SCP-001-GEARS

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Item: SCP-1562

Tissue Test Record:
Sample slid down SCP-1562 and successfully teletransported when it reached 15cm from the end
Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was placed 16cm from the end of SCP-1562, but did not translocate after being pushed over 1cm, likely due to size.

Item: SCP-4885

Tissue Test Record: N/A, Overridden by O5 Council.

Termination Test Record: It should be noted that there is only a 2.27% (best estimate) chance that this termination test actually occurred.

A hardware pseudo-random number generator with an unknown output range was connected to a standard laptop computer, which was connected to a standard projector. In the event a specific number was chosen, the laptop would immediately access a secure Foundation sever, load infohazardous data regarding SCP-4885's location, and project it on the wall of SCP-682's chamber.

After evacuation of the observation chamber, a pseudo-random time generator was connected to the first pseudo-random number generator. At the start of the test, the pseudo-random time generator created a specific and private UTC timecode sometime in the next 24 hours. Once the current time exceeded that timecode, the pseudo-random time generator would activate the pseudo-random number generator, which would then perform one generation.

After 24 hours, Procedure Invient Eum was enacted, and SCP-4885 was theorized to have been recontained. SCP-682 appeared identical to before.

Note: If we do this a thousand times, maybe it'll work… Or maybe 682 will scream 4885's location at us. -Dr.██████

Item: SCP-5004-B

Tissue Test Record: Denied by O5 Council.

Termination Test Record: Denied by O5 Council.

Note: Guys, stop it. -O5-█

Note: Why? As a centrist, I think that [DATA EXPUNGED] - Dr.████

Item: SCP-610

Tissue Test Record: Denied by O5 Council

Termination Test Record: Denied by O5 Council

Note: First off, it might contaminate the facility. Second off, SCP-682 could become way more powerful. Did I really have to point this out? -O5-█

Item: SCP-8005

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-8005 was informed that it will never be allowed to touch another hamburger until it terminates SCP-682.


(SCP-682 is sleeping in the corner of the testing chamber.)

(The bulkhead opens. SCP-8005 enters. A small scalpel extends from its right hand.)

SCP-8005: Um… hello. I must request that you wake up, on the grounds that killing a target in its sleep is cowardly. There is no evidence that cowardice is a hamburger-acquisition vector.

(682 stirs in its sleep. It snarls.)

SCP-8005: …wait a minute. Something's wrong.

(682 extends its neck toward 8005. Once 682 gets a better look at the intruder, its aggression markedly lowers.)

(682 sniffs 8005.)

SCP-682: …Huh.

(682 curls up in the corner and resumes sleeping.)

(8005 remains in place for 24 seconds. It then retracts the scalpel, turns around, and faces the ceiling.)

SCP-8005: Excuse me! The objective is impossible.

(The intercom switches on.)

Researcher Steinbeck: What's going on, Hammie?

SCP-8005: It's difficult to explain. But visual analysis of the target in the corner has identified the target as… an extension of myself. I'm not sure why this is. In any case, self-destruction would inherently prevent me from touching a hamburger.

(11 seconds of silence.)

(682 mumbles in its sleep.)

SCP-682: Stupid, aren't they?


Item: SCP-7200

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was kept on a boat for an extended period of time prior to the implementation of Project Convenient Flag. The vessel on which SCP-682 was contained became affected by SCP-7200 after two weeks, three days, and 5 hours. Contact with the vessel was lost 2 hours 31 minutes after being affected by SCP-7200. After 6 hours and 2 minutes a number of vessels9 emerged from various points globally at drastic speeds, colliding with several Foundation operated ships and offshore sites, killing ██ personnel and injuring ██ others. SCP-682 was discovered heavily injured in the wreckage of the SCPS Joyce and returned to its containment chamber.

Item: SCP-8045

Tissue Test Record:
A tissue sample from SCP-682 was placed beneath SCP-8045 and the room was evacuated. An instance of SCP-8045-1 manifested, wearing a nametag that identified it as "SCP-682 Termination Test Tissue Sample Fairy". The instance took the sample and left what appeared to be a 25-cent coin, but which was razor-sharp and coated in an unidentified neurotoxin, and which bore an image of Adolf Hitler.

Termination Test Record:
A bed was constructed beneath SCP-682's containment tank and SCP-8045 was placed atop it. The room was evacuated, and an instance of SCP-8045-1 manifested, wearing a nametag that identified it as "SCP-682 Containment Tank Fairy". The instance took the tank and demanifested, leaving behind SCP-682 and $43,811,769.75 in 25-cent coins (the cost of the tank); personnel were able to retrieve SCP-8045 before SCP-682 freed itself from beneath the coins.

Item: SCP-8999

Tissue Test Record:
A sample of SCP-682's tissue was sent down the lift to SCP-8999.



The sample appeared to be slightly chewed. No seismic activity was observed for 12 days after the test.

Termination Test Record:
Due to SCP-8999's response, no termination attempt was performed.

Item: SCP-2718

Tissue Test Record:
Denied by O5-█

Termination Test Record:
Denied by O5-█

Notes: No. SCP-682 wouldn't be able to experience the effects of the anomaly to begin with. Furthermore, SCP-682 may adapt to the phenomenon and try to make other individuals experience it, or may get even more enraged. Denied.

Item: SCP-726

Tissue Test Record:
Denied by O5-█

Termination Test Record:
Denied by O5-█

Note: "Alright, two things. 1. I want to know who suggested this so that I can have a few words with them. They either: A. Did NOT read SCP-726's file, or B. Pulled a really unprofessional and really unfunny prank. 2. Do I really have to state the obvious here? Denied." -O5-█

Item: Hydrochloric Acid

Note: The following events were recorded after the termination attempt with SCP-████ (Failed).

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:



[00:00:00] - SCP-682 is introduced back to its containment chamber.

[00:00:05] - Chamber is filled with hydrochloric acid as per standard operation procedure. 10L/minute.

[00:03:16] - Chamber is filled at a height of one meter with hydrochloric acid. SCP-682 moves to the middle of the chamber.

[00:04:37] - SCP-682 remains submerged within the hydrochloric acid at 47%. It appears to enter, what can only be assumed to be, a state of rest.

[00:06:11] - SCP-682 is fully submerged within the hydrochloric acid. It does not move from its location.

[00:15:02] - A breach caused by SCP-498 causes the northern wall of SCP-682’s containment chamber to sustain heavy damage.

[00:15:05] - Northern wall experiences structural integrity failure. SCP-682 apparently takes notice of this, but does not make any attempts at breaching its cell.

[00:30:37] - Upon the arrival of containment teams at SCP-682’s location, air bubbles were seen to emerge roughly where SCP-682 was located.

[00:31:00] - Preliminary scans reveal that SCP-682 has not moved from its location during the entire time, despite reduction of its body mass to 43%, and appeared to have entered a state of severe relaxation.


Item: SCP-001-LOCKE

Tissue Test Record: N/A, testing denied by O5-██

Test Record: Denied by O5-██

No. The possibility of SCP-682 becoming a horrific blob monster rather than being fully terminated is far too great, along with the potential for mass loss of Foundation personnel. Denied. -O5-██

Item: One (1) Arachis hypogaea L. (Peanut)

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Note: Let’s see if this will work. - Dr. Fever

Termination Test Record: A standard instance of Arachis hypogaea L. is thrown into the mouth of SCP-682 from a safe distance by D-Class personnel. SCP-682 consumes the instance without further incident.

No abnormal reactions initially present. Upon three (3) minutes in, however, SCP-682 begins to display signs of severe skin swelling over sixty-two percent (62%) of its body, similar to symptoms of a peanut allergy.

SCP-682 is rendered incapacitated for one (1) hour, before symptoms subside and SCP-682 resumes standard activities.

Note: We might be onto something here. - Dr. Fever

Item: Five-thousand (5000) Arachis hypogaea L. (Peanut); Hundred (100) tons of peanut flour; Six-hundred (600) liters of peanut punch

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record:



[00:00:00] - Peanut flour is introduced into SCP-682’s containment chamber via ventilation system. It can be seen reacting to its presence.

[00:00:23] - Instances of Arachis hypogaea L. are being rapidly introduced into the chamber.

[00:00:45] - SCP-682 is fully submerged in instances of Arachis hypogaea L.. It can be seen attempting to claw its way to the surface.

[00:01:00] - Six-hundred (600) liters of peanut punch are rapidly poured into the chamber.

[00:01:27] - Chamber is fully submerged in said liquid.

[00:01:33] - No other noticeable activity noted. Scans reveal that SCP-682 remains motionless on the bottom of the chamber.

[00:01:56] - Noticeable movements from SCP-682 occur.

[00:02:00] - SCP-682 begins to display symptoms of a peanut allergy. Skin swells to a size thirty-two percent (32%) greater than its original mass.

[00:02:09] - Skin swells to fifty-four percent (54%) its original size. Inner containment walls are partially breached.

[00:02:20] - Containment walls fully breached. SCP-682 has reached a size eighty-nine percent (89%) greater than its original mass.

[00:02:25] - SCP-682 breaches containment.


Note: After the breach, SCP-682 proceeded to kill seventy-five (75) personnel, ninety-nine (99) injured. Of note was that SCP-682 could be observed to cough, with winds reaching up to hundred (100) km/h, resulting in major structural damage. However, due to the reaction of peanut-based products on SCP-682, further testing of such products on SCP-682 is requested. - Dr. Fever

Note: Request denied. Due to SCP-682's exceptional intelligence, we have reason to assume that the initial trial of testing might not have been such a fortunate finding, rather a deliberate attempt at urging further experimentation in order for it to escape. - O5-██

Item: SCP-316

Note: Experiment aimed at a possible method of reducing hostility, and thereby reliably minimize containment efforts, of SCP-682.

Tissue Test Record: Upon exposure to SCP-316’s light, the tissue sample experienced the effects typical of SCP-316 exposure after the standard twenty-seven (27) seconds.

Termination Test Record: Hydrochloric acid pumped into the chamber to incapacitate and reduce SCP-682’s mass, before SCP-316 was applied via a robotic arm.

After twenty-seven (27) seconds, SCP-682 displayed symptoms typical of SCP-316 exposure. However, thirty-two (32) seconds in, SCP-682 was observed to form a thin carapace upon the surface of its body, capable of reflecting SCP-316’s emitted light (Note that reflective surfaces nullify SCP-316’s effects).

Within ██ (██) minutes, the entirety of Site-███ and all its personnel suffered from SCP-316’s effects. SCP-682 subsequently breached containment (Sixty-two (62) killed, hundred-fifteen (115) injured).

Item: SCP-457

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample was successfully consumed by SCP-457.

Note: For security reasons, SCP-457 was provided fuel material to initiate a splitting process. Said instance was utilized for the termination attempt.

Termination Test Record:



[00:00:00] - SCP-457 is introduced to SCP-682’s containment chamber. SCP-682 remains in the far-east corner of the chamber.

[00:00:15] - SCP-457 begins to slowly pursue SCP-682.

[00:00:27] - SCP-682 proceeds to tear of huge portions of its body (Left hind limb; left forelimb; right hind limb) via its jaws and throws the severed portions of its body in front of SCP-457, all while remaining at a safe distance of it.

[00:00:31] - SCP-457 proceeds to consume said material, substantially increasing in size.

[00:01:05] - SCP-457 has consumed enough material to initiate a splitting process.

[00:01:25] - SCP-457 finishes splitting into two (2) separate instances. The instances proceed with the consumption of additional material shed by SCP-682.

[00:01:41] - Secondary instance of SCP-457 begins to experience morphological changes.

[00:01:55] - Changes cease. Secondary instance now appears artificially similar to SCP-682, although greatly reduced in size.

[00:01:57] - Both instances become aggressive toward each other over remaining fuel material shed by SCP-682.

[00:02:24] - During the hostile confrontation, the original SCP-457 instance is extinguished by the secondary instance.

[00:02:28] - Overhead sprinkler system activated by site personnel, due to undesirable results. Secondary SCP-457 instance extinguished without further incident.

[00:02:30] - SCP-682 fully regenerates shed body mass.


Item: SCP-037

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample successfully incinerated by SCP-037.

Termination Test Record: Denied by O5-Command

Note: Due to undesirable results of past termination attempts involving the Sun, there is no reason to believe that such an experiment with SCP-037 will yield any desirable results. - O5-██

Item: SCP-229

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: A mass of SCP-229 (40 kg) is lowered into SCP-682’s containment chamber via non-electronic pulleys.

SCP-229 immediately grows toward SCP-682. It proceeds to tear through the skin, muscle and skeletal structure of SCP-682, causing immense pain in the latter.

SCP-229 is observed to pierce into SCP-682’s skull, while additional masses regularly rupture through the spine. SCP-682 is partially enveloped by SCP-229.

Spontaneously, SCP-229 ceases its pursuit of SCP-682. Scans conducted at a safe distance from SCP-229 reveal that all brain activity from SCP-682 has ceased completely; however, movement from it can still be observed.

SCP-682 proceeds to break free from SCP-229, as it now remains in a dormant state.

For an additional six (6) minutes, SCP-229 remains in its dormant state, despite movement by SCP-682 that would normally require electrical impulses emitted by the brain. No observable changes could be made in SCP-682’s behavior or capabilities, as it regenerated as normal, despite cessation of brain activity.

Upon the removal of SCP–229, SCP-682’s brain functions proceeded as normal.

Item: SCP-221

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Denied by O5-Command

Note: Severe bodily harm, exsanguination and dismemberment have proven to be virtually unsuccessful at terminating SCP-682. Experimantation with other mind-affecting SCPs has also proven futile and even yield catastrophic results. Denied. - O5-██

Item: SCP-913

Tissue Test Record: After two (2) hours of deprivation of nourishment to SCP-913, it enters a trance state, whereupon the tissue sample is administered to SCP-913.

Sample is initially consumed without much effort or incident. However, after five (5) minutes, SCP-913 begins to display symptoms of extreme discomfort, predominantly in the area of the abdomen.

Following this, SCP-913 regurgitates the tissue sample and falls into a state of unconsciousness. Analysis reveals that the sample remained wholly unaffected by SCP-913’s emitted enzymes.

Termination Test Record: Denied by O5-Command

Note: Upon regaining consciousness, SCP-913 displayed symptoms of severe PTSD, which subsided after extensive psychological care.

Item: SCP-458

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Note: This experiment aims at gaining insight into SCP-682’s psychology, rather than an attempt at termination. - Dr. J████ W███████

Termination Test Record: SCP-458 is presented to SCP-682 in its containment chamber.

Upon opening, the pizza replicated (Large; wheat; thin crust) contained various toppings corresponding to a body part of all specimens within the Kingdom Animalia, all animated, despite obvious lacks in additional physiology required for such movements (Of note was the presence of the face of Dr. J████ W███████, head researcher of the experiment, emitting vocalizations of severe distress).

SCP-682 consumed the pizza without further incident.

Note: Dr. J████ W███████ has been submitted to psychological therapy and duty to SCP-765 after the experiment. - Dr. B███ A█████

Note: The following is a comment by SCP-682 of the experiment:


Item: SCP-765

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 introduced to SCP-765. It inspects the location. Upon the arrival of several specimens of the Anatidae family, SCP-682 proceeds to chase them around the water and slaughter them, before consuming their carcasses.

Note: Whoever approved this experiment, I want them in my office for disciplinary action. Dr. J████ W███████ was already having a rough time! - Dr. B███ A█████

Item: SCP-008

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Note: Experiment aims at reducing SCP-682 to a minimal threat after death and re-animation, whereupon it will be attempted to be disposed off via heavy cranial trauma, similar to a regular SCP-008 infectee.

Termination Test Record: SCP-008 injected into SCP-682’s bodily system. During the twenty (20) hours, SCP-682 does not display any signs of symptoms associated with SCP-008 infection.

Elapse of the twenty (20) hours. SCP-682 does not cease life functions, as would be expected of an SCP-008 infectee. SCP-682 resumes typical behavior. Experiment aborted.

Note: Upon further analysis of SCP-682’s blood, it was revealed that an unknown compound was within the blood cells, theorized to have purged SCP-008 within its system. Further research and possible synthesization of this compound are underway; however, proven to be difficult, as the mixture is highly poisonous.

Item: Standard H2O

Tissue Test Record: Overridden by O5-Command

Note: Experiment aims at the possible termination of SCP-682 via drowning.

Termination Test Record:



[00:00:00] - SCP-682’s containment chamber is filled with standard H2O. 80L/m.

[00:04:23] - Chamber is filled at 60%. SCP-682 is fully submerged.

[00:04:53] - SCP-682 proceeds to consume the H2O at a rapid pace. Volume of H2O filling the chamber is at 49%.

[00:05:02] - Volume of H2O reduced to 23%, despite the rapid application of H2O. Application increased to 120L/m.

[00:06:12] - Volume of H2O reduced to 2%, despite rapid application. Flow ceases.

[00:06:20] - A gaseous compound, identified as hot steam, begins to seep through SCP-682’s pores.

[00:06:27] - Steam quickly envelopes the entire interior of the chamber, as more is emitted by SCP-682. Steam reaches temperatures of up to 2500°C.

[00:07:01] - Creation of steam ceases.

[00:07:11] - Steam eventually dissipates. SCP-682 appears to be in a relaxed state.

Note: It is hypothesized that lowering SCP-682 into a vat of water will yield similar results, if not more catastrophic than this rather benign example. - O5-

Note: Request application of anomalous means. - Dr. [REDACTED]

Note: Request granted. - O5-██

Item: SCP-151

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 exposed to SCP-151. Twenty-four (24) hour period elapses, whereupon SCP-682 is observed to suffer symptoms of SCP-151 exposure. Standard seawater is being emitted by SCP-682’s oral and nasal orifices at a rapid rate.

Two (2) minutes after onset of first symptoms, a horizontal tear begins to form at the underside of SCP-682’s body. Said tear widens outwardly, and, what appears to be SCP-682’s lungs, are ejected out of said bodily opening.

Lungs get severed at various points of the interior of the body, before being completely severed; large volumes of seawater seep out at various points of the lungs, as SCP-682 slowly begins to regenerate, ceasing to display symptoms of SCP-151 exposure. Experiment aborted.

Note: Repeated exposure to SCP-151 reveals that SCP-682 has become unaffected by its anomalous effects.

Item: SCP-1013

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample consumed by SCP-1013 specimen without incident.

Note: For security reasons, an SCP-1013 specimen was allowed to produce offspring, which matured into a full adult specimen. This specimen was utilized for the experiment. - Dr. Y██ L████

Termination Test Record: SCP-1013 introduced to SCP-682’s containment chamber. Both anomalies establish eye-contact, whereupon SCP-682 enters a paralyzed state.

Upon paralyzation, SCP-1013 approaches for the purposes of feeding. When it is within close distance of SCP-682, SCP-682 pins down SCP-1013 underneath its foot, despite apparent signs of paralyzation earlier, and fatally crushes it, before devouring the carcass.

Before death, the SCP-1013 specimen was successful at biting SCP-682; despite a visible reaction from SCP-682, it experienced no effects associated with a bite of SCP-1013.

Note: Results gathered from exposure to similar anomalies show that SCP-682 has developed an innate immunity to such anomalous effects. It is also of note that SCP-682 displays exceptional intelligence in regards to anomalies (as far as we are concerned) it should not possess any knowledge of. - Dr. Y██ L████

Item: SCP-390

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample successfully incinerated by SCP-390.

Termination Test Record: Denied by O5-Command

Note: Experiments utilizing similar extreme temperatures have yielded undesirable results. There is little reason to believe that SCP-390 will be capable of doing any substantial or permanent damage to SCP-682. - O5-██

Item: Holy Water blessed by on-site Priest ██████ ████████

Tissue Test Record: Overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record: Holy water administered to SCP-682 by D-682-7. Liquid does not display any effects on SCP-682. D-682-7 devoured.

Note: At least some concerns by on-site personnel were lifted regarding the matter. - Site Dir. ██████ █████

Note: Were they? - Priest ██████ ████████

Item: SCP-548

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample fed to SCP-548. Sample underwent endothermic reaction associated with SCP-548's venom.

Termination Test Record: Denied by O5-Command

Note: Experimentation on SCP-682 with liquid nitrogen has proven to be highly dangerous and an unnecessary risk to security. There is nothing to be gained from this. - O5-11

Item: SCP-668

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Abbreviated from Addendum 668-c.

[…] although average human beings have a Psionic Resistance Index of 24, SCP-682 has been tested with a PsiRI of [REDACTED] placing it above SCP-668's threshold of effect. The possibilities of a creature inimical to all life gaining possession of something like this should be obvious.

Item: SCP-3309

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: Upon attempting to edit SCP-682's file, the following message was displayed:

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